The Politcal spectrum - Human rights abuses.

I think you are a bit anti-erwin,a kraut solded to the british,also im angry with the gurkhas because they cut the ears of their enemies and tortured them.

that’s why.

but you are friend of the island.

btw,you don’t have to defend to your buddies like your wife!,they can defend themselves (i suppose)[/quote]

Britain has for the last 500 years been a beacon of democracy and tolerance (though not without faults). This can neither been said about Germany or Argentina.


and? :roll:

You wouldn’t understand Erwin, there are kindergarten children who have a better grasp of the world as a whole than you.

PS. I have asked you nicely to stop posting rubbish about the Gurkhas.

If you can prove it fine, if you read the Gurkha thread in the British Forces forum, you will see that I have posted a respectable link that proves no war crimes were commited by Gurkhas.

Please stop posting idiotic claims about the conduct of the Gurkhas

I found this source regarding human rights abuses in democratic countries, it makes interesting reading.
the photo source is exemplary!

why you put that who has the argentine torture?
and why you only put the soldier torturing instead of terrorists and montoneros?

all I could find under google.

Congratulations on your promotion by the way Mr. Cove. Does this mean Erwin can no longer try to pull rank on you?

Erwin has never pulled rank on me! It is I believe my greatest credit.

I intend to use my google earnt position of authority to spout utter bollocks create secondary usernames, invite trolls to the forum. Proclaim my moderaotr status far and wide despite only holding it by a thread, and genreally be a waste of space.

The officers mess I can inform you is as crap as the OR mess and is largely decorated by overstuffed leather couches and pictures of Gurkha warcrimes and sunken (yet floating) battleships.
Life in the ranks was better.

why you put that who has the argentine torture?
and why you only put the soldier torturing instead of terrorists and montoneros?[/quote]

If you read the article you would see that hte source refers to a host of nations not only Argentina. Many democratic the US the Uk, Egypt, all appear, get your head out of your posterior and read the posts before boosting your post count you nanchuck!

Egypt is democratic! :shock:

not all, but it isnt an Argentine only party, at big Babus house of pain!

UK did a lot of atrocities wherever the blue/red flag tok by force other territories, in the Imperialist ages.

Remember that not only the military governments abuses about their power. I ask you… You don’t know what’s happening in Iraq, do you?

You can find a lot of crimes did by the British Army.

And please, read TRAVEL TO THE HELL, a book from a british soldier, from the PARA-3 who fought with Argentines (or murdered them). He thinks that we are only rats… read that book and think who commits real abuses to the human rights.

Eagle wrote

I ask you… You don’t know what’s happening in Iraq, do you?

Actually yes I do. I have been there, have you?

I have lots of mates serving there now, have you?

I am due to return I am sure, are you?

Do not believe everything that gets thrown up in the media, including our own.

There have been some real humans rights violations, but most if you look at it are either made up or blown out of all proportion.

Also remember the Iraqis aren’t squeeky clean either, google “6 dead RMPs” to find out more.

There are elements of our media who tend to forget to prove their claims or post pictures that are so blatently faked they have faked written across them.

Any of the Brits know the phone number for the Mirrors recruiting office? Erwin we’ve found you a job!!!

Eagle don’t follow in Erwins path down the trail to idiocy.

Also, for your info, it is 3PARA not PARA-3. It is short for 3rd Bn, The Parachute Regiment, that is how we refer to units in the British Army.

Don’t have the book to hand, any particular quotes of human rights violations you might want to post?

I think this guys mustache is cool and his clothes.

He must have been a great navy captain.

With lots of great actions.

Does anyone else think that this guys mustache is cool?

I want to grow one just like that!!!

Maybe in a few years.

You can only compare countries with other countries of the same period, e.g. 18th century Britain with 18th century France, and in this comparison Britain actually comes out quite well. You can not compare the standards of e.g. 18th century Britain, where e.g. slavery was permitted, with modern ideals.
Britain had e.g. slavery abolished long before the United States did it.
British 19th century colonialism was in many aspects less harsh than e.g. the French, German or the worst, the Belgians.
Mistakes and massacres happened, the worst British one, the massacre of Amritsar in India was due to orders given by a mentally ill officer, who afterwards was removed from service.

These were done by individual soldiers, who got court martialled accordingly. AFAIK, the blokes, who perpetrated the crimes are now in military prison. Unlike the US there was no official campaign to torture prisoners, were high ranking officials of both the military and the CIA have been involved. All in all, the British seem to get along in their zone of Iraq quite well, probably based on learning from mistakes made in Northern Ireland and their colonialist period.


I’m supprised that 3 Paras actions on Mt Longden have been quoted in terms of an atrocity when it is widely regarded as one of the few actions when Argentine forces gave a good account of themselves.
( NB I am posting from memory and stand to be corrected by other UK posters.)
The original plan was for an advance under cover of darkness culminating in a supprise attack on the summit, with the hope that Argentine forces would fall back in the face of advancing forces.
By the time 3 Para had assembled at the start line they where losing night cover, the advance lost the element of supprise when one of it’s members triped an AP mine. This lead to a slow advance up the mountain in the face of sustained and acurate enemy fire during which they recieved the majority of their casualties.
On reaching the summit 3 Para( by now with there blood up and exremely pissed off due to the casualty rate of the advance) were able to advance rapidly through the Argentine perimiter and in fact by-passed the defending force necessitating a swift about turn to engage the defending force.
The terrain on the summit was mostly a series of gullys and given the close proximity of the attacking force to the defenders the action required hand to hand combat ( bayonet drill) which does not give much room for taking prisoners, it is a credit to the ( supprising ) restraint of 3 Para that any prisoner were taken during the action.
Can the action during this engagement be described as a war crime/attrocity ? no it was heat of battle. It was unlike the assaults on the other mountains the one occasion when the defending forces did’nt scuttle off quick smart at the first angry shot.
A war crime would have been the use of the napalm recoverd following the assault on Goose Green, as I believe that the Napalm had been listed as a proscribed substance/weapon by the UN

I apologise for any spelling and gramatical erros in my previous post, I should proof read prior to posting.

The problem here is we’re dealing with people who have no idea what it is like to be shot at, not necessarily on this site, but those that decide the 3PARAs actions were “war crimes” and then publish these claims.

Personally I have never been involved in bayonet charge, but as I have said previously, I have no doubt that everyone wants to surrender just prior to the steal going in.

That is what hand to hand is about. It is close, people may want to surrender but the nature of the fight pretty much prevents anychance of taking prisoners, there is no area for saftey. You can tell them to get on the floor from 10 meters away, you are already up close.

If Eagle has any specific acts he would like to quote from the book, peferalbly other than bayonet charges and the associated violence.

Obviously if a Para stoped and hacked off a dead Argintinansa head and took it back to UK for the mantel piece that would be a war crime.

Sticking cold steal in to someone who, just minutes ago was giving you the good news from an elevated position, well the Junta should have thought about things like that before sending in their mob against the best soldiers in the world!!!

Bluffcove, was looking at the picture on the link.

I know what the guys in grey are doing is wrong, but, you know, don’t you think their uniforms are kinda cool?

The Grey is ever so slimming, and exudes a kind of mystique.

Have any of you Argentines ever heard of the principle of TLC: Too Late, Chum?