The Politcal spectrum - Human rights abuses.

You mean it’s not like medal of honour?

If I’m about to get killed on that I can turn off and start again.


Back on topic, one of the leading lights in the study of democide (i.e. people murdered by their own governments) has a very interesting, although hard to navigate website:

In summary, war has killed fewer than democide (this was a surprise to him when he studied it), and totalitarian regimes have killed far fewer than democratic ones. Democracies also embark on fewer agressive wars.

Interesting figures:

Your first slide doesn’t show that.

It says democratic democide is low, totalitarian is middle and “others” is the highest.

What is “others”?

1st slide appears to be a cumulative graph, not 3 superposed graphs. I assume that “other” was put at the top for clarity.

“Other” would be “authoritarian but not totalitarian”. Thus the proportions on slide 1 would tally with the proportions on slide 2.

Dont you mean that totalitarians have killed more than democracies? I mean Uncle Joe and his Cousin Adolf ‘offed’ more people than anyone else in history.

Dont you mean that totalitarians have killed more than democracies? I mean Uncle Joe and his Cousin Adolf ‘offed’ more people than anyone else in history.[/quote]

Sorry, my bad - am writing in between working - I meant far more. :oops:

Yeah yeah yeah. Sure you did. :wink:

APOLOGIST! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been trying to work that one out for ages!!!

MofS is able to mistake things just like us every!!!