The Haunebu... real or a modeler's fantasy...

You should read his book before commenting on his work:ät-Flugscheiben-Andreas-Epp/dp/3895396052

You may also wish to review Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee report 146, Dr. Georg Otto Erb

I thought the foo fighters were nazi craft, reconaissance kind. I also believed after the war the US took all the Nazi technology home and probably made and make thier own improved variants of it.

I personaly think that the foo fighters were Flak tracers and/or flares (each flak division had its own color). But that doesnt explain foo fighters in the pacific.

Well, do flak tracers move about and around escorting b-17s and b-24s. There is video evidence of the foo fighters both in Europe and Pacific theater.

they look like flares to me:D but anything is possible.
they could be shooting stars, etc. but some of them you just cant explain away.

Foo Fighters:

This has been suggested, and seems more reasonable than most other proposals (the FF´s seem too small to be man made flying objects with the reported flight characteristics) :

Ball lightnings, resulting from static electricity (lots of propellers thrashing around in very dry air), just as with ball lightnigs at ground level.

Marcin: I can comment on A. Epp´s book because I´ve read comments to it from people interested in the stuff. The result was what I wrote. It would only be wrong of me if I said I had read the book when I haven´t.

Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee report 146, Dr. Georg Otto Erb

This is something I can´t find; if it´s short enough, post it here.

i have read an account witness story where it was literally a shining ball that the crew of a British bomber let it get inside, and they had a hell of time getting it out. This what i was thinking of after i read it

Ball lighening cant realy explain the foos in the humid pacific theatre

American Intelligence acknowledged the existence of the foo fighters, but their intelligence department renamed them PHOO BOMBS. This technology was transferred to the Japanese by submarine, along with other technology.

You cant realy believe hat website… They imply that Germany got engines for an Alien UFO. And that they were Jumo004s. Hmm… that sounds crazy to me. no ecords I know show the transfer of foos to JPN. And the japanse thought it was an Ammie weapon.

False. True research involves looking for information. Pick up the book Yanagi by Mark Felton. There were no aliens involved. Patents are on file about some of these craft. Vehicles that have been denied even existing according to the Americans.

no. I man that that website implied aliens in a “operation Highjump” site.

They are no aliens. This is simply the cover story. Disc aircraft are made on earth.

yes. there are no aliens. but the the guy who does Greyfalcon website does believe in aliens.

What was/is the supposed purpose of the Foo´s???

Haven´t heard of any plausible use for them, or anybody ever taking any credit for a part of their coming into existence.

Most stories about them I´ve read ends with the Foo. “disappearing” or “going out”, without having performed any meaningful act that could indicate an intention of creating a “craft” with an operational usefulness on behalf of a speculative constructor.

Three purposes have been reported:

To create electrical interference in on-board instruments, particularly with radar.

Tests for ramming and for harassment. They unnerved gunners.

Because they emitted light, to assist the ground flak in finding their targets. This was suggested by an American bomber pilot after an encounter.

American intelligence recognized them as a German device, but since it was secret, even German pilots were not made aware of its purpose. It appears only the SS working with their own dedicated flak units were permitted to have the device. These devices were reported in American newspapers from the period and credited to the Germans.

Guess this story fits in here:
Either he’s lost it or we have been lied to for decades, both wouldn’t be all too surprising.

There also have been reports of UFOs seen by apollo12 but Its hard to believe aliens could come here seeeing it would take many thousands of years even hen youtravel at the speed of light. And Raidio contact is possible but seeing that it woul take thousands of years, unlikely that the senders will be alive by the time the message is recieved.

That sounds good to me but the problem:
foos have been spotted before 1944
foos appear in the Pacific

and have any German rference about foos have been found? Any captured foos? Any drawings?

Well, just because we cannot engineer an FTL effect, doesn’t mean it’s actually impossible. There are several theories that don’t violate our know physical laws on how this could work. But as far as space travel goes, we’re probably as far away from such a feat as the first guys who used bronze from hypersonic flight.