The nobel prize winner supports the idea of natural racial inequality

And are blacks better musicians than whites? Would anyone say that being a very good musician does not take a great deal of intelligence? Why is their contribution of the cultural record of music, not only to the United States, but of Europe as well, be so undeniably great then?

Let’s focus on Maths, Natural Sciences, engineering, programming. These fields of knowledge are the most crucial for the human civilisation and the ones that enable us to enjoy high standards of living or at least don’t starve like Africans.

What would that have to do with being a “genius?” A lot of “geniuses” are troubled, and have problems with the law, lovers, chemical dependency, etc…

Hoover wore a dress and heals on occasion, and was probably gayer than Liberace at Boyscout camp. Did that make him less intelligent?

And the King slander you’ve just recited is mostly bullshit. He had many affairs, but so did Kennedy…

I mean African-American “geniuses” who have made some achievments in Science or Engineering, created some useful inventions, discovered some Phisical or Mathematical law or theorem, won at least one international contest on Maths or Natural Sciences. Just click. :rolleyes:

But here’s a tangible one off the top of my head:

And then of course, there’s the writers like Richard Wright or Maya Angelou…

And, I seriously think at this point, this thread is turning into unbridled racism as the willful ignorance on display is appalling… :rolleyes:

You mean like the “stupid” Ukrainians who let themselves be starved? :rolleyes: (irony)

Category:African Americans

African-American scientists

African American academics

Advanced Google Search - “african-american scientists”“african-american+scientists”&btnG=Search

You mean like the “stupid” Ukrainians who let themselves be starved? (irony)

And who starve Africans today? I wonder how many mass hunger were in Africa when African countries were colonies?

Other Africans? With the aid of the colonial legacy which created an entire continent of nations with little regard to natural geographical boundries, tribal history, or nationality, or religious beliefs (other than whatever European colonial nation happened to blunder in wherever first).

I wonder how many mass hunger were in Africa when african countries were colonies?


BTW, we know that European whites are intellectually superior gentile souls that never start wars or put people into gas chambers based on stereotypes and paranoia…[/IMG]

He looks like mulatto. Perhaps he had some distant black ancestor.

He researched in the field of blood transfusions, developing improved techniques for blood storage, and applied his expert knowledge in developing large-scale blood banks early in World War II.

“developing improved techniques for blood storage” and what out of it?

We can say that any student while working over his thesis research and develop something.

The science and practice of blood transfusion had developed from early work including preserving whole blood in refrigerated storage in World War I (see Oswald Hope Robertson) and the practice of having hospital “blood banks” was developed(see Bernard Fantus) much earlier.

Hmm, very thin ice indeed. There are differences in certain human subtypes as a result of natural selection of some 10000 years since homo sapiens left africa, skin color is a prominent example or lactose insufficiency in asians etc. but I doubt this difference actually reached the brain. It already had todays size 170.000 years ago(actually smaller than homo neandertalis’, but more synapses).
The difference in the actual utilization of the given potential are imho more cultural and social than biological. What I think is much more interesting for the future is the fact that we as homo sapiens no longer follow the rules of evolution, but multiply rather uncontrolled. Imho sooner or later homo sapiens will have to work on his own genetic code to prevent degeneration, which is a very interesting ethical field of discussion.

BTW, we know that European whites are intellectually superior gentile souls that never start wars or put people into gas chambers based on stereotypes and paranoia…

You are right. Gas chamber was a technological luxury for Africa
There was a number of African countries in the 1960-80) whose presidents, senior officials were cannibals and eat the members of their governments as well as ordinary locals. Not to mention the general tradition of cannibalism among ordinary inhabitants of Africa.

In the name of Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Mozart, Wagner, Hendl, Haidn (to name just a few classic german ones) and countless other europeans I would like to point out, that the european type homo sapiens are capable to produce fine musicians themselves :mrgreen:.

Probably, in that I’ve never actually seen a statistically significant study demonstrating this.

Nope. There is good statistical evidence to prove this, even linking the disorder to a particular population in Africa (West Africa IIRC).

The answer can frequently be found in various Swiss banks too…

Actually, I dont have that book, are you saying I have to buy a book online to get your answer? Do you have the names of these two schools you are talking about or are you just embellishing a bit?

I follow this thread about black scientists.

And I found out that

Thomas Monroe Campbell was the first Cooperative Extension Agent in the United States and headed the first Extension Program as a field agent for the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

What does he have to do with science?

George Washington Carver (July 12, 1864 – January 5, 1943)[1] was an American botanical researcher and agronomy educator who worked in agricultural extension at the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama, teaching former slaves farming techniques for self-sufficiency.

Much of Carver’s fame was based on his research and promotion of alternative crops to cotton, such as peanuts and sweet potatoes. He wanted poor farmers to grow alternative crops as both a source of their own food and a cash crop.

Yeah, another great black scientist. One should be a scientist to pursuade africans to grow peanuts and sweet potatoes.

Mark Dean is the first African-American to become an IBM Fellow. In 1997, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Currently, he is an IBM Vice President overseeing the company’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California. As a high-ranked manager they say that he led a team that developed the interior architecture (ISA systems bus) that enables multiple devices, such as modems and printers, to be connected to personal computers.

His contribution to this invention is unknow. It is quite possible that he played only some administrative role as a manager.

Sylvester James Gates, Jr. is a noted American theoretical physicist. He received BS and PhD degrees from MIT, the latter in 1977. His doctoral thesis was the first thesis at MIT to deal with supersymmetry. Gates is currently the John S. Toll Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, College Park. He is known for his work on supersymmetry, supergravity, and superstring theory.

His main achievement that received BS and PhD degrees from MIT.
Let’s call each person who has BS and PhD degrees from MIT a great scientist.
One knows about the policy of “positive descrimination” when Afro-Americans
are promoted in spite of their academic results

Mae Carol Jemison, M.D. (born 17 October 1956) is an American physician and a former NASA astronaut. She became the first Black woman to travel in space when she went into orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavour on September 12, 1992.

Another scientist who turned out to be not a scientist but a NASA astronaut.

Animals were the first in space and what out of it?

Ernest Everett Just (August 14, 1883 – October 27, 1941) was a pioneering black U.S. biologist. Just spent his adult life collecting, classifying, and caring for his marine specimens. He believed that scientists should study whole cells under normal conditions, rather than simply breaking them apart in a laboratory setting.

So what? Each person spends life on something. Where are the results

Hehry Cecil McBay - just a teacher.

Ronald Erwin McNair - another austronaut

Neil deGrasse Tyson (b. October 5, 1958 in New York City) is an astrophysicist and, since 1996, the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Since 2006, he has hosted PBS’s educational TV show NOVA scienceNOW.

Another great scientist or rather a Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History on Manhattan’s and TV showman?

Nope. If you have 1/16th “colored” blood in your veins, one is considered black…

“developing improved techniques for blood storage” and what out of it?

We can say that any student while working over his thesis research and develop something.

LMFAO! Now you’re going to quibble over semantics again? his research saved lives. What greater benefit of science is there for mankind…

The science and practice of blood transfusion had developed from early work including preserving whole blood in refrigerated storage in World War I (see Oswald Hope Robertson) and the practice of having hospital “blood banks” was developed(see Bernard Fantus) much earlier.

But they didn’t separate the red blood cells out of the plasma, which shortened the shelf-life…

Nice troll though…

So did the Japanese during WWII. Did that stop them from being the preeminent technological power from the 1970s to the 1990s?

Sorry Mike. The book is in storage, and I don’t feel like pulling it out for you by driving a couple hundred miles.

Do we have a problem Mike? Did you take numerous education courses and read literally dozens of books on this and related subjects?

Have I ever given you cause to think otherwise?

BTW, I noticed you haven’t questioned any of Kato’s “embellishments,” Mike.

But I guess you accept his “answers,” huh Mike?

I never said they didn’t. Did I?

Well, if you weren’t essentially a cherrypicking, ignorant racist, you’d be able to figure out that his position, he was decisive in increasing crop yields and led research and theory on such. I once watched an excellent documentary on him…

I mean, whatever would agricultural research have to do with science?

If these men were white, you’d never think twice at trying to qualify their credentials…

Yeah, another great black scientist. One should be a scientist to pursuade africans to grow peanuts and sweet potatoes.

Oh, sweet! Just like Stalin should help Ukrainians to grow more wheat to feed themselves?

His main achievement that received BS and PhD degrees from MIT.
Let’s call each person who has BS and PhD degrees from MIT a great scientist.
One knows about the policy of “positive descrimination” when Afro-Americans
are promoted in spite of their academic results


Another scientist who turned out to be not a scientist but a NASA astronaut.

Animals were the first in space and what out of it?

Well, if you had a clue about the space program, you’d know that ALL ASTRONAUTS are now mission specialists and are considered scientists for the most part, because they perform experiments…

So what? Each person spends life on something. Where are the results

Hehry Cecil McBay - just a teacher.

Like most “scientists” are?

Ronald Erwin McNair - another austronaut

Another great scientist or rather a Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History on Manhattan’s and TV showman?

It’s spelled “astronaut,” and I think I explained this already…

Extraordinary, you’ve pulled out a few of the scientists, who often had to work twice as hard to achieve their positions because ignorant racists wouldn’t even hire them…

BTW, what great things have Ukrainian nationalists done? (besides get owned by Stalin, collaborate with Nazis, and slaughter Polish children?)

Kato, it seems that you left this part out.

Mark Dean (born March 2, 1957) is an inventor and a computer scientist. He holds three of the nine original IBM patents upon which the IBM PC personal computers were based. He led the team that developed the ISA bus, and he led the design team responsible for creating the first one-gigahertz computer processor chip.

African Americans in the Sciences