The Politcal spectrum - Human rights abuses.

Uk had human rights abuses? When, where and what kind, are we talking recently of 1900’s? Please qualify this list.

Technically speaking internment was a violation of human rights, it’s just that it was a bit more reasonable than perhaps throwing students out of the back of a herc.

Yes I suppose your right there, but remember accordingto certain S American members here, those student are in fact having a nice life in Switzerland and were not dissapeared.

And apparently, gunning down IRA members is a violation of human rights too…

I agree, especially when it affected their rights to blow people up!

Yep, it all depends on how far you want to take it.

Amnesty International actually uses the Internment thing as a human rights issue.

But then again we, as in Britain, were also chastised for doing too little to prevent cruelty to children.

One of the key players on the commitee that decided this was the Chinese, FFS, they’ve got a glowing record for looking after kids haven’t they?

Everyone can only have one child. Cue years of girls being killed so that people could have sons and thus be looked after in their old age as per tradition!!!

Of course it’s bitten them in the ass, there aren’t enough little girls to marry little boys, so many boys don’t have wives.

One way to cull you population right back I suppose.

I think you are a bit anti-erwin,a kraut solded to the british,also im angry with the gurkhas because they cut the ears of their enemies and tortured them.

that’s why.

but you are friend of the island.

btw,you don’t have to defend to your buddies like your wife!,they can defend themselves (i suppose)

You’re the first to complain about offensive names for other countries and their people Erwin

And again, post proof about your disgusting lies about the Gurkhas or shut up about it.

You’re the first to complain about offensive names for other countries and their people Erwin

And again, post proof about your disgusting lies about the Gurkhas or shut up about it.[/quote]
a spic
a daggo

and who do you think that teached me the word kraut? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t care Erwin, you are the only one I’ve seen use any of those words on here, apart from one joke in the joke thread.


I don’t care Erwin, you are the only one I’ve seen use any of those words on here, apart from one joke in the joke thread.[/quote]
just search them.

can you see if they were wrote in a topic?

see before talking

I don’t care Erwin, you are the only one I’ve seen use any of those words on here, apart from one joke in the joke thread.[/quote]
just search them.

can you see if they were wrote in a topic?

see before talking[/quote]

I’ve searched them all erwin, and you are the only one who’s ever used them, apart from the one time in the joke.

itt wasn’t a joke,eh?

You have used both of the words that so offend you more times than anyone on the site.

The joke is a play on the english, you might not fully understand (no offence meant).

I used them to show (try to make you think)you that they don’t offend me.

but they do.

I used them to show (try to make you think)you that they don’t offend me.

but they do.[/quote]

Stop using them, you’re the only one that does.

I used them to show (try to make you think)you that they don’t offend me.

but they do.[/quote]

Stop using them, you’re the only one that does.[/quote]
Nope,one of you teached me that,and not by msn.

also i don’t learn such words in the english class.

itt wasn’t a joke,eh?[/quote]

So what would you put in the jokes thread ?

Apart from your opinion of truth and honour that is.

Erwin, I don’t care. If you don’t like the words, don’t use them. You’re the only person I’ve seen using them on here.

Amnesty did take issue with internment but their main concern was the use of sensory deprivation to prep for interogation. Human rights are a relitive hence the employment of an arse wiper for Abu Hamza.
One of the most infamous techniques used by a number of dictatorships in south and Central America was to have the suspects watch while a female relitive was repeatedly raped by dogs.
Odd how one of the biggest critics of th UK for using sensory deprivation was also providing an advisory facility on interogation techniques to a number of right wing South and Central American Dictators.