The Off-topic Dump Thread.

Hey Rsing Sun-I like to point out somethink to you guys ok.
In todays world Chinas Army has got a lot more foot soildiers than American Army has,but America has got a larger navy and guess who is known for the larger army America is.
Back in 1914 Germany has got 3000 more foot soildiers than England has, but Englands Navy is much larger than Germany has to offer,is that telling you men something. In todays world Englands got the bigger army.
WELL i can tell you some thing im not that troll.:smiley: cheers

What planet are you on?

Have you bothered to read the posts above giving the relative figures?

Why do you persist in posting rubbish after being informed by people who actually know what they’re talking about and refer you to reliable sources?

WTF does the size of a nation’s navy have to do with the size of its army?

And this bears on WWI, or WWII, exactly how?

Then you are worryingly and genuinely stupid.

Except I still think you’re a troll, because there is a cunning intelligence behind the bullshit and ducking and weaving you’ve been doing here which even a gifted moron couldn’t manage.

I think your time is about up, kitten.

The internet is not the only resource that people can get ww2 information from. You got one thing right I am cunning and intelligence.What bullshit .Have you check other information out sept for the internet before R/S
maybe you should then you will see that most people are not trolls. And what ducking and weaving, im the only one that doest suck up any ones arse.


Like most other people here, I’ve read things called books. You should try it some time. U cn fnd thm in a bkshp ore libry.

Well, of course you don’t.

You’re too busy extracting copious quantities of shit from your own arse and smearing it all over the board.

Be a bit much to expect you to be able to operate your north and south orifices at the same time when both hands and your brain are fully occupied in the south.

Or answer clear but inconvenient questions to back up your creative bullshit. Your ducking and weaving makes Lionel and Jeff look like they were disabled, kitten, which you sure as hell ain’t.

I didt really have a ww2 book with me, its in my room and most of my information came from the History channel. Just wanted to see what you would say,and i got so much proof on tape. I tape all of the docomentries and if i wanted to back my self up i would put that tape in and watch it, and some times i caught some of you guys out, but i didt say anything, Who am i ducking and weaving? and i dont hate you at all so im going to talk to you all the time, hehehe .So where does the information come from the internet. Who put it up there, do you know who? Cheers

Well, kitten, I think our little exchanges have proved my point.

You are just playing games; getting a bit damp in the gusset about being noticed; ducking and weaving even about having a book; and contributing nothing to the board.

It’s time to stop being a dill and make some useful contributions, or piss off.

I dont need to be notice i was trying to be funnie, and you still have not told me where does the internet ww2 information comes from, who puts it up there. Who says im playing games,my information is just as good as anyones on this forum. Well , and you are right ,i do think im right all the time, but some of my information is so right and most of you guys tried to shut me down, and i had the information right in front of me aswell. Hint- If you want me to hate you ,stop calling me Kitten. You should stop picking on people and talk about ww2 or why dont you pee off.:smiley:

WTF does it matter to you where it comes from?

You get all your information from your big book of WWII in your room and the History Channel.

Try to be consistent in your bullshit, because the cracks in your story are turning into crevasses.

Nope from 30 third rench Hitler books and its got everything in it, well about Hitler and Germany and prisoners of war, how Churchill and Hitler hated each other , all of the Nazi Generals,The Aryan Race [which you dont come from]Hitler and his sexaully experiments, Irelands nazis,ww2 german planes and jets and the spitfire every thing is on there,why would i lie to people and put fake information up.I dont care if you think you know every thing.

All doubt has been removed.

Yeah i know , You know now i had right information,and the sad bit for you is, the members had the same information which i had.:frowning:

Aly, you have irrevecably destoryed the thread’s revelance on what was quite an interesting topic.

It is PAINFULLY obvious that you know absolutely NOTHING about history and it is a shame that you have poinsoned the topic with your constant inflamatory, irrelevant and false claims.

OK mate check this out. WEB SITE -

LOL Army Rumor Survice rules! :D:D:D

Oh, dear!

Yet another in your growing list of probative links which doesn’t link to anything.

What excuse are you going to offer this time, kitty cat?

[i]I don’t know how to cut and paste?

I don’t know what an address bar is?

Every time I paste a link to prove my bullshit, a critical part of it magically disappears because kittens don’t understand the internet properly?[/i]

Blah, blah, blah.

Boring, kitty cat, and completely unconvincing.

Leave Kitty Kat alone. You know you are more inteligent RS, so why don’t you back off and raise your concerns or issues with the Mods instead of instilling tension into the forum. The rules and regulations of this website stipulate that members should not insult or treat others with disrespect. It also states that fowel language should not be used. personally I think BOTH of you should be banned for 7 days until you cool off and can show some respect. Everyday you 2 are getting madder and irritated by each other. The honourable Super Mod Firefly has said before in a post that use of continueous swearing language is not permitted. The more you 2 get agitated, the more I and others get heated up. I am not taking sides but it seems the issue is Kitty Kats useage of too many threads. Can’t the Mods or Admin staff perhaps instill a limitation on the number of threads she can initiate?, or respon too?, or perhaps slow down the server for her responses so she doesn’t feel like making too many comments?.There are other ways to appease all, without banning someone. Just an idea anyways. Time out you guys/gals. Please respect each other. Sometimes it makes me feel like putting mustard into the debates and thats no good either. …All you need is Love…Remember the Beatles!

Terribly sorry, old chap.

I’ve foolishly adopted the approach of responding to the person who posts rubbish by challenging him/her to justify his/her posts and generally challenging his/her patent crap.

Silly old me.

And, by the way, intelligence is irrelevant here. It’s all about knowledge.

Also, by the way, if you think my challenges to ali j are instilling tension into the forum, I’m not even in first gear.

I know how to get proof now so i wouldt get cocky:D

Hi Rising Sun*, Pororo told me that you were being mean to aly J and he would like if you could both be friends, so he has sung a song to make you happy!

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

He already did, some time ago. We decided to let him crack on with it as he is doing, and are sitting in the background keeping an eye on things and googling for pictures of penguins.

This is also a very anglo-centric forum with a high percentage of current/ex military - with the result that the Mods tend to interpret this rule somewhat along the lines of “stupid should hurt”. RS* does regularly get pulled up for using obscene language, but he didn’t trip my personal swear filter in this case.

This would be why you’re not a mod, and almost certainly never will be.

Nope. We dinna have the power captain!