The Off-topic Dump Thread.

I cant stop laughing from this and RS’ underwear thread…:smiley: ::mrgreen::

This Website is going to the DUMPS…Too much Porn and too Slow for past few days…Who here agrees!..Speak now or forever live with it. Lets stick together. One for All and All for One!

Yawn. F*** off and stop spamming the forum yourself, you’re turning into a right dullard.

ITs not.Ive got the information in front of me.And if you get youre information from the internet its not always right either.cheers

Please post the source then…

And be advised that you are on a very short lease, kitten…

Got youre adtention didt i. I only said that too see if you still tacking notice.
Kitten i love that name.:cool:

How about dropping your attention seeking behaviour and responding to the specific points I made in my last post, with references to support your position?

I would of if i knew how to do it, and also most of the information i have ist on the net.
But i notice you men have proof on youre post but i dont know how to put them up.
I try to copy and paste is that right.

Is it fair that you should waste posting space to reveal just thick and incompetent you are?

I’d like to see you make the claim that England’s land Army was bigger than Germany’s here…

And to emphasize whats already been said since are that thick, any book on the Great War will state as it talks about the opening campaigns in 1914 that Germany’s army over 1 million strong faced against the BEF of 247,000. In fact if really do your history, you’ll find the propaganda at the time played up that fact to encourage enlistment.

Martin Pegler’s staple Osprey book 1914-18 Tommy states in its sixth page
“Britains professional army was small and around 247,000 men. As casulties mounted, it became clear that this was insufficientto meet the needs of a European War.”

Can you name some of Britains biggest conflicts in WWI?

1st Mons
The Marne
1st Ypres
Neuve Chapelle-Auber Ridge
2nd Ypres
The Somme
Vimy Ridge
Passchendaele (3rd ypres)

Here’s some reading for you:

Thankfully some one has already collected them to post.

Sorry PDF, I just thought this thread was for dumping our bullshit . I felt like unloading my bull in this dump thread. I willl hold off on my dump and take it elsewhere…and I don’t know what a dullard is but i will take that over being called a moron. thanks for improving my demeanor. Have A Nice Day PDF:mrgreen:

Not that I want to interfere but cause I didn’t know either I did some research:

Definition from Wiktionary, a free dictionary
dullard (plural dullards)
(UK, slang) A stupid person; a fool.

Ya, thats ok, A dullard is better sounding than a moron, cause nobody really knows what a dullard is, cause Flame Guy even had to look it up in the dictionary. Lets keep it to Dullard-more sophisticaqted sounding.
So I am called a Dullard for complaining about the PORN on this site or the SLOW speed. Well, if I really were so Stupid (as a Dullard implies), then I wouldn’t have noticed that the system was so SLOW, now then would I?. Furthermore, if I were a Dullard, I would not have been as smart or CARING enough to bring this issue to the attention of those we respect like the Mods. I am dumpimg my thoughts in this dump thread because I don’t feel my proactive and good will intentions on complaining about realistic issues affecting this site, predisposes me to a Dullard. If the forum reintroduced New Member’s to a mandatory 4-5 comments before beeing allowed to open a THREAD, then maybe we wouldn’t be getting so much Porn and useless crap unrelated to WW-2; but, no, wait, I wouldn’t know about this, because I’m a Dullard! geesh!:rolleyes:

Actually, I was thinking of a slightly different definition:

In other words, even the mighty pants in RS*'s thread aren’t strong enough to stop some of your posts boring them off me!

Thats good information you got there, but when you add up the British Empire and there armies and british navy ships. Britain in 1914 was the worlds largest coal and ships country[ not now of cause]and Germany was close in second place. I seen a docomentry on this before, but every one is intitled to there opinions you and me inclueded.Cheers

Hey Alex…If you take notice of my first other posts, ive be trying to say that English army is bigger than Germanys army in ww1 and other members told me i was wrong.I think no one believes me cause im a girl.Cheers

No, they’re right. I’m not sexist, but the BEF and the Home Army combined couldn’t match the strength of the German Army. Germany mobilized 11,000,000 men, and the British Empire mobilized 8,904,467 men. Taken from The Complete Idiot’s Guide to WWI.

Again… you didn’t read what I said carefully Aly… The British Army as in the ENTIRE EMPIRE COMBINED was not as big as the Imperial German Army in either world war. Its been stated by everyone who has bothered to talk about the subject on here and anyone who know the basics of British involvement in the conflict.

Search this site for the basics…

I must apolised too you all. Youre information says British army gets bigger 1916 -1918, i got my dates wrong. I must of gotten confused with the British navy that was biggest at that time when ww1 started. forgive me please. Cheers

Hey winston and the other guy i forgot youre name,I beleive you when you guys say germany has got more foot soilders.Only 3000 more than britain thats not that much difference ,so in that case they are bigger,but ist the british navy included with the army, if thats the case the british army is bigger than the Germans, and i must say Britains navy is Bigger than Germanys at that time. So i see what you mean bigger but 3000 more soilders compared with the British navy.Does that add up to Germany being bigger?.The complete Idots Guides 2 ww1 that better not mean me, ive never insulted you churchill.Cheers

This is evidence of either profoundly clumsy trolling or such profound stupidity that the person responsible for it should be banned from breeding. Past conduct suggests the former rather than the latter.