The Haunebu... real or a modeler's fantasy...

Unfortunately, the former astronaut is part of the continuing alien cover story. As someone who has studied this subject for many years, the Americans have two distinct explanations for UFOs: they don’t exist or they are from outer space. In 1969, the Condon Report was published in book form, which I own. The explanation? They don’t exist. Project Blue Book was closed.

A gentlemen who worked for NASA, and who observed UFOs, studied them. He was not allowed to discuss his studies openly. After his death, his book, Unconventional Flying Objects, was published. In it, Paul Hill shows that our current ideas about faster than light travel are incorrect. He is eminently qualified to discuss this subject. He also shows his connection with work done at the A.V. Roe company in Canada on building a disc aircraft for the US Air Force, which was done (he claims it was not).

Both the British and Americans have still secret files on the Phoo Bombs. There are interrogation reports published by the British Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee and the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee that give enough information to show that research work was captured. But there are still reports filed by various branches of American intelligence that are missing or still classified.

Wait Aliens are not real???

Ball lighening cant realy explain the foos in the humid pacific theatre

I´m not sure that the air at cruising altitude in the Pacific would be more humid than anywhere else. (The RAAF had propeller pitch problems with their Spitfire V´s operating from New Guinea, due to COLDER air temperatures at altitude, than encountered over Europe. Very cold air is normally dry).

The purposes for Foo´s mentioned by Marcin doesn´t make much sense to me, since they´re militarily next to useless.
If the Germans invented something that could intercept aircraft at altitude on it´s own, they would have fitted to something that could do some damage to whatever it intercepted, instead something that would follow for some time before disappearing in the blue air.

Did germans encounter foo fighters?

You apparently did not review my previous posts. American Intelligence referred to the Phoo Bombs as a ramming weapon but felt that the number being sent up were not enough to cause any significant damage. The Germans believed the war was going to continue beyond 1945 and these weapons were in the early test phase. German pilots did see them but they were not directed at them. They were very secret.

the picture of this alien, I saw B&W footage of it being rushed into one of the hangars in area 51 with a bunch of surgeons. The hangar had a huge sliding door that closed when they got inside and 2 MPs were guarding the hangar. So definetly aliens exist! I my self have seen saucershaped aircraft.

youtube vids are not nececary true…

i saw the footage from a History Channel Documentary on UFOs.

nor is TV…

i recorded the documentary, if u want i can try and uploaded it on youtube. It shows account witness stories and footage of mutilated cows. The cows can’t be fake as this has been happening around the world.