The hammer and the sickle! Please vote!

Lenin executed by district quotas, and instigated the “red terror”.
Kruschev & later dictators kept the gulag going, but not to the same degree. Dissenters were still being exiled until the fall of the soviet bloc.

Stalin was by far the worst, but the others were no pussycats either.

He is wrong Erwin. With exception of disidents.

He is wrong Erwin. With exception of disidents.[/quote]
Dani,everybody couldn`t be an ass.

you lived on it,but in Romania,the communism tried to kill romania,in russia,the things were a bit better when communism (REALLY!,the first time i see it works before china :shock: )

i know you hate it,me too,but i don`t think every communist is a killer,¡/ass/or something like that.

I don’t hate it. It is an obsolete “way of life” for me.
Not all inhabitants of a country with communism regime are communists. I am speaking of communists in the unique Communist Party.
For instance, in Romania, in 1989 on 23 millions, we had 3.5 millions party members (according to propaganda). It was this huge number because if you should want to live a more “decent” life, you should join the Party.
Higher level in the party made the decisions.
Lower level in the party wanted a “good” life (in Communism :smiley: ).
So, the conclusion is simple: all communists (to be read: in the Party) were an asses.

there weren`t some communist in the party that believed it as a better way of life?,and i guess those who joined did that because they wanted a better future,specially in a country like russia that had poor people.

Better life speaking of the benefits of being party member…

e.g. more money, better apartments, access to special shops selling goods not available to non-party members, better working conditions, power & authority, etc etc etc.

Post deleted by Dani.
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Second edit made by Dani: T-34s_Are_Cool, So I see that you are coming back with insults. This is the last INFORMAL warning to you. For any complaints USE YOUR PM (PM to me, SAM or the admin).

Maybe T-34s_Are_Cool doesn’t check his posts, therefore I write again:

Keep going on this way and you’ll receive another warning.
T-34s_Are_Cool, So I see that you are coming back with insults. This is the last INFORMAL warning to you. For any complaints USE YOUR PM (PM to me, SAM or the admin).

Does anyone think that Communism will ever rise up again in Russia or newly in another democratic / capitalist society country?

I think most likely the USA would prevent any country from converting to communist, or threat.

What year did Cuba and north korea become Communist ?

Err, no, it’s a failed and discredited political and economic system based on false premises.

As for Cuba and North Korea, Cuba - 1959 revolution (not initially communist), NK 1948.

Err, no, it’s a failed and discredited political and economic system based on false premises.

As for Cuba and North Korea, Cuba - 1959 revolution (not initially communist), NK 1948.[/quote]

North Korea was provoked by the Soviets northly to convert to what they called “wonderful and peace” world of the communist society 1948 right, so what eventually changed the Cubans from 1959 onwards to be communist?, was it the Soviets or the Chinese intentually?

Err, no, it’s a failed and discredited political and economic system based on false premises.

As for Cuba and North Korea, Cuba - 1959 revolution (not initially communist), NK 1948.[/quote]

North Korea was provoked by the Soviets northly to convert to what they called “wonderful and peace” world of the communist society 1948 right, so what eventually changed the Cubans from 1959 onwards to be communist?, was it the Soviets or the Chinese intentually?[/quote]

Read up on the Cuban Revolution (wikipedia for a start). That will tell you all you need to know. (basically revolution ousted Batista, a few years later, castro declared that the revolution was socialist, a few years after that he declared it communist).

Basically, around that time if your government came out as communist, the russkies would shower you with money, military equipment, and advisors as well as an off-the-shelf system of internal repression.

Cuba is not a country im terribly familiar with, i know alot about it from the Cold War and the Cuban missile crisis, but before the 1960’s it seemed pretty insignificant to the World, they are still communist today, who is there leader today just out of curiosity, i know it’s not Castro.

by the Way, i know they use the Communist Star but do they use the Hammer and Sickle aswell, i dont think so?

Then you don’t know, cos it is Castro - like most Communist leaders he is Presidente for Life.

Is Castro still the leader? How old is is now ?


Very. But not old enough to stop imprisoning journalists and teachers for not toeing the party line.

Do you think when he comes out of office and not a leader anymore, there will be a fall in communism or such, or maybe he will be replaced with a trusting socialist member that castro knows.

If there is no obvious “heir”, then it will fall quickly - infighting, and demands of free & fair elections. If it proves to be dynastic communism (like North Korea), it may fall a little slower, as demands for elections will probably be quashed.