The islam menace.

It depends upon the level of threat.

I think that, so far, the level of hostilty to Islam in many Western societies is a confused mix of understandable concerns about, first, 9/11 type attacks ably assisted by some moronic Islamic preachers and advocates and the Muslims who would do it and, second, the age old problem of fear of immigrants who are different.

My impression is that most of the concern arises from the latter problem, which is a problem of perception by the host community rather than a problem with anything the immigrant community is doing.

I still think that trying to build bridges with such communities is a lot better than trying to build moats around them, regardless of which side is perceived as building the moat.

Still hypothetically speaking. The threat is obviously diffuse since it wouldn’t make much sense to reveal it until it is too late. And it is diffuse because it arises from a mindset of its followers more than from anything material, much like enlightenment was a threat to the power of the christian churches.
The hypothetical religion also explicitly forbids reformation or interpretation of its written teachings and coerces its followers to lie and submit to superior powers until there is a power shift. After said power shift the hypothetical religion demands submission from everyone else with an explicit death threat in case of refusal.

Of course, but when not even Muslims really want to live in the majority of those areas, what do you expect. Also, if you look at Lebanon, it’s the higher birthrates of Muslims that have tipped the balance from the Christian communities…

And much of the remaining Christian population in Turkey fled to Russia, did they not?

And a lot of the “radicalization and violence” has as much to do with the third world liberation movements than it did with any religious zeal. Much of “violence” is again directed against other Islamic states…

But there was only a one sided aggressiveness before the fighting in the crusades began. I’ll give you the intolerant and immoral on both sides though.

Ok, it is present in the general debate, but that doesn’t really make it a valid point.

Sometimes we forget that they have a much longer memory of history than Westerners do. But then again, that also applies to the Baltic areas…

Didn’t say there weren’t smart and educated people who also happened to be muslims back then, but eversince they pretty much fell back to stoneage levels compared to the western world.

Because again, these states have only been independent of Western colonialism for something like sixty years for the most part. Most states in the Middle East are hardly “stongeage” wonders…

What keeps them down is their own shitty gov’ts of despots that continually try to direct the national anxieities outward, mostly towards Israel…

The point is this “muslims saved ancient knowledge otherwise lost forever” is simply stupid propaganda. There was a general downward gradient in knowledge from persia and the eastern mediterranean to the northwest of europe and the muslims stumbled upon those gems while swinging the sword to spread their faith. All those areas of knowledge were christian btw. and didn’t really choose to become islamic territory.

But can you call the “Christians” at the time, save for a few scholar monks, any different? The Spanish inquasition? Conquest of the America’s? European and American slave traders? Were they really much behind us? Really?

I don’t deny other factors, they are of course also contributing to certain developments but since you asked, the similarities are based in the hadits, the koran and the sharia. And how does the fact that the different denominations even fight each other help us? As you might have noticed in iraq for example, the common enemy there is the christian minority. While they might not agree on certain aspects of their own religion they do agree on that with overwhelming majority.

Yet the Christians were piously protected under Saddam’s Baathist Pan-Arab Nationalist movement. A movement that was far more akin to Western secular values than say the neighboring Iranians. Whose theocratic gov’t, one that is relatively unpopular by all accounts, came to power in response to a Westernized secular leader the US helped install and who was a torturing, murdering cunt. This is often the Muslim association of Western secular values in the Middle East, perpetually unfair societies where the elites keep themselves in power through the use of despotism. This is at least part of the problem in places like Iran and Egypt.

The Iraqi Christians have become the de facto whipping boys because they share the religion of the occupiers on a superficial level at least…And it’s hard to specifically point out how badly the Christians have it there when millions of mostly Sunni Iraqis have fled to countries such as Syria to escape Shiite death squads, who in turn, sought vengeance for the al Qaeda led tactics of mass violence. The same tactics that Islamists employed in Algeria, and failed. And these tactics fail for a reason, because vast majority of Muslims do not “awaken” when they see large scale market bombings and in most ways reject them…

That’s your current perception with a population of about half a percent. And Canada already starts experiencing quite the same “cultural problem” as we do in europe since the muslims there already accumulated enough numbers.

I grew up near a large Muslim community in Lackawanna, New York (basically a part of Buffalo). They historically have caused little problem and even helped revitalize the community, including lowering the crime rate and expanded the dwindling tax base – and most have become Americanized to some extent…

The cultural problems of lack of Muslim assimilation are simply not a universal problem. There are many factors involved…

Did you know that the koran gives explicit instructions how to behave in minority situations. They’re supposed to behave as long as they’re a distant minority but under no circumstance allow the social system of the non islamic majority population to ever really become their own.

Whatever. I’d have to see the “special instructions.” Then, we’d have to assume that all Muslims read their Korans. The many I’ve known, most didn’t. And the ones who did drank alcohol, dated women, and generally become quite fond of Western culture…

But then again, this is something quite different from the European ghettos were the Muslim communities shut themselves off and turn inward…

I am no scholar either and I share your general approach when it comes to religion. I only started reading on the topic a few months back and I did and do so with as much objectivity as possible like I do it with historical documents. But what I found so far is that much of the views held by westerners about the generally peaceful attitude of that religion is wishful thinking. You don’t need to cherrypick either. 200 out of 6000 Verses are a direct call to violence against mostly people of other faiths, preferably jews. That’s more than three percent. And the koran doesn’t use allegories, quite contrary to the bible. The violent parts of the old testaments are usually exactly that.
You’ll have a hard time to find that many violent parts in the old testament anyway which is not even the crucial part for christianity. And you won’t find a single call for violence in the new testament since jesus preached the exact opposite. Christianity and Islam are not even remotely comparable on a theoretical theological basis. And todays reality is a reflection of that fact. That wouldn’t even be a problem to me if Islam would inherently restrict itself to the spiritual world like every other religion. But Islam has explicit and unalterable social and political ambitions which makes it quite different from any other religion still practiced today.

The only real advantage that Christianity has over Islam as far as irrationality and intolerance is that mainstream Christianity has had both the Protestant reformation and the Second Vatican, which somewhat moderated the often violent tendencies of competition somewhat early on. There has been no such updating of the Islamic faith to reconcile it with the modern world which is the basic problem. Passages have little to to with anything. The Bible was used to justify slavery, and antisemitism has been encoded into all the Christian western societies for centuries, and propagated by both religious (of most Christian sects if not all of them) and gov’t authorities from Russian to Great Britain to varying extents. And it wasn’t all that long ago. Only since the Holocaust have Jews been given full citizenship rights in their European and American places of birth. And even with the religious reforms enacted largely in response to the Enlightenment, there still is the echo of sectarianism in places like Northern Ireland and Croatia/Bosnia. And there are still fringe sects of Christians and polygamist Mormons in my country that use the Bible to rationalize the setting up of what are little more than statutory rape cults…

Now I don’t say that all or even a majority of muslims are bad people. But to me that isn’t a because of but more of an in spite of thing. Particularly here in europe, where the good people I know (those who actually integrated into our society) are as much muslim as I am christian, meaning not practicing any religion, more born into the background, but that’s it.

The problem seems to be more a question of immigration policy more than of just religion though…

But Mohammed was a pedophile, he married a six year old and f****** her when she was nine, that’s a historic fact.

I know. That’s what I said!

Why should muslims in third world countries get more children than christians?

And what does that tell you about the majority population?

But conveniently that historic memory is selective and reaches exactly only back to the crusades and not a second further.

Oh please. This might be the case for east asia, but hardly the middle east. They had been under muslim rule for 1000 years and only after 1900 and ww1 that changed for a very short period, historically speaking.
And they are stoneage wonders. They could buy all the fancy stuff they have now with petrodollars, but if it wasn’t for that …

We had the same shitty governments in europe during the enlightenment and industrial revolution, that’s hardly an excuse. It’s their inflexible mindset which keeps them down and always will if they don’t get rid of it the same way christianity did.

Never said we europeans hadn’t been bitches in the past and particularly during the age of colonialism, but early christianity didn’t conquer anything, quite the opposite. That started out only a few hundret years later (I’d say around 400 AD) and then mostly for political reasons and it was definatly a perversion of jesus’ teachings and it took more than thousand years to remedy that. Contrary to that violence is the birth defect of islam, mohammed himself already led 66 mostly aggressive wars against non believers. That’s how it is and there is no quibbling around that.
Btw. slave trade is still up and running in muslim cultures. You should read what Churchill had to say about islam in that regard in his first or second book.

That’s good for you but personal experience is hardly representative. That “to some extent” only lasts for so long, this is very evident in europe.

The fact that it is a worldwide phenomenon with muslims vs. any other culture/religion indicates otherwise. Indians and Pakistanis in GB would be quite a good example, they are basically the same people, had been under one rule for a long time but the ones causing the integration problems are the latter.
Concerning the immigration and integration policies I would agree, if it was only germany who had the problems, since we essentially didn’t have that in the past. But Belgium and Holland for example are well known liberal countries with very similar laws as the US etc. and what happens there is just sickening.

But that’s the point, Islam didn’t reform and is thus not suitable for our modern western world. And while the fringe sects of christianity are polygamist mormons, the fringe sects of islam are the more secular modern ones.
And do you really compare the european antisemitism with the violent ranting of the koran. There is a profound difference there. While the church had to interpret quite a lot into the bible to justify and propagate hate vs. jews the koran is very very very explicit in that regard.

  1. If Europe is in such a parlous state because of the Muslims living there, what is the solution?

Mass deportations?

Mass executions?

If neither is acceptable or possible, then what is / are the other solution(s)?

  1. It’s all very well claiming that Muslims persecute Christians and are trying to take over the world, but (a) name two Islamic nations which have invaded a Christian or Western nation in the past couple of decades and (b) name the number of Christian or Western nations which have invaded Islamic nations during the same period, with or without the relative invader / Muslim death tolls.

Isn’t it possible that Muslims have rather more evidence to support their belief that they are being attacked by Christian or Western nations than the reverse?

B should never ever be an option, but the decision loop will be ignore option A until B becomes one.
Judging it from a historical perspective I’d assume it will most likely boil down to a balkans style civil war on a pretty large scale in a couple of decades. I don’t see a different outcome to be honest. There will be blood. Just like in Chechnya and in the Kosovo since the hardcore muslims won’t change habits and grow in numbers and the indigenous population will react violently sooner or later on a perceived threat. The innocent victims will probably be the ones who actually were willing and able to integrate.

Huh, I’ll take Syria and Egypt vs. Israel. The fact that muslim nations are to weak to threaten anyone doesn’t really prove their peaceful attitude. Btw. the often used excuse: muslims mostly kill/attack muslims works just as fine for the western world. We europeans killed a lot more other europeans than anyone else. And when it comes to western nations invading islamic nations, hmm I’d say that makes 2001 afghanistan and 2003 iraq, but that’s it and at least one attack wasn’t really unprovoked.

In short: Nope.

I don’t think Israel qualifies as Christian. Or Western. It has a way to go before it even reaches the Enlightenment. Let alone the elements one might expect of a mature nation which forever relies upon UN resolutions etc, except when, as so often happens, the UN resolutions etc don’t support its aims and actions.

Nor would I characterise Egypt as a Muslim nation when it was engaged in conflict with Israel, or now. Egypt is a fairly secular nation, which is precisely why radical Muslim minority elements like the Muslim Brotherhood exist to try to turn Egypt into a sectarian nation. Iraq was a secular nation too, before the idiotic Westerners decided to invade it and convert it into a sectarian quagmire.

Israel is just as intransigent in its religious obsessions and agressions as any Muslim nation, and rather more so than most Muslim nations and at least as vigorous and devious as, say, Saudi Arabia in exporting its own forms of propaganda to other nations where it is at least as cancerous to the host nation as anything emanating from places like Saudi Arabia.

I think Israel and the Zionists are vastly more cancerous in most Western societies because, unlike the Muslims, they are in or have access to those in power. No Muslim has distorted my nation’s foreign policy to support some crazily selfish Muslim nation that insists on shitting on everyone around it, but the Zionists have been succeeding in it for decades so far as Israel is concerned.

I don’t mind Jews in my community but I object to Zionists getting their hands on government policy to support Israeli violence towards Palestinians and anyone else who stands in their way.

In the same way that I don’t mind Muslims in my community but I object to their radical elements promoting local or distant violence against anyone

Israel is not christian, but definatly western. Anyhow, the real point was anyway, that the fact that they can’t stand up against the west doesn’t mean they would be peaceful if the situation would be the opposite.

I’m not sure I follow…

And what does that tell you about the majority population?

That they were pricks. But they were secular pricks that actually stamped out many of the old order religious and cultural traditions deemed backward…

And if we’re talking about death tolls, genocide, and population reductions, we hardly have to look at the Muslim world for that…

But conveniently that historic memory is selective and reaches exactly only back to the crusades and not a second further.

What about WWI and WWII, the Nazi Holocaust, and the Communist purges of Joe Stalin’s gang? I think if we’re talking about history in general, I still fail to see how Muslims are in any way inherently more violent based on their religion…

Oh please. This might be the case for east asia, but hardly the middle east. They had been under muslim rule for 1000 years and only after 1900 and ww1 that changed for a very short period, historically speaking.
And they are stoneage wonders. They could buy all the fancy stuff they have now with petrodollars, but if it wasn’t for that …

Well then, that makes them much less effective at killing then, doesn’t it?

We had the same shitty governments in europe during the enlightenment and industrial revolution, that’s hardly an excuse. It’s their inflexible mindset which keeps them down and always will if they don’t get rid of it the same way christianity did.

Of course. But what makes any of this relevant is the fact that we need their oil to keep our fragile, technology based world afloat. If that were not the case, then no one would give a shit about the “Islamofascists.” Would they?

Never said we europeans hadn’t been bitches in the past and particularly during the age of colonialism, but early christianity didn’t conquer anything, quite the opposite. That started out only a few hundret years later (I’d say around 400 AD) and then mostly for political reasons and it was definatly a perversion of jesus’ teachings and it took more than thousand years to remedy that. Contrary to that violence is the birth defect of islam, mohammed himself already led 66 mostly aggressive wars against non believers. That’s how it is and there is no quibbling around that.

But what is the point? Why would we even care if they were violent? If they’re crude and primitive, then what threats can they pose against Europeans and North Americans, that have killed far more people in the last 400 years than any Islamic culture has in recorded time?

Btw. slave trade is still up and running in muslim cultures. You should read what Churchill had to say about islam in that regard in his first or second book.

Yes, and so are genocides. But the victims are mostly other Muslims in Darfur, so nobody cares that much since we don’t want to piss off the Sudanese benefactors, the Chinese.

BTW, there is also a slave trade that exists in Western and Eastern Europe. It’s mainly a sexual one where girls are forced into servitude and prostitution. And rings of illegal immigrants used as indentured servants exist in the United States as well…

That’s good for you but personal experience is hardly representative. That “to some extent” only lasts for so long, this is very evident in europe.

It’s at least just as “representative” as posting signs of Muslim lunatics with “kill whitey” written on them!

The fact that it is a worldwide phenomenon with muslims vs. any other culture/religion indicates otherwise. Indians and Pakistanis in GB would be quite a good example, they are basically the same people, had been under one rule for a long time but the ones causing the integration problems are the latter.
Concerning the immigration and integration policies I would agree, if it was only germany who had the problems, since we essentially didn’t have that in the past. But Belgium and Holland for example are well known liberal countries with very similar laws as the US etc. and what happens there is just sickening.

You cannot simply lay all of the blame for the Kashmir problem on just the Pakistanis. India is far from a utopia and that area is still largely fighting the last battles of their civil war. Of course Hindus and Sikhs tend to be more pro-Western. I guess their immigrants tend to be more passive, but then again, I think they have actually resettled on a much smaller scale in most parts of the world, and they were often in the first wave of post-colonial immigration. But then, the United States and much of Europe has underwritten a series of shitty gov’ts in Pakistan, even as they were playing both sides and factions of their intelligence agency, the ISI, were still assisting the Taliban that they largely created to kill NATO troops…

But that’s the point, Islam didn’t reform and is thus not suitable for our modern western world.

But that’s clearly not true. There are in fact advanced states such as Turkey, Egypt, and Bahrain. The problems these societies have faced are far from being based solely on religion. The political despotism is ingrained. Even Iraq was in many ways an advanced state until Saddam made the mistake of trying to secure Kuwait’s oil. Up until then, he was merely mimicking his heroes in the West --Stalin and Churchill-- in his ruthless purges and remorseless suppression of the ethnic majorities that comprised his fragile multi-ethnic state. What in anyway do these polices have to do with Islam? They often killed and suppressed Islamic clerics in fact!

But, in denouncing Saddam, Hosni Mubarak, Ataturk, the Shah, or the Algerian military: can you really claim that the sources of the inherent corruption, ethnic pogroms, class stratification had any thing to do with religious extremism? Their tyrannies are what popularized it, but had there been more pluralistic political representation in these countries and the Islamics had not been forced underground, they may well have been far more moderate and not turned into the fucking Taliban.

There are those that theorize that the reason why Islamic “extremists” seek to destroy “democracy” is because in the two or three elections they have won, the gov’ts (usually by way of the Army) have prevented them from taking political power in every nation save one: Turkey (and that’s only recently). And in Turkey, the religious parties have been forced to put on business suits and to moderate their political goals because they’ve had to become technocrats working WITHIN the system. Not violent radicals trying to overthrow it, or warlords trying to extinguish all resistance to their rule in a multi-ethic tribal nightmare, which is a big difference. This is essentially the way to moderation, to pragmatism…

And while the fringe sects of christianity are polygamist mormons, the fringe sects of islam are the more secular modern ones.

Yet the vast majority of Muslims are practicing moderates…

And do you really compare the european antisemitism with the violent ranting of the koran. There is a profound difference there. While the church had to interpret quite a lot into the bible to justify and propagate hate vs. jews the koran is very very very explicit in that regard.

Yeah, the difference is that Jews were allowed to live in the Middle East, interestingly. Though often in the same conditions as social outcasts looking inward…

Secondly, out of all the claims of the “evil” Koran I’ve seen, most have been severally quoted out of context and much of it propagandized into a much more insidious document than it actually is. The Koran also condemns the murder of women and children, and should be interpreted to condemn suicide bombing and the murder or any sort of innocence. You can pretty much find passages to justify whatever you want in most obscure religious texts, and the sheep will follow…

Very well said!

And yet islam and islamic fundamentalism is still up and running in turkey whereas the christians are … not.

Never said we couldn’t be just as violent. But we cannot use the christian religion as an excuse or reason.

What makes it relevant is that we imported huge amounts of those people with their inflexible mindsets. I couldn’t care less about islam if there weren’t 3.5 million muslims in germany, more than 60% with a medium to large distance to the values of our basic law, 300000 of them symphatetic and supportive to islamic extremism and 30000 willing to plant bombs or whatever.

But it’s not tolerated by the authorities. The sexual version is in place all through the muslim world as well. It usually applies to female children who are being sold to their husbands.

You’re right, but I don’t draw my conclusions based on those either.

I didn’t even mean Kashmir, I meant the immigrants to the UK, where the indian hindus do very well integration wise while the pakistani muslims don’t.

Depends on what you define as vast and moderate. See my comments on the german muslims above. None of the 60% would qualify as moderate to me.

And what’s the difference to their situation in europe? In the past millenium there have been just as many encroachments on jews in the muslim world as in the christian world. The holocaust can hardly be attributed to christianity or the western world in general.

You are very misinformed, that’s pretty much all I can say. The koran condemns the murder of women and children IF THEY ARE MUSLIMS. Thought we had already been there. There are three classes of humans in the koran and only one gets the benefits.
You fell for the “good” parts of the koran that have been quoted out of context for obvious reasons. For example the prominent case “Islam is/means peace”. This is shortened as the actual vers says something like when the whole world belongs to the dar al islam there will be peace. You seem to be under the false impression that religion is per se a positive force in the universe, which is imho generally wrong and particularly in this case.

And you are constantly repeating that you can find passages to justify anything in any religious text, which is simply wrong. You won’t for example find a single call for violence in the new testament, which is the binding authority for christianity.

Jesus doesn’t sound too conciliatory and full of love of mankind here.

“Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household.” Matthew 10:34-36

“I say to you that to everyone who has, more shall be given, but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. As for my enemies who do not want me to reign over them, bring them here and kill them in my presence.” Luke 19:26-27

The problem with the bible, koran and torah is that they’re like Shakespeare. If you can’t find a quote to support any position, including both sides of an argument, you’re not looking hard enough.

Maybe much of western Europe’s dilemma concerning the “Islamic Menace” came about as a result of low birth rates in Europe. The importation of guest workers from predominantly muslim countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Low birth rate of Europeans + high birth rate of Muslims = long term demographic change in Europe.

Below is a partial quote from a previous post (taken from an email I received in early April 2007):



Global Intelligence Briefing For CEO’s

by Herbert Meyer

Currently, there are four major transformations that are shaping political, economic and world events.

These transformations have profound implications for American business owners, our culture and our way of life…

3. Shifting Demographics of Western Civilization

Most countries in the Western world have stopped breeding. For a
civilization obsessed with sex, this is remarkable. Maintaining a
steady population requires a birth rate of 2.1. In Western Europe, the birth
rate currently stands at 1.5, or 30 percent below replacement. In 30 years
there will be 70 to 80 million fewer Europeans than there are today. The
current birth rate in Germany is 1.3. Italy and Spain are even lower at 1.2. At
that rate, the working age population declines by 30 percent in 20
years, which has a huge impact on the economy.

When you don’t have young workers to replace the older ones, you have
to import them. The European countries are currently importing Muslims.
Today, the Muslims comprise 10 percent of France and Germany, and the
percentage is rising rapidly because they have higher birthrates.
However, the Muslim populations are not being integrated into the cultures of
their host countries, which is a political catastrophe. One reason Germany
and France don’t support the Iraq war is they fear their Muslim
populations will explode on them. By 2020, more than half of all births in the
Netherlands will be non-European.

The huge design flaw in the post-modern secular state is that you need
a traditional religious society birth rate to sustain it. The Europeans
simply don’t wish to have children, so they are dying.

In Japan, the birthrate is 1.3. As a result, Japan will lose up to 60
million people over the next 30 years. Because Japan has a very
different society than Europe, they refuse to import workers. Instead, they are
just shutting down. Japan has already closed 2000 schools, and is closing
them down at the rate of 300 per year. Japan is also aging very rapidly. By
2020, one out of every five Japanese will be at least 70 years old.
Nobody has any idea about how to run an economy with those demographics.

Europe and Japan, which comprise two of the world’s major economic
engines, aren’t merely in recession, they’re shutting down. This
will have a huge impact on the world economy, and it is already beginning to

Why are the birthrates so low? There is a direct correlation between
abandonment of traditional religious society and a drop in birth rate,
and Christianity in Europe is becoming irrelevant. The second reason is
economic. When the birth rate drops below replacement, the population

With fewer working people to support more retired people, it puts a
crushing tax burden on the smaller group of working age people. As a result,
young people delay marriage and having a family. Once this trend starts, the
downward spiral only gets worse. These countries have abandoned all the
traditions they formerly held in regards to having families and raising

The U.S. birth rate is 2.0, just below replacement. We have an increase
in population because of immigration. When broken down by ethnicity,
the Anglo birth rate is 1.6 (same as France) while the Hispanic birth rate
is 2.7. In the U.S., the baby boomers are starting to retire in massive
numbers. This will push the “elder dependency” ratio from 19 to 38
over the next 10 to 15 years. This is not as bad as Europe, but still represents
the same kind of trend.

Western civilization seems to have forgotten what every primitive
society understands, you need kids to have a healthy society. Children
are huge consumers. Then they grow up to become taxpayers. That’s how a
society works, but the post-modern secular state seems to have
forgotten that. If U.S. birth rates of the past 20 to 30 years had been the same
as post-World War II, there would be no Social Security or Medicare

The world’s most effective birth control device is money. As society
creates a middle class and women move into the workforce, birth rates
drop. Having large families is incompatible with middle class living. The
quickest way to drop the birth rate is through rapid economic development.
After World War II, the U.S. instituted a $600 tax credit per child.
The idea was to enable mom and dad to have four children without being
troubled by taxes. This led to a baby boom of 22 million kids, which was a huge
consumer market that turned into a huge tax base. However, to match
that incentive in today’s dollars would cost $12,000 per child.

China and India do not have declining populations. However, in both
countries, there is a preference for boys over girls, and we now have
the technology to know which is which before they are born. In China and
India, many families are aborting the girls. As a result, in each of these
countries there are 70 million boys growing up who will never find
wives. When left alone, nature produces 103 boys for every 100 girls. In some
provinces, however, the ratio is 128 boys to every 100 girls.

The birth rate in Russia is so low that by 2050 their population will
be smaller than that of Yemen. Russia has one-sixth of the earth’s land
surface and much of its oil. You can’t control that much area with
such a small population. Immediately to the south, you have China with 70
million unmarried men – a real potential nightmare scenario for Russia.

Herb Meyer served during the Reagan administration as special assistant to the
Director of Central Intelligence and Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence
Council. In these positions, he managed production of the U.S. National Intelligence
Estimates and other top-secret projections for the President and his national security advisers.
Meyer is widely credited with being the first senior U.S. Government official to forecast the
Soviet Union’s collapse, for which he later was awarded the U.S. National Intelligence
Distinguished Service Medal, the intelligence community’s highest honor. Formerly an associate
editor of FORTUNE, he is also the author of several books.

Herbert Meyer
P.O. Box 2089
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Exactly. But the “shutting down” of Japan is only a problem if you believe in the nonsensical doctrine of steady growth. There is no reason, why germany shouldn’t work with only 40 Million people. It’s stupid beyond recovery to import immigrants, ultimatly resulting in the elimination of the very existance of your own culture, just to maintain a status quo. There is nothing wrong with a shrinking population, quite the opposite, given the general shape of our little planet.


Exactly. But the “shutting down” of Japan is only a problem if you believe in the nonsensical doctrine of steady growth. There is no reason, why germany shouldn’t work with only 40 Million people. It’s stupid beyond recovery to import immigrants, ultimatly resulting in the elimination of the very existance of your own culture, just to maintain a status quo. There is nothing wrong with a shrinking population, quite the opposite, given the general shape of our little planet.[/QUOTE]

Funny you should mention that - I was thinking the same thing on my way to work this morning :slight_smile:

Maybe the Japanese are on the right track. We all had smaller populations at some time during our histories. During WWII, the United States had a population in the neighborhood of 130 million. It seems that eventually, if trends change and people start having more children, the pendulum will swing the other way.

Yes well, there are a variety of reasons for that. Most of which are largely irrelevant now. And if you really want to call the parties controlling Turkey “fundamentalists.” Well, okay…

Again, most of their insidious recent actions have been directed against the Kurds…

Never said we couldn’t be just as violent. But we cannot use the christian religion as an excuse or reason.

But it doesn’t really stop violence, does it?

What makes it relevant is that we imported huge amounts of those people with their inflexible mindsets. I couldn’t care less about islam if there weren’t 3.5 million muslims in germany,

I could be wrong, but aren’t most of them Kurds that fled their fellow Muslims in Turkey?

…more than 60% with a medium to large distance to the values of our basic law, 300000 of them symphatetic and supportive to islamic extremism and 30000 willing to plant bombs or whatever.

I don’t know about the statistics. But I also recall a resurgence if Neo-fascism in Germany around the time of unification. Much of it centered in the east, and much of it the direct result of economic hardships imposed by the reunification as East German factories resulting in unemployment and difficulties adapting.

But it’s not tolerated by the authorities. The sexual version is in place all through the muslim world as well. It usually applies to female children who are being sold to their husbands.

It’s not tolerated openly. But it does exist unfortunately. The Muslim states that are stable and fixed do not generally allow open slavery and forcing women into prostitution. And again, many of the restrictions on female behavior is pre-Islam…

I didn’t even mean Kashmir, I meant the immigrants to the UK, where the indian hindus do very well integration wise while the pakistani muslims don’t.

I think the Indian Hindus are generally working in the tech sector these days whereas many of the Pakistanis are there for more menial work. Again, I don’t know specifics, but I do believe that Indian immigration has tapered off as India becomes more of a hub technology…

And what’s the difference to their situation in europe? In the past millenium there have been just as many encroachments on jews in the muslim world as in the christian world. The holocaust can hardly be attributed to christianity or the western world in general.

Yet, the peaceful and serene teachings of Jesus failed to stop the above, didn’t it?

You are very misinformed, that’s pretty much all I can say. The koran condemns the murder of women and children IF THEY ARE MUSLIMS. Thought we had already been there. There are three classes of humans in the koran and only one gets the benefits.
You fell for the “good” parts of the koran that have been quoted out of context for obvious reasons. For example the prominent case “Islam is/means peace”. This is shortened as the actual vers says something like when the whole world belongs to the dar al islam there will be peace. You seem to be under the false impression that religion is per se a positive force in the universe, which is imho generally wrong and particularly in this case.

Um, the Bible does all that too…There are passages justifying killing infidels as well. Mostly in the Old Testament. But, apparently religious texts are largely irrelevant when it comes to war…

And you are constantly repeating that you can find passages to justify anything in any religious text, which is simply wrong. You won’t for example find a single call for violence in the new testament, which is the binding authority for christianity.

Um, there are calls for violence, and we can argue about the meanings of Jesus all day, as the Bible is a very heavily selectively edited document, one that is often largely filled with internal contradictions because it is clearly written and translated by different people with different agendas, designed to enable those in power…

This is where you and I may agree a bit. I have no problem with immigrants per se, but when the whole thing is run by special interest groups with little planning, and not for the public good, there’s a problem…

Maybe a shrinking population works in a totally self-reliant frontier population like some parts of the US in the 1800’s, but it ain’t gonna work in a modern society where the tax base funds social security for the aged and the various passengers on the tax gravy train and where almost all of the population don’t and couldn’t produce even enough vegetables, let alone even poultry never mind beef, to support themselves because they don’t have the land, never mind the lack of skills. Not to mention other passengers on the tax gravy train like the various defence contractors who deliver everything five times later than contracted at ten times the price.

If we want to get serious we should get rid of (i.e. deport or exterminate) the far too many passengers on the social and economic train, which would wipe out most of the non-aged and non-sick or non-disabled welfare budget and also wipe out much of the social welfare departments, child welfare departments, women’s refuge, prison, parole, police and so on budgets because we’d get rid of most of the most visibly worst elements at the bottom of society who represent a few per cent of society and absorb maybe 80 or 90% of such budgets.

Of course, we’d still be left with the scum at the top of society, but they’re quality scum who don’t affect welfare budgets or police etc because they’re the sort of patriots who run companies like Halliburton and rip-off defence contractors while carefully paying bugger all tax to fund the free loaders on the tax system.

Which leads me to the common argument that Muslims in Europe are freeloaders on the local tax system and therefore are worthless people who should be …? What? Deported? Exterminated?

Who brought them in? Why? For what reason?

Did West Germany bring in swags of ‘guest workers’ from the 1970s from places like Turkey for the workers’ benefit? Or to bolster West Germany’s booming economy?

Why does Holland have a problem with Muslims? Could it be because it imported labour from Turkey and Morocco, not to mention the former Dutch colony in Surinam in South America, where the locals might have felt that the Dutch were overwhelming their nation?

As for France, is there a connection between its Muslim population and French colonialism in North Africa?

Is it possible that the European nations which are worried about ‘the Islam menace’ are just being bitten in the arse by teeth they created?

If so, is it fair for those nations to blame ‘the Islam menace’ for a problem those nations created?

After all, it’s not like Muslims invaded Germany or France or Holland to take them over. They were invited in, and needed visas from the host countries to enter. So whose fault is that, and who should bear the consequences?

No, most are Turks and Maroccans. We also have Kurds, that’s true and thanks to that a lot of violence on our streets if either side has a demo.

The statistics are from our equivalent of the FBI, the Bundeskriminalamt. There was a resurgence but much like the terror from the red army faction which is also often used as a comparison it’s not even remotly close to that numbers. We have a statistic here in germany specifically about that kind of crime and according to it last year 4400 neonazi related crimes were commited. Painting a swastika on a wall counts into that statistic or wearing SS runes or symbols like that. The left wing extremists are actually more of a problem, though it comes natural here that we’re more into taking care of the right wing extremists.
They actually tried to forbid the NPD few years ago, which is probably the most national socialist style right wing party and that didn’t work out cause every other guy there was an informant for the Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) and thus the evidence was slightly soiled, it was a great embarrasment for those involved. :rolleyes:
But generally the political extremism is extremely small here, close to nonexitent.

That’s actually a good question

That was the case with the italians and other europeans, but when the great influx of turkish people started in the seventies the party was already over. According to some sources I read the guest workers agreement with turkey was a political guesture of some sorts and was not motivated by economic needs. Effectively, turkey dumped a huge chunk of its social and economic problems in our backyard.
And originally they were intended to be guest workers, they just never left, instead tptb made a law allowing them to get their entire families over here.

The german politicians of the seventies and eighties. The consequences will as always in history be carried by other shoulders. I’d beat the crap out of them if I had a time machine, not just for that but for example for completely ignoring the birthrate drop caused by oral contraceptives. They actually cut funding institutes researching the topic and the consequences upon society, thus effectively silencing them, so they wouldn’t have to deal with the problem.

All the questions you raised about shrinking societies could have been tackled in a manner where no one would be left behind if they had started changing the system early enough. But that would actually require a farsightedness which I think democracies are simply not capable of.