The Off-topic Dump Thread.

I promise you, the day you start supplying a decent standard of proof is the day RS* stops being wound up by your posts.

Look PDF, you don’t have to get testy with me. I thought my thread response was fair, yet you take it to be offensive. I don’t know why your quoting every line I said and commenting on it, like I did something wrong. I am allowed to express my dissatisfaction of the demeanour between 2 certain members as it affect me, a member. I appreciate your points and responses to some extent but I don’t appreciate your one sided view of my demeanour. I was not offensive to any one person, I was merely getting tired of the animosity between these 2 members as it shows in every thread wherever I go. As a mod your suppose to be fair and not demean members and saying stuff like I would never be Mod. I don’t think the Mods job is easy and I am sure you get stressed out a lot, and I know perhaps I may stress you out a little itsy bitsy bit at times as well, but please don’t rip my head off as I truly thought my ideas about limiting the number of threads one could create was a good idea. I shouldn’t be sarcastically belittled for trying to be proactive in helping the situation with possibilities. Anyways, I’m sure your having a busy day, so sorry to ruffle your feathers, I was merely trying to help. God forbid anybody try to suggest anything to you without being belittled. If you were Panzernacker , you would probably ban me for a week for even speaking up to you, like the way he did in the olden days from what I read. I have respect for you PDF, and not every member is going to be of your caliber, but patience is a virtue and I hope we can be at least respectful to one another. Thank You for your time.

Yes im sure , I would of had proof today but i kept on typing the wrong address silly me.
I had proof at home but i didt no how to put the proof under my post, but another member told me how to do it.
Maybe he should not take notice of me and he wont get wound up. I dont mean to piss any one off. ;)Cheers

<Grins> That wasn’t me ripping a head off, merely suggesting a rather wiser future course of action for you. If you want me to demonstrate ripping a head off, I’m sure I can oblige :twisted:

Hi herman2, you didn’t get your head ripped off, you got a detailed reasoned response and you criticize the response for dealing with your remarks on a line by line basis, well if somebody is going to respond to your remarks in a detailed fashion, a line by line basis is a perfectly fair way to do it. Furthermore, the fact that mods choose to respond in the way they did, would in my opinion show that they treated your posting on the basis, that you were making some valid observations and raising some reasonable questions. I find your remark about demeaning members just silly, I do not know how many forums you have been on, but it is par for the course for not a few of them to be run in the most bizarre fashion, e.g. to give a fictional but illustrative example, one after putting a lot of effort in to posting on a forum, a relative of the site owners who appears to have such a low IQ as one might suspect them of being mentally retarded, would come on the forum and make a seemingly plausible statement but which would be factually false, one would point out why their statement would be factually incorrect, one would get a barrage of F-words back in response and when one would reply to the poster they were just showing they had no argument to offer or else they would not be using bad language, one would banned for “demeaning” the other poster. Another fun thing that can happen in forums, is that they go out of their way to disguise what they are really about e.g. they might have a policy of banning people who are members of fascist or neo-Nazi political parties or people who voice support for such parties in the forum and whilst at the same time, the objective to which the forum is run is rightwing extreme or even worse than openly fascist or neo-Nazi parties. Another stunt that such a type of forum will pull, is that they will permit a barrage of thinly veiled anti-semitic remarks but will ban you for endorsing anti-semitism if you try to argue against such remarks. Now that sort of stuff, I think is demeaning. I do not think in anyway you were demeaned by the mods, you made a good posting and the mods responded in an intelligent fashion critiquing your observations on a point by point basis.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Hi aly J, just a question for you, that probably seems both bizarre and rude. Are you an artificial intelligence software? To explain what I mean by that, it is quite possible to simulate a human being on the internet I have actually had it happen to me, in that I was chatting to another person on the IRC ( internet relay chat ) for several hours before I worked out it was not a person but a computer program, so why I am asking you are you a computer program is that if you say you are not I would have to believe you and if you actually lied in that you were a computer program and said you were not, if you were being run by a university computer dept they would be in a lot of trouble with the university ethics committee.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Adrian, your response was well planned out, concise, and well articulated. I have now realized the fault of my pre-misconceptions and applaud you for recognizing the valid observations which you have made. It sometimes takes a third person to instil awareness to a problem, which one is confused with. Your examples of demeaning and forum décor were well established and tolerant. Thank You for your response and your candour. I guess I was feeling a little bit upset because I respect PDF so much and it hurt my feelings that he couldn’t see something positive in my constructive criticism. If it were anybody else I would have taken the response perhaps more lightly, but coming from PDF, it was like a stake through my heart. It was shocking that PDF said I could never become a Mod. I was getting me resume in order. (ok I’m joking now, but thanks again):slight_smile:

No problem, glad you found my posting useful, it is a generalized problem of text web based communication, that remarks are often perceived as being much more negatively critical by whom they are addressed to, than was intended. Been there done that.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Hey Adrian, I got a nice message and not a bad one for once , im chuffed.
If i was an artificial intelligence software , dont you reckon i would have much smarter answers and plus my spelling would of been perfect.
But i must admitt, it felt good that you guys think im an intelligence software.
Im a real 26 year old girl, the only reason that i type like a retard is that i couldet pass year 10, are you happy now. Is there any way of proofing my self. Cheers

Im a bit lost here again. I want to PM a mod but i forgot how to PM.
How do i PM a mod and which mod should i PM, The mod who will likely respond back to me. Cheers

  1. Go to
  2. Type the name of the mod you want to talk to in the box at the top
  3. Type contents of message
  4. Send message

And unless it’s important, don’t PM me - see my sig for what qualifies as important.

Geez, do you really think im going to PM for the hell of it. Geez im not in love with you.
Of cause i knew it had to be important before i PM you.
It seems so hard though.

Don’t worry I will take your word for it that you are a real person. As regards your spelling mistakes and your exotic grammar, for sure a computer program could produce perfect spelling and much better grammar than you do, but the programers might build the software so that it made such errors for the reason, if the computer program made a mistake in responding because it did not understand something, it would not be easily noticeable in a scenario where the computer program was designed to create deliberate errors of spelling and grammar.

Some music for you to to enjoy

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Hi Adrain,
How did you know with youre last experice that you were talking too a computer intellingence software program?
Do i sound like a intellingence software program do i?
Could you please tell me what cause youre suspicious, so i can change my way, so i wont cause other members to get suspicious of me. I think its only you so far, Cheers

Geez, You men are soft cocks, i cant believe you cryed. Cheers

Now youre a mummies boy;)

PM PDF. He is the coolest. Rather then posting a million times and fighting with RS, why don’t you do your stuff privately with PDF so we don’t have to read it everyday! If I were you, I would PM the PDF meister a few dozen times a day, just to get it off of my chest:cool:…he likes it, trust me. Don’t be afraid…(just a suggestion?)Phew!

I forget exactly how I realized there was something strange but it was roughly that, I made a comment about sometime simple and the program misunderstood it but in a way one would not expect a person to. It was your use of strange spelling and odd grammar that made me suspicious that you were a computer program and there is nothing I suppose you can do about that.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

ScienceDaily (Oct. 13, 2008) — At a major artificial intelligence competition at the University of Reading on 12 October, machines have come close to imitating human communication.

As part of the 18th Loebner Prize, all of the artificial conversational entities (ACEs) competing to pass the Turing Test have managed to fool at least one of their human interrogators that they were in fact communicating with a human rather than a machine. One of the ACEs, the eventual winner of the 2008 Loebner Prize, got even closer to the 30% Turing Test threshold set by 20th-century British mathematician, Alan Turing in 1950, by fooling 25% of human interrogators.

Top machines from around the world were entered into the competition and following extensive scrutiny these were whittled down to the five best for the 12 October finale. During the Turing Test at the University of Reading, the ACEs competed in a series of five minute long, unrestricted conversations with human interrogators, attempting to pass themselves off as human. The interrogators did not know whether they were conversing with a human or a machine during the test.

The Turing Test is to convince a skilled interrogator that the computer is human, not to convince 30% of a random sample of humans that the computer is human. The prediction Turing made at the time he devised the test was that by the year 2000 there was a 30% chance of a computer existing that could pass this test.