The 'holocaust',new thread..

I’d just like to add ignorant Nazi racist trolling fuckwit.

Had a quick look at (I’ll be needing a shower after it) - some of the topics listed on the front page include ‘IQ differences between the races’ and ‘What is the prority of white supremacy?’, from such users as 88Heydrich88 and Whitepride007.

Death really is too good for some people

Edited to add: For the benefit of non-racist-bastard site users, all of the questions in Blitz’s previous posts have been answered in great detail on this very thread.

My final word on the matter: As well as a holocaust denier, Blitz is also ignorant of basic information on that which he denies. He also peddles malicious lies, whether or not he believes them to be true. There is some irony in someone who routinely exhorts us to read more widely and be more open minded referencing a very narrow range of white supremacist websites to support his viewpoints.

Blitz, I propose you for permanent banning due to your racist url provided.
(Not to mention all other craps written by you). Go back to your sick forum now.

Tried the , I now feel the need to give my eyeballs a good clean.

As to why the deaths of six million Jews is so important? Because of the industrialised nature of the operation, they were not killed by enemy action or by famine or pandemic - in short the normal accidental or neglectfull causes of death in war - they were killed deliberately and methodically because a number of very stupid people took a dislike to one particular group of people.

I’d take issue with the term ‘stupid’. That the people in charge - those that knew exactly what was happening - were able to organise the holocaust successfully demonstrates intelligence. There was great logistical skill employed to achieve mass murder; skill that took intelligence and rational thought. The frightening combination is that although they were clearly intelligent, they were entirely devoid of morality. Many massacres - as an example, the pogroms of late 19th / early 20th century Tsarist Russia - can be attributed to whipping stupid or poorly educated people into a frenzy. The organisers of the holocaust had a high standard of education and were fully aware not only of what they were doing, but went to great pains to achieve it. That intelligent people can be so immoral is worrying, but it is instructive to bear this in mind when considering such people as the Iranian President.

That has some forum, one of the guys avatar is a burning cross for fecks sake!

I am considering joining with the Jesse Owens avtar and calling myself Jazzy-F.

Posts like we brothers should stick together and Yo homeys etc.

By the standards of their conversations there though, I dont think anyone would notice!

I even had to switch my parental control off to access it. I will end with the unbelievity of this:

I wont post the link, but its title is ‘White Aryan Baby Drive’

Everyone knows me here and Im not one for insults, but blitz -please Fuck Off and leave decent people from around the world to get along with each other and have reasonable discussions about ww2 you arse!

Blitz, I suggest you read something other than white supremacist/holocaust denial sites when claiming that people weren’t gassed. I suggest in particular Commandant of Auschwitz by Rudolf Hoess, ISBN 1 84212 024 7. This was written when he was awaiting execution to try and justify the mass murders carried out under his command. It is a very cold and calculating book and is quite chilling to read. As it was written by a white supremacist who firmly believed in the Nazi cause it will no doubt appeal to you.

Blitz, it chills me to the bone to think that such people as you still exist, especially in America one of the most cosmoplitan countries in the world. I only hope that you oneday come to your senses and realise how mistaken you’ve been.

Crab, they were stupid because their insistence on sating their racial predjudices contributed to them losing the war.
How else can you describe idealogues who are prepared to waste the sort of resources they did on the “final solution” while fighting a desperate war on several fronts?
How else can you describe people who deport or execute or otherwise render useless some of the brightest minds in their country because of their race?
How else can you describe people prepared to turn vast numbers of people who initially see them as liberators into desparate enemies because they are Slavs?
How else can you describe a system so convoluted that multiple agencies within the state are working at cross purposes and deliberately encouraged not to co-operate in the middle of a war of national survival?

The fact is that the Nazi were mindbogglingly stupid in many ways, admittedly it was not the normal run-of-the-mill incompetance, but like all good haters they let their pathetic dislikes blind them.

I spent my day at a case conference sharing my report with the other members of the team and going at it hammer and tongs for ten hours over the recommendation for either hard time of prolonged psychiatric care for the DPP, we decamped to our favorite post conference watering hole, which is a spit and sawdust pub in Liverpool city centre (for BDL’s benefit that would be the Swan in Wood Street) As I stood at the bar trying to catch the eye of the tattooed and pierced goth hottie barmaid I looked at our table. Two Muslims, one British one Pakistani (OJ and lomonade) one Indian Hindu(diet coke) one Nigerian christian(RC Beer) three British Christians(2xCofE 1xRC all beer) one British Jew(beer) and one Kiwi(RC beer) I then looked around the bar which was a mixed bag of bikers, punks, goths,students and various bohemion arty types and to be honest we blended well. During the three hours we spent there our only argument was whose football team ( Everton or Liverpool) got the worse kicking, both having been dumped out of the Carling cup ( except for the Kiwi who supports Man U, so we all take the piss). Now hours later( and far more drunk) having looked at the site posted by Blitz I realise just how much I value the diversity of my co-workers and how their regular visits to my home benefit my childrens growth and acceptance of both racial and cultural diversty. If there is a hell I hope it has a special place for the stormfront crew.
I know this may be a bit off topic and rambling but I hope you all get the point,

I’ll concede that point - otherwise intelligent people do do stupid things, and the activities you describe above are most definitely stupid things.

Well put mate, its these people that dont think we can get along that make people NOT get along… Grrrrrrr…

Just been having a flick through the Hoess book again. A few interesting excerpts:

“The two large crematoria, 1 and 2, were built in the winter of 1942-3 and brought into use in the spring of 1943. They had five three-retort ovens and could cremate about 2,000 bodies in less than 24 hours… the two smaller crematoria, 3 and 4, were capable, according to calculations made by the constructional firm of Topf of Erfurt, of burning about 1,500 bodies within 24 hours.” (page 191)

“The highest total of people gassed and cremated within 24 hours was rather more than 9,000. This figure was attained in the summer of 1944, during the action in Hungary, using all the installations except number 3.” (page 192)

“Depending on the size of the bodies, up to 3 corpses could be put into one oven retort at the same time. The time required for cremation also depended on this, but on average it took 20 minutes.” (page 199)

It also appears that the Germans did attempt to exterminate Jews lying outside their area of control: “Finally there was Spain. Influential circles were approached by German representatives over the question of getting rid of the Jews. But Franco and his followers were against it. Eichmann had little faith in being able to arrange for an extradition.” (page 200)

Hoess’s testimony at Nurenberg / Nuremberg Trial in 1946:

Wannsee protocol:

Nurenberg / Nuremberg Trial:

I would hesitate a guess that like Iron man you felt that military service was not for you. Prehaps you are too busy with your malitia group preparing for the war against ZOG. If you would care to look at the list of the 2000 KIA’s in Iraq you may notice that a significant proportion would’ve not only failed the WASP test but would not have been welcome on yet they not only put their balls on the block but also paid the ultimate price, they are the real American patriots not the likes of you who sit safe behind a computer screen.I could ramble on but rather than that will simply state that you are a complete twat and gobshite.

Well I see Mr Irving will be sweating right now?

Draging people like Irving up before the beak is a waste of time as it only gives him the kudos he seeks from the brain donors that believe that sort of piffle. Far better that he should be compelled to wear an " I am a knob please kick me hard" sign on his back

“Pour encourager les autres” seems like a good enough reason to prosecute this sad excuse for a “historian”.
Bollox to him. :evil:

I now see that Mr Irving has admitted that there was indeed a Holocaust after all. Funny what the threat of a Jail term can bring out in someone.

When I was at school, many many years ago, I was told of a competition that ran in one of the UK newspapers as to what punishment eichmann should receive. I guess this must have been in the 60’s when the Israelis had captured him and were about to put him on trial.

I was told that the suggested punishments ranged from having his teeth pulled out without anastheatic to the death penalty (which is what happened in the end of course).

However, what had stuck in the mind of my English teacher was the suggestion that he should be the tour guide at Yad Vashem or one of the other Holocaust memorials, and have to spend the rest of his life admitting his part to the visitors.

My English teacher was a wise man IMHO to have recalled this, and told us youngsters, because it’s obviously stuck in my mind as well.

I suggest it might not be a bad punishment for Mr Irving instead of jail.