The islam menace.

I wasn’t equating them.

It was an analogy, as explained in my last post.

If I was equating them, I’d be advocating creating swathes of the planet rendered uninhabitable by nuclear attacks.

Anyway, I don’t know that it’s such a bad idea to equate some elements of crazy Islam with ants worthy of extermination when they take an equally inhumane attitude to the infidels as worthless people they want to wipe out. The only problem I have with striking them as they would strike us is that it would harm many more people who do not support them. Which was not a concern for those bastards on 9/11, in Bali, London, Barcelona, and most of all in Iraq where the bastards exploited the situation created by Prize Idiot Bush Jnr to massacre anyone who didn’t agree with them. Which is their basic, indeed only and ultimate, approach to everyone who isn’t like them, infidel or just a different brand of Islam. Not a bad idea at all to pour a kettle of boiling water down that particular ants’ nest.

You apparently suggest that you might have made an error of judgment in referring to ants and then go on to do more of the same. Go figure?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

You can express yourself very well in English but choose to be obtuse in not understanding it when you wish to be pointlessly provocative.

Go figure?

George Pell used to be the Archbishop in my diocese, assuming I was actually still a practising or even vaguely interested Catholic rather than one who was put off the whole show in childhood by arch-conservative troglodytes like him, among other people and things in the Church.

But he may have a fair point here about accepting expressions of Islamic extremism, although he said this in the context of presenting Christianity as under siege.

I have edited this article to focus on the extremist Islamic aspect. The full article is in the link.

Pell believes West now scared of criticising IslamBarney Zwartz
March 12, 2009 - 10:01PM

The West has become scared to criticise Islam and accepts death threats by Muslim extremists as normal, Cardinal George Pell has suggested in a speech in England.

The outspoken Catholic Archbishop of Sydney said laws intended to promote tolerance were being used to stifle debate, which was “fermenting intolerance under the surface”.

“Many in the West have grown used to practising self-censorship when it comes to Islam, just as we seem to accept that ex-Muslims who criticise Islam and extremism, such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, require round-the-clock police protection,” he said.

“You can be persecuted for hate speech if you discuss violence in Islam, but there is little fear of a hate-speech prosecution for Muslim demonstrators with placards reading ‘Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas’.”

If the Pope pronounced a death sentence on some renegade Catholic or, worse, a non-Catholic who happened to be a Muslim who had offended the Pope or his view of Catholicism, as some Islamic mullahs do on members of their own faith or infidels who offend them, would that be accepted in the West, or by the Islamic community anywhere, as a legitimate?

Yeah, right!

I think we in the West have lost the plot, and risk through our well-intentioned commitment to tolerance being overwhelmed by the forces of intolerance.

Ants have an entirely different social system to humans. Ants have a completely different method of reproduction to humans, Ants are not Muslims and such like and so forth. Call it an analogy if you like, it is such a poor model that it should not be bothered with, when it has the racist connections that it has.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

My choices here are to treat you as:

  1. A troll, or

  2. A fuckwit.

Neither merits a response.

I will take that as a complement

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Thank you.

We are agreed upon that.


Something that completes, makes up a whole, or brings to perfection.

Have you a weblink as to where you extracted that definition from, or did you just make it up yourself or what?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer


The discussion about whether the Holocaust was part of WWII has been moved to

Are we still discussing Islam?

Feel free to bring this thread back on topic, kiwimac! :smiley:

Its called action and reaction, with the reaction exceeding the action in the images you posted.

History is full of these.

Also, the topic is more about Islamists in European and American cities than it is about the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars. There’s separate topics for them.

which is the menace… ?

As I can see that this topic could go off the rails very quickly with posting and counter-posting of emotive pictures to support various positions (as WaSSiLy has done by posting pictures from unrelated events as if they are part of some general cause against Muslims) rather than arguing those positions in more or less rational language, here is a formal moderator’s warning to anyone considering posting such pictures: DON’T!

Depends on the point of view, really. The Muslims, mainly the Turks, are considered to be the menace for a lot of Europeans.

The Europeans and Americans on the other hand would be considered the menace for many Arab Muslims.

The menace is a 1400 year old mooncult invented by a pedophiliac warlord and murderer during epileptic seizures.
It breeds violence and discrimination since its inception, which is evident all over this planet and it makes life hell for everyone else who has to live with a certain amount of the jackasses who believe those mental effluences.

That isn’t the problem at all. The problem lies in the fact that long ago people figured out that they could twist and defile a religion and use it as an excuse to motivate people to go out and acquire money and power for themselves……so in the end the problem is stupidity.

Has any suicide bomber ever stopped to wonder why their leaders are never the ones to make the ‘great sacrifice’? Seems like common logic to me, if blowing yourself up was so great the main people would be doing it instead of gathering money and wealth and sending anyone young enough to believe their bs out to do it.

My bold

Substitute patriotism for religion and between the two of them that just about covers the field.