The nobel prize winner supports the idea of natural racial inequality

I wouldn’t bother wasting your time George. Kato’s already made up his mind, no information will change our friend’s mind.:slight_smile:

I figured as much, but thought I would point out an example of his cherry picking. :slight_smile:

Yeah, accounts of either african dictators or warlords and of course arms dealers. Just recently read africans have spend pretty much all financial aid they received from the first world over the past 15 years in weapons.

#1…A problem with what? Me wanting the names of the two schools you mention indicates me as having a problem? You posted like you know about these two schools.
#2 … I’ve taken lots of education courses…not about the American public school system but I live in Los Angeles and don’t see the big discrepancies between the black and white schools you seem to be trying to pass off as NORMAL… You can provide public schools for kids but you cant make anyone study and do their homework.
#3… No I don’t think so…wait…think otherwise about what???
#4…Your right but I also haven’t questioned chevan about what he writes, that doesn’t mean I agree with everything he writes either.
#5…Which answers you talking about? I guess some I do… some I don’t.

Relax Nick…I’m not saying there have never been any public schools shorted while other schools nearby get more than the other, I’m just saying there is more to the story, it didn’t happen because one was a white school and the other was a black school. Maybe paperwork didn’t get filed requesting funds…who knows…but there is no big conspiracy trying to keep certain people down. I dont care what color a child is…they have to want to learn.

You seem really fixated on it though. Quite amazing considering some of the crap spewed in this thread that you chose only to confront me. I’m really, really sorry I can’t remember the name of the school since it’s been about eight years since I read the book…

I guess I’m just making it all up. :rolleyes:

#2 … I’ve taken lots of education courses…not about the American public school system

What other kinds of “education courses” are there? And you’ve never read Kozol? He’s like standard reading for any education curriculium…

but I live in Los Angeles and don’t see the big discrepancies between the black and white schools you seem to be trying to pass off as NORMAL…

What country are you from again? You’re serious? You mean you do not realize that the US system of schooling is derived for the local tax base, therebye forming what is institutionalized funding disparity?

Does Beverly Hills High (or whatever) really receive the exact same funds as all schools in say East LA? (which I’m guessing is working class or filled with ethnic poor. But I don’t really know the area well)

And I’ve corresponded and have had friends that have kids in the Los Angeles’ schools. I once even spoke too at length with a former record executive about what to do with the problems his kids were having in their decrepit schools. I think he was going for the “magnet school” last I heard…

In any case, I didn’t mention any “Los Angeles,” schools. So what is your beef exactly? (I bet I can guess:)) I mentioned “east St. Louis,” and Newark, NJ also springs to mind now as serious problem school districts used as a case study in the book, your amazing ancedotal experiences not withstanding. In any case, if you have a problem with my posts, you can always get the book for yourself to test my memory and verify that basically everything I’ve said is true, forgiving a few minor details since it’s been about eight years since I’ve read them. But, you can always move there and send your kids to those schools is they;re really not that bad…:wink:

You can provide public schools for kids but you cant make anyone study and do their homework.

Really? are you sure? What about holding classes in decrepit schools so overcrowded, they use the mop closet as a classroom? Or teachers that sit at their desks and hand out dittos and don’t even assign homework? What about the revolving door of teachers that quit every year or get better jobs in suburban districts for higher pay, jobs they do not have to buy school supplies for their students…

These were all cited examples in the book. Really sorry I can’t scan it for you though…

#3… No I don’t think so…wait…think otherwise about what???
#4…Your right but I also haven’t questioned chevan about what he writes, that doesn’t mean I agree with everything he writes either.
#5…Which answers you talking about? I guess some I do… some I don’t.

Relax Nick…I’m not saying there have never been any public schools shorted while other schools nearby get more than the other, I’m just saying there is more to the story, it didn’t happen because one was a white school and the other was a black school. Maybe paperwork didn’t get filed requesting funds…who knows…but there is no big conspiracy trying to keep certain people down. I dont care what color a child is…they have to want to learn.

I never said there wasn’t “more to the story.” If you have this many questions, then I suggest you pick the book up. It ain’t hard to find, or you can get it out of any decent library is you don’t want to fund that ‘evil socialist’ Kozol or whatever…

And it’s not a “conspiracy,” it’s a fact of the localized funding system of US schools. We don not have a national schools system, for better or for worse. Nobody disputes this! Education funding is dependent on the local tax base while state and federal aid offered is marginal and often unfairly and absurdly contingent. Don’t believe me? Then ask why New York state has now enacted, as a matter of basic civil rights, that ALL schools be somewhat equally funded. It is because schools in affluent (mostly white) will receive more funding than an inner city school located in a ghetto, where chemical companies often operate because the community is perceived to be too dysfunctional and crime-ridden to afford lawyers, organize campaigns, or even appeal to the media (east St. Louis). What is also NOT a “conspiracy” is that already chronically underfunded school systems are penalized under the “No Child Left Behind” legislation. So, if a school is failing, maybe it is because nobody of merit wants to work there or because they lack basic texts and materials, they get their funding cut! Brilliant!

Do you have any research to indicate otherwise? I’d love to see it!

Gee, I wonder where they learned that?

Oh what a nice discussion is here;)
I’ve guess that Kato is race-oriented nationalist , but didn’t ever dream the Nick is the socialist;):slight_smile:

And it’s not a “conspiracy,” it’s a fact of the localized funding system of US schools. We don not have a national schools system, for better or for worse. Nobody disputes this! Education funding is dependent on the local tax base while state and federal aid offered is marginal and often unfairly and absurdly contingent. Don’t believe me? Then ask why New York state has now enacted, as a matter of basic civil rights, that ALL schools be somewhat equally funded. It is because schools in affluent (mostly white) will receive more funding than an inner city school located in a ghetto, where chemical companies often operate because the community is perceived to be too dysfunctional and crime-ridden to afford lawyers, organize campaigns, or even appeal to the media (east St. Louis). What is also NOT a “conspiracy” is that already chronically underfunded school systems are penalized under the “No Child Left Behind” legislation. So, if a school is failing, maybe it is because nobody of merit wants to work there or because they lack basic texts and materials, they get their funding cut! Brilliant!

Very true Nick.
And the sad fact the Russia going to this form “education system” too.
Actually the former soviet free system was the best of the world ( despite all of lacks).
The free hight education system that we had let get the good profession for EVRYBODY poor who are not a finished idiot.( but honestly speaking the many idiots got hight edication tooin SU).

HAHA, Austronauts. Please leave our spacmen out of this discussion;)


LOL I’m more of a liberal (FDR- New Deal) capitalist…

Very true Nick.
And the sad fact the Russia going to this form “education system” too.
Actually the former soviet free system was the best of the world ( despite all of lacks).
The free hight education system that we had let get the good profession for EVRYBODY poor who are not a finished idiot.( but honestly speaking the many idiots got hight edication tooin SU).

It’s difficult to call societies fair when there are such blatant funding discrepancies…

Q: What do you call an Italian Astronaut
A: A Specimen

With the greatest respect (a phrase invariably used when there isn’t any) might I suggest that you should be more consistent?

On scanning your post, perhaps influenced by your previous clear and forceful expression (which I always find refreshing - without the greatest respect :D), I unconsciously substituted ‘ck’ for ‘nd’ in funding. :smiley:

It was more accurate, and of universal application, when I got it wrong. :smiley:

I see a lot of agression here.

You all better shift a gear down, or I going ot be forced to “operate”

Are using a scapel or sledgehammer for the operation PK?:wink:


Let just say the when the knee is infected I usually cut down the entire leg. :rolleyes:

Hopefully the infection does not go beyond the knee!:shock::smiley:


I resemble that statement RS. My god what type of sediment are you draining from your glass?:wink:


No sediment, me old mate.

Haven’t had a Cooper’s red label for weeks. :smiley:

It’s just me natural skills as a peacemaker that produced me last gentle post. :smiley:

The average reader wouldn’t realise just how keen some people are to get rid of posts from people they don’t like, even if it removes the subject to which later posts refer.

Meaning is nothing.

Preservation of the regime is everything.

Still, censorship serves its own ends, especially in nations that are used to dictatorships.

Set your clocks, ladies and gentlemen, for the running of the “PK gets rid of something else he doesn’t like stakes”.

The strong money is on this post disappearing in no time.

So is the weak money.

So did the Japanese during WWII. Did that stop them from being the preeminent technological power from the 1970s to the 1990s?

There are no cannibalism traditions in Japan. Japanese soldiers during WWII ate other human beings (mainly already dead) to avoid the death from hunger. Besides Japan had reached the Western standards in technology and science by the end of XIX century.

While Africans have cannibal traditions and cannibalism was (and evidently is) practiced by chiefs, senior officials and some local presidents who did not experience any lack of ordinary and luxurious food.

Nope. If you have 1/16th “colored” blood in your veins, one is considered black…

Oh my God. Following this logic it is almost possible to say that all the Europeans are Iranians or some national from India.

I wonder what’s proportion of original negro in the majority of these " great black" scientists?