The islam menace.

Is it a large group of towel heads?

Given the number of Muslims on the planet, if it was a large group there wouldn’t be a plane, bus or train left standing on the planet.

And the West didn’t do that to them in Iraq? Twice?

In unprovoked attacks, in the sense that the nations which attacked Iraq hadn’t been attacked by Iraq nor were at any risk of attack by Iraq?

How is it a ‘perverse faith’?

Islam largely accepts the old and new testaments, which are the basis of Judaism (the adherents of which have been persecuted by Christians for millennia) and Christianity (the adherents of various versions of which have been persecuted by the adherents of other versions of Christianity for at least one millennium).

What’s wrong with a martyr having a smile on his dirty face as he performs his act of martyrdom? For example, the Christian martyr Lawrence’s face was black by the time he laughed at his tormentors.

The Prefect of Rome, a greedy pagan, thought the Church had a great fortune hidden away. So he ordered Lawrence to bring the Church’s treasure to him. The Saint said he would, in three days. Then he went through the city and gathered together all the poor and sick people supported by the Church. When he showed them to the Prefect, he said: “This is the Church’s treasure!”

In great anger, the Prefect condemned Lawrence to a slow, cruel death. The Saint was tied on top of an iron grill over a slow fire that roasted his flesh little by little, but Lawrence was burning with so much love of God that he almost did not feel the flames. In fact, God gave him so much strength and joy that he even joked. “Turn me over,” he said to the judge. “I’m done on this side!” And just before he died, he said, “It’s cooked enough now.” Then he prayed that the city of Rome might be converted to Jesus and that the Catholic Faith might spread all over the world.

I think there is.

One point of comparison is that each side had the arrogant belief that the other is sub-human or primitive or naturally violent, when there is plenty of evidence that they both are.

Well leaving aside the specific case of what happened in the Tesco store, because I think we have got about as much out of it as can be got with the limited amount of information that we have about this particular incident. Why, such incidents raise concern, is that there is a growing feeling that Muslims are seeking to impose their religious and cultural practices on the entire British nation. Now, I would argue that it is only a minority of Muslims who are seeking to achieve this but achieving it they are, because they have allied themselves to the turbo capitalist right who see advantages in supporting this in order to curry favour with Arab petrodollar rich oil states and they [ ie such Muslims ] have also allied themselves to the extreme Left who see advancing the Islamization of the UK, as a way to turn British society in to a tribalist warground, so the Left can take power once democracy has collapsed. As for your other comments, I will take it you were refering to the relative minority of Islamofascists, rather than the greater majority of ordinary decent Muslims.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

is that there is a growing feeling that Muslims are seeking to impose their religious and cultural practices on the entire British nation

Not only in the british nation, is in the entire Europe, and is not a feeling, is a fact, the problem for britain is that in there the muslims got the major advances like the special courts and so. Spain in way the of submision too, other was Italy but fortunately in there there is some politicians with balls.

Really sad for a nation wich is so rich in history and culture like England.

Is it a large group of towel heads?


And the West didn’t do that to them in Iraq? Twice?

As far I remember the attack in Iraq was made in the name of political questions and not for religious ones.

How is it a ‘perverse faith’?

I made a mistake, is not perverse, is maniatically perverse.

What’s wrong with a martyr having a smile on his dirty face as he performs his act of martyrdom? For example, the Christian martyr Lawrence’s face was black by the time he laughed at his tormentors.

I was trying to make a racist comment there but seems I failed.

Yeah right. You realise they’re only now being allowed to have what the Jews have had for a century? That really is a great big step towards Dhimmitude!

It is, the right step would have been to dismantle the jewish extrawurst and make them obey the same laws as everyone else. Basically everything in sharia (even the family law parts) violates our grundgesetz, isn’t there something similar in britain?
So many laws hurt my personal feelings (no parking zones for example :D), how are religious feelings anything special?

What’s a jewish extrawurst? As for a constitution the United Kingdom does not have one.

Best and warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Yeah right. You realise they’re only now being allowed to have what the Jews have had for a century? That really is a great big step towards Dhimmitude!

Maybe I have amnesia for the cheap chardonnay but I dont remember the jewish blewing apart british citizens in a terrorist attack or trying to set ablaze half Europe because some cartoons.

My point is that granting special privileges to a minority wich already proven to be dangerous for the national security is not wise, moreover is stupid.

That’s because you’ve got rather a short memory.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Of these, Examples 3 and 4 really stand out - Example 3 because the perpetrators (who murdered a senior British official while WW2 was still raging) were given a state funeral by Israel, and Example 4 which includes an attack on unarmed paratroopers who had previously been involved in liberating concentratino camps - a month before VE day.
Put in order by religion, the ranking of total casualties caused to the United Kingdom by terrorism in the last century is very clear:

  1. Christianity (by a mile)
  2. Judaism
  3. Islam

Not as stupid as being unable to understand the concept that they are merely exercising a right that every individual in the UK has had for more than a century - the right to agree an arbitrator as an alternative to taking a dispute to the courts. This has been pointed out loads of times in this thread, yet still you persist in ignoring the fact that you’re talking tripe.

Well, that is a good example but I was meaning in britain in the last years in UK, no terrorist attacks in asia some 50 years ago.

And maybe yes, maybe is just me, maybe I am stupid, maybe the muslims after are after all simply peace loving gillete hater and bad comic reviewer people.

I sincerely wish that the problem only lays on me or is only my invention, I really do because that kind of people when angry is by far more violent and bloodthirsty than me.

Well Arabs were getting pretty much what they wanted from the British in the last century, so it would hardly make much sense to go around blowing themup.

Well then they will not need Sharia law to be introduced as a parallel legal system as they already have a facility to utilize Sharia. So why are so called Islamic community leaders asking for a parallel legal system under Sharia, is it that they want sharia moved from the sphere of an agreement voluntarily entered in to under the rules of civil arbitration, to its embodyment in the corpus of British criminal law?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Um, actually, there has been study on this, and an example, even allegory, that has emerged is from a town in Morocco. In that town, there is/was a charismatic young Iman that told his young congregation that they were going to fight the American infidel “Crusaders” Iraq as small unit, guerrilla infantry as mujaheddin had done in Afghanistan against the Red Army. When they got there, they were told that they were now “martyrs,” and told they had no choice but to become suicide bombers or be killed in a much more ignominious and painful fashion…

I put little faith in the “psychological” nor “conditioning” arguments. Young people are very pliable and can be intimidated to do some very dark things using common persuasion and cult methods. They are already psychologically conditioned!

I find it fascinating there are very Catholic pharmacists in the US that would never, ever issue birth control to women, but are very much obligated to give Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs…

Well, I guess they’re deprived of the basic knowledge to make good decisions, aren’t they?

And what about the boys? Is it okay for them to date rape drunk Irish lasses or something?

I do not quite understand what you are trying to say there, but from a religious perspective I do not think Catholic pharmacists would have a generalized objection to issuing Viagra for the reason that sex between a man and a woman who are married is permitted by the Catholic religion as long as both partners do not enjoy it, feel guilty about it and engage in it for the purpose of creating children. :smiley:

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Well no they are not, maybe in the 1960s but not today when there are so many sources of information.

In my book, if a girl is drunk and voluntarily has sex with a guy, that does not constitute “date rape”.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

<shrugs> A problem does exist, but it isn’t nearly as bad as it’s cracked up to be. Of the three British muslims I know personally, two are in the Army and the third is gay…

Are you serious? We were busy going around nicking every independent or semi-independent state in the region at the time. The only reason any Arab states ever became independent was that we lacked the cash to hold onto them post-WW2. The overwhelming majority of Arab Nationalist movements grew up during and immediately after WW2, under British occupation.
Incidentally, the UK suffered badly from Arab terrorism postwar (in Aden we practically had to fight our way out of the country, it got so bad), but it wasn’t religiously motivated. The enemy tended to be secular Ba’athists, and indeed the religiously motivated tended to favour us slightly as we trod rather more lightly on their religious sensitivities.

Within limits, yes, and they’ve had it for decades.

Because the very small number who want this (and it is literally a handful with no democratic legitimacy within their community whatsoever - the overwhelming majority including most Imams are strongly against it) are morons and agitating for it to cause trouble.

PDF said the muslims were getting rights the jews had had for a hundret years. That’s the extrawurst (special treatment).
The UK doesn’t have a constitution???

Yes and No :wink:
Britain doesn’t have a written constitution as such, but it has a collection of laws, customs and precedents which form a working constitution.

They’ve had the same rights themselves for the same time (the law itself is completely secular). They’re just finally getting around to using it, as the Jews (and Christians for that matter) were much more organised - and yet suddenly we’re being Dhimmis.
And yes, the UK does have a constitution - but nobody quite knows what it is as it’s never been written down. Which makes it rather flexible, which comes in handy sometimes :smiley: