The 'holocaust',new thread..

Did you know that a newspaper in Iran is running a competition to draw a holocaust cartoon in response to the Mohamed cartoons?


It’s amazing how now people even a big Iranian newspaper will drag up the holocaust just to upset to the Jews.

Amazing, sometimes I wonder about the World!

Irving has recived Three years hopfully he will send this reflecting on his past while being a prison bitch to some large tutonic psycho.

Taking into account his less than appealing physog, I doubt if he’ll find a “friend” inside.
People like him, who abuse their positions as “experts” deserve all they get for their attempts to distort Historical facts :evil:

I am confused, why is he being put in prison? I thought we had freedom of speech in Europe? I know what he said was wrong, but I think it’s like Hitler/Starlin to lock him up because of his opinions, is that not what Hitler and Starlin did to their opposition.

Some countries in Europe are very sensitve about their part in the holocaust and have introduced laws to prevent people like Irving spouting their revisionist tosh. In Austria it is against the law to deny the Holocaust so prehaps Irving should have checked out the relevant laws before opening his trap.

I dont agree with the sentence as it will just make him a martyr to his knuckle dragging supporters, some form of community service along the lines of fluffybunny’s post would have been better.

Do they have this law in Germany too?

Do they have this law in Germany too?[/quote]

By the late 1980s, Irving was barred from entering Austria because of his neo-Nazi ties and hate speech. In the early 1990s, a German court found him guilty of breaking laws forbidding the denial of the Nazi extermination of Jews, and he was subsequently fined and barred from entering Germany. Other governments followed suit. In 1992, he was barred from South Africa and Canada, where he was arrested in November 1992 and deported back to the United Kingdom. In an administrative hearing surrounding those events he was found by the hearing office to have engaged in a “total fabrication” in telling a story of an exit from and return to Canada which would have, for technical reasons, made the original deportation order invalid. He was also barred from entering Australia in 1992, a ban he made four unsuccessful legal attempts to overturn.

Irving had visited New Zealand twice before in the 1980s. His intended 2004 visit was refused on the grounds that he had been convicted of offences by a German court, and that at various times had been deported from, and/or refused entry to, Canada, the United States, Italy, and South Africa. “Mr Irving is not permitted to enter New Zealand under the Immigration Act because people who have been deported from another country are refused entry,” government spokeswoman Katherine O’Sullivan had told The Press earlier. Irving rejected the ban and attempted to board a Qantas flight for New Zealand from Los Angeles on 17 September 2004. He was not allowed on board. “As far as I’m concerned, the legal battle now begins,” he was quoted as saying.

Quoted from (my bold)

I believe Germany and france have similar laws forbidding the denial of the Holocaust.

You may consider this runs counter to a principle of free speech, but most countries in the West certainly have laws forbidding the peddling of racial hatred.

To deny the Holocaust happened is to try to excuse it, and that is the start of a slide that leads back towards the Nazis and their perverted idealogy.

Personally, I’m hoping he gets anally raped on a regular basis in the showers. Perhaps then he might reconsider his theory that a shower block can only ever be for showering in …

Sadly I think he may be put with the very types that believe his drivel.

Fluffy Bunny GB wrote:

Personally, I’m hoping he gets anally raped on a regular basis in the showers. Perhaps then he might reconsider his theory that a shower block can only ever be for showering in …

ala American History X :smiley: