The Russo-Finnish War

You mean that flash-presentation about the Eastern front? Yes, it looks very tasty and interesting. It was opened for the 60 years jubilee of the Victory.

I must have missed it. Can you point at it?

Did you check the multimedia show yet?

Yes, I have seen it before. Catching thing.

Will do.

In a mean while…is posting propaganda pictures with invented stories accepted behaviour in this forum?


QUOTE=Egorka;119065]My feelings are fine. I doon’t mind my opponents being sarcastic or such but statements like that one just have no debating value. Well, I see now… but it is practicaly imposible to read. You should understand it.

Well, it’s not impossible to read but dang! I’m logged out every now and then.

When I said “Really! Are you sure? No, really?!” I was just being ironic because AirdefMike asked “Continuation War happened because of Winter War, not the other way around.”.
I guess I did not articulate it well enough. And subtle nuances… Well, “I’m sorry if I have hurt your feelings.”. :wink:

I meant with your subtle nuances as words like “humane” and “security”.

No offense was taken.

I will be waiting.

Ok. The Molotov quote. After the Winter War, Finland and Sweden (Norway was included also at some point before German invasion) were planning an armed neutrality alliance. March 29 1940 Molotov gives a formal warning to all 3 countries that this is unacceptable.

August 22 Molotov 1940 (in a meeting with J.K. Paasikivi - Finn ambassador in Moscow) accuses Finns “of not trying to be a true friend”.

November 4 the Swedish goverment starts to prepare “unionplans” with Finland for a neutral alliance.

Nov. 5 Mme Kollontai (SU ambassador in Sweden) warns Sweden not to proceed with any kind of alliance with Finland.

December 6 Molotov warns Paasikivi about the Swe-Fin neutral alliance. The Soviet stance is that the alliance is against the Moscow Peace treaty (this is the meeting where the quote is from).

Dec. 16 Maj.Gen Talvela meets Halder and later Goring in Germany. Germans now oppose the neutral alliance also (Dec 18 Hitler gives the order to go ahead with the planning of Barbarossa).

As both the SU and Germany opposing the Fenno-Suedo alliance…it doesn’t materialise.

You also mentioned the Soviet Bomber orders. Do you have scans of those? How can we get to see them?

I’ve seen the scans on the Axis History Forum. Too bad that the site is down currently as it is a treasury of information. Some of the Finns and Russians there are real historians.

I have some stuff for you…but i’m at work so beit later…

Egorka, Fennica, bas and whoever who’s interested:

I think that this thread is becoming very difficult to follow. So I’m proposing that we will gradually cease using this thread and create/post to another/new threads with different/new topics concerning the Fenno-Soviet wars of 1939-44.

Is this acceptable for you guys?

It is. Just as it is acceptable for you to call it out as such…

Just right as the posting the Revisionist matter and denial the obvious facts of race-hate in pseudo-democratic small axis satellites.

Back in the page six. Right below where mod. commented our talk.

Yes, I have seen it before. Catching thing.
It’s well made, although Finnish front was barely visible and the Karelian Isthmus battles and rest of the front did not move like in the show, but it was good nontheless.

I have been mening to ask weather your historians ever talk about Line Salpa (Salpa-linja)?
It was the main defensive fortification line made to protect Finland, and Soviets thought that Finns would retreat there, and not stand and fight in Tali-Ihantala.
Some claims have been made that Soviets agreed to cease fire as they realized that Finnish army had eluded destruction and could fall back in good order until it would eventually occupie the Salpa.(all Finnish units were on the board, no reserves, no back-up)


Where on earth did you dig up the 20mm LAHTI from? There were only 1,500 produced!

It must be worth a small fortune!

Can you give us some footage of it working?