I found more material about 'fermers" from UPA
The chech authhor Juzef Foitikai in his book " Czechs in Volun" wrote.
…when Russians left, began banderovshchina - this was the same fascism only in the nationalistic Ukrainian form…
To the holiday of Peter and Pavel, on 29 June, 1943, traversed the village the band of unknown people with the axes. The next day we learned, that at night they attacked the Polish colony Of Zagai and all its inhabitants brutally they killed…
In the village Of Rachin… in 1943 Ukrainian nationalists killed Polish citizen golyakovska…
In 1942 of banderovtsy they began to kill the Polish citizens Of Volyni… Banderovtsy burnt the Polish villages: Marusyu, Fabrication, Mar’yanovku and the part Of Skurchev.
The another czech author Vatslav Shirch wrote
… “past, closed with time”, in whom also is described the life of Czechs on Volyni. Here it is said by the way. “when the Red Army stepped back during June 1941, the Ukrainians between themselves began information of calculations. On Boyarke by pitchforks they killed the chairman of village soviet and his 14- summer son. Several Ukrainians their they shot down… Together with the Germans returned home the Ukrainian nationalists, who before this ran away in that occupied by Germans Poland, where special preparation to school in Krakow was passed. In the red mountain they arranged something like the people law court above the Soviet activists in 1939-1941 hostility it appeared with such force, that the mother did not protect daughter or son, son - father, brother - brother. … in the week (during July 1941.g. - V.P.) it arrived following the front troops of the Gestapo and together with it Ukrainian nationalists, prepared in the school in Krakow: one of them was the soldier of Polish troops Dmitro Of Novosad from the red mountain…
Together with the Germans disarmed policemen, planted them into the automobile, transported into the forest, and there also shoted them. In the machines they took also from Lyudvikovki of young lad- Poles like for the work into Germany and they shot in the scaffolding.
Without any law court, in Mlinove they shot down Polish intellectuals - 41 Poles and 20 Jews. Thus began to act the Ukrainian police, “shutsmany” under the management Of Dmitra Novosada…
During 1941-42 yr. the Ukrainian police together with the Gestapo arranged several pogroms in the environments. … During winter 1942 up to 1943 it reached the single, then mass murders of Poles, before Easter they threw the call: “to remove from the Ukraine Poles and Jews”, i.e., to expel them or to kill…
Banderovskiye extremists spoke: “Треба кровЁ по колЁна, щоб настала вЁльна Україна”(It needs the blood for the independent Ukraine)”. At the end 1942 or in the beginning of 1943 in the Turkish mountain the unknowns killed the Ukrainian of Nikolai Dabrowski. He was not Communist, but this was man the clever, logically thinking, good friend of Czechs. He courageously voiced the views, which did not coincide with the official ideology of banderovskogo underground. It was neither first nor latter. Banderovtsy by terror smothered voices of reason. Banderovtsy were concentrated on the arson and the murders - entire Polish families, it is later than entire villages. The spring 1943 passed in the continuous fires.
Rural villages at night blazed. Poles, banished from their villages the cities, entered to the service to the Germans, into the police and took vengeance upon Ukrainians.( So there they get the figure of 20 000 ukrainian victims- it were the victims of Police)
Ukrainians ran away into the forest. Several Ukrainians were killed. Banderovtsy killed in the environments several Czechs, predominantly catholics or from the families, mixed with Poles. Polish divisions attacked at night on the family of active Ukrainian nationalists…
In winter 1943 toward the evening on the road from Uzhintsov of banderovtsy attacked the cart with the Polish women from Karolinki, which went into the fitting to pass the night in the Poloshchanskikh, hoping that it is not there so dangerous.
They shot down the wife of Jozef Poloshchanskiy and one additional woman.
At the end 1943 g they attacked a Miller, a Pole Of Stetsa, which had a wife Ukrainian, they killed also her five-year daughter. Under the winter of 1942 there was in Mlinove the pogrom of Jews. Dispatch to death as the flock of sheep, without resisting. Many ran away, hiding in Poles, Czechs, sometimes in Ukrainians. The occupiers and the Ukrainian police threatened with death of themes, who hid Jews, was arranged on them on the forests and the villages hunting.
In Vladimir Vostry’s estate from Frankova they caught 14- year Jewish boy, chased till to Karolinki and shot down. In the scaffolding Of “Grafchina” from Frankova they not far shot down 14 Jews, who hid themselves in the bunker…
In the Czech scaffolding near Frankova they shot down four boys at the age of 12-14 years. The chief of Mlinovskikh politsayev-“shutsmanov” Dmitriy Novosad became bunchuzhnym - ensign. He boasted himself: "entire Polish intelligentsia in Mlinove I have destroyed. It singlehandedly shot down 869 Jews. I allowed oneself word, that I will shoot down thousand "…
So as could you see gentelmens the “farmers” from UPA killed not only the Poles but also and Czechs and jews.
Whats a nice battle for independent Ukraine;)