The islam menace.

consider that as advert.,… like vote for Hillary,… or vote for whoever.,…
if you dont want to vote at all,. supposed,… does it really matter?

or JesusLovesu,… but i dont love him,… does it matter?


Actually, the Witchcraft Act of 1735 was an act which stated that witchcraft didn’t exist and therefore anyone claiming to be a witch was a fake, so if somebody claimed to be a witch and charged money for it, they could be prosecuted for fraud.

ps, The women already had a previous conviction for fraud in the 1930’s

Some very interesting points of view here, but the thing I’ve always found as soon as ism becomes a part of a movement, extremism begins.

Is Islam a threat to the west? No.

Is radical Islamic facism a threat? Yes, but probably more so to moderate Muslims.

I wish more Muslims would take part in this debate, but they’re probably scared off by some comments here.

I have equal contempt for any “ist” or “ism” they are all inherently suspect. I would care no more for a sign saying christianity4U, or humanism 4U, or whatever 4U. The motivating thought is that whatever I may be, is needing to be changed, because it is faulty, or perhaps perceived to be lesser than what the sign promotes. I consider any such manipulation a slap in the face.
The upshot of all this is that it will engender resentment towards the promoted ist or ism, and the people promoting it. The forgoing is just my opinion, if it bothers anyone, too bad.



That’s what I get for not reading the bloody Act and just making the obvious assmption. :frowning:

You are very correct sir,. i was at the beginning was trying to back myself,.
but likewise you said,… thst would be better should all color are presents in any form of discussions,. so people able to see what is red,… or blue,. instead of heard what is the color of red or blue,.

however,… this regret me seeing people saying,… islam is menacing,… as i am a moslem myslef,… in my entire almost 40 years of living,. i had a brawl only for couple of time,… it was during my primary school (not even a teen) time,… and that was over minor things,… What made me afraid was,…
“Allah will punish you in the later days,. if you harm other people,…”


As I said in response to one of your earlier posts. I suspect that much of the Islamic world has a similar view.

As do many people of other faiths or no faiths all around the world, who want only a decent and happy life for themselves and their children.

Is the West a threat to Islam? Judging by recent ill-judged and rather unsuccessful military adventures and related political comment, significant parts of the West are.

Chicken and the egg, but it’s easy to see why Islamo-fascists (about whom I care nothing) but, more worringly, many more Muslims feel threatened.

Or just Muslims who don’t agree with whichever Muslims have the guns in certain parts of world, a lot of which is just sectarian and tribal bullshit.

But when it gets down to control of Mecca etc, Muslims are definitely at the greatest risk from other Muslims. Which is rather odd given the reasonably radical or fundamentalist form of Islam relentlessly exported by Saudi Arabia with huge petrodollars, while bin Laden regards them as about equal with the US as his enemy for not being worthy as custodians of Mecca etc.

The solution is simple. Gather up all them people, hire a big ship and load them all up and send them all to Austraila. Rather there, than here. The Brittish did this many centuries with their undesireables so it should be ok to do it again. I mean why should they stay here if they don’t asimilate. Simply send them all to the Kangaroo island where they can preach their beliefs to one another far away from here.

And, my dear little boy, they’d be received here with rather more consideration than you’ve managed to display, as have thousands of Muslims who’ve migrated here for a better life and settled in well.

Our migration policies are so liberal that we’d even admit a fuckwit like you. Which I expect upon your departure would cause sighs of relief across several provinces, if not outright joy and nationally funded fireworks, in Canada.

Now, sonny boy, how about stopping your pre-pubesecent (it means you ain’t got hair around your numb nuts and wouldn’t know what a stiffy is or how to use it) trolling and make some sensible contributions apart from solving everything with half a dozen nukes that weren’t available to slaughter Germany and Japan after they surrendered?

Please use nice language and not vulgar obscenities. If you wish to be vulgar and use such obscene language then perhaps you should go to the XXXX web sites. Your response is better received if you refrained from using bad language. Thank You.

But, what societies are the most violent then?

Why is Islam more of a “threat” to societies whose supposed Christianity, state sanctioned or otherwise, was unable to restrain the largest death tolls in history?

I know. My impenetrable, complex thoughts are hard to decipher with mere language…

How in the world would you go about this?

And the only way Islam is really spreading is by the birth of new little Muslims…

But how many “Got Jesus?” bumper stickers and the like have you seen?

Or “abortion is murder!”?

On a side note:

One of the stranger religious incidents in my life took place while attending college in Buffalo, NY. I used to pass through the Student Union there for two reasons: Mainly, it was an easy short cut to numerous buildings. Secondly, there were a cabal of young hotties hanging out there in their short skirts and tight jeans on their way to a meal or the one of the booths or the book store to be overcharged for an edition they could have bought used.

In any case, once while I was in a hurry to walk back to my car after class in an effort to get closer to a cold beer and watch a hockey game, a bearded, black clad and fedora adorned man was passing out some sort of literature in the form of brochures. As I approached I noticed that his beard was rangy and he was in his mid to late twenties, and seemed to take a peculiar interest in me among the throng of masses floating about. For a split second, noticing his attention, I thought of turning about and hitting the ATM machine or a shop, but it was too late, I neared him --doing so would have been unduly awkward. He approached me as I was about to pass by and addressed me with “Shalom” as if I were Jewish.

I’ve been told that I look slightly Jewish and may well have Jewish ancestry. But I have never been informed of it and was raised (in vain) as Catholic and as far as I know, my father’s side was Episcopal (Anglican) before converting to marry my very Catholic mother. The man, who I realized was probably a Hasidic Jew from New York City doing some sort of of religious duty, asked me something to the affect of when the last time I was “to temple?” I felt a slight bit of discomfort and just said, “well, never. I’m Catholic. And I don’t go to church either”…“My brother in law is Jewish though.” I smiled to ease any tension, and he gave me this disapproving look --as if I had just denied my maker to his face. He just said “oh.”

I said something to the affect of, “hey man, it’s good you feel strongly about your faith” but he just gave me this stern, disapproving look like I was just another undercover, or nonobservant, Jew trying to get out of my piety or something, and I felt really uncomfortable. So I walked on without saying anything other than “I have to go.”

I saw him in the Union for a time afterward, and every time I walked by he would make this eye contact and shake his head. After a while, I got so annoyed that I walked right by him one day and screamed out “MASHUGANA!” and smiled as I brushed past. He never looked at me again after that…

I ran into a Muslim woman I know today, who with a few female Muslim friends spends Wednesday lunchtimes outside a library handing out information they prepare about the Koran and Islam, to inform people about her religion to try to improve understanding of it in a hostile environment as distinct from trying to convert anyone to it.

She is a delightful, highly intelligent, and tolerant yet devout woman who has overcome a great deal of adversity after fleeing Afghanistan as a child with her family.

During our conversation I asked her if she got much hostility from people.

Not much.

Apart from the very rare individual, it all came from constant attacks by a Christian evangelical group who seem to think they have the sole right to peddle their religion to people entering the library. The evangelists are trying to convert people, not just inform them.

This woman and her friends are not an Islamic or any other threat to anyone. They are doing their best to try to explain that to everyone. They are outstanding examples of devout Muslims who practise their religion in a nominally Christian country as one of tolerance and concern for others.

Which is exactly the opposite of the Christian evangelists who want them removed.

Sure, little anecdotes like this prove nothing. Except what happens at the grass roots levels rather than the sensationalist rubbish broadcast by the news media, politicians, and bigots who lump all Muslims into the bin Laden camp.

I’d love to see what would happen to a delightful, highly intelligent, and tolerant yet devout woman who only explains the christian or buddhist or hinduist faith and doesn’t want to convert people on the street in any nominally islamic country.

I think you’re being too much washed by media over freedom of religious over moslem countries,…

do you know,. Indonesia is the biggest moslem countries in the world,… the census in 1990 was above 90% of the population were moslem,. in 2000,. it was 86.1% and closing to 2010,… it steadily decreased to almost 80%,…

if freedom of religion are so bad in Indonesia (which one of moslem countries,. why the numbers of moslems are declining??)

Indonesia has a muslim population majority, it is however not an islamic country. The province of Aceh would probably qualify for that and I wouldn’t try the described feat there.

You may say that as formally we were never claimed ourself as a moslem country and to be honest, i am happy for that,.

however facts explained other wise,. Indonesia is a member of International Muslim countries organizations (OIC), western powers somehow regards Indonesia as one of Muslim countries.

With the Israel-PLO agreement in place, first Arafat and then Rabin visited Jakarta and talked with Suharto. One year later Abdurrahman Wahid, the moderate leader of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), the thirty-million-strong, traditionalist Islamic organiza*tion, and Djohan Effendi, a leading Islamic intellectual in interfaith dialogue and private speech writer for Suharto, visited Jerusalem at the invitation of Prime Minister Rabin to witness the signing of the peace accord with Jordan.

Israelis,. in order to smoothen their way for the peace process,. one of the step was to approach Indonesia,. the largest muslim state

moreover., the daily activities in Indonesia still very much influenced by the activities of muslims as a whole,.(every friday,. all male workers/students have their right to perform friday pray which took about 1-1.5hrs with no disputes from their bosses/schools),. you will hear Adzan in every time of praying from all over the places in Indonesia,. and many other things that can I assured you that we are indeed a muslim country.
