The Ukrainian Insurgent Army

The maximum stretch was 25 years (not 30, which really does not make much difference) before the criminal set of laws of 1958.
do you know if the sentences were were changed from 25 to 15 years after the new criminal lwa of 1958 and 1960?

There is a well-known fact that the son of UPA’s leader spent in Soviet prisons 40 years simply for being the son of the enemy of the USSR. He got blind in prison. He was arrested when he was only 15 years old. You may chech it atШухевич%2C_Юрий_Романович Soviet judges didn’t care a fig for adhering to laws even if they were Soviet laws.

Oh welcome “ethnical rassian” Jason at the our forum.

He was sent there by Soviet authorities as nearly all the local Ukrainian teachers were accused of nationalism and fired. He told me what was going on there at that time. He personally witnessed the public execution conducted by NKVD soldiers in a village near Rovno. Seven persons suspected in contacts with UPA were hanged in the eyes of the local villagers who were forced to be present during the execution.

Oh what’s a nigthmare. NKVD publically hanged a seven peoples.
BTW were are the confirmation they were a “suspected”?
And did your grandfather accidentally tell you what was in the Rovno BEFORE the 1950-52?
And of what was “suspected” the peoples from the polish failies of Volun and Galicia? in that they were the Poles?

Two victims were 15-year-old children. The general practice of NKVD was to gather Ukrainian inhabitants of a village in one place, brought the corpses of killed insurgents and threw them in front of the crowd. Those people from the crowd who lost self-control and somehow expressed indignation or simply started crying were immediately arrested as UPA supporters and sent to NKVD torture-chambers.

Oh year 15-years children. What’s a basdtards from NKVD.
May i ask you did somebody cry in villages when the whole polish and Ukrainina families were slaughtered by the UPA?
Did somebody in Rovno started crying when the UPA-OUN nationalist murdered the breast children on the eyes of its mather by the one impact by head into the wall holding it for the legs and then brutally killed the derailed from the mind mother in Volun?
Did somebody cry when the whole Ukrainian families were murdered by UPA ONLY for the attempt to cover the polish children?
AND …do you accidentally know of what were “suspected” the slaughtered polish children on this photo
The victims of UPA massacre: the polish two sons of Peter Mekal and Aneli from The the Gvyazdovskikh :Yanush (3 years) with the broken extremities and Marek (2 years), stabbed by bayonets, and at the middle lies the daughter of Stanislav Stefanyak and Mary from Boyarchukov (5 years) with the cut and open paunch , and also broken extremities. Crimes are perfected BY OUN - UPA.
Source;Book of Alexander Korman - polish historian

These people were mainly ordinary Ukrainian women and children. As to UPA fighers they were corageous people who chose to fight for their ideals to the bitter end.

You only forgot to add what ideas did they shose.
The Ethnnic genocide for the name of the “Independent Ukraine” ?:wink:
And you right they could had ONLY one bitter end endeed.But NOT all of them ( as we saw in photo of the UPA veterans).
Some of them had not a so worst final like their victims.

They were doomed from the very beginning. Each of them realised that he would be killed to all probability as the military forces of the sides involved were entirely out of proportion. Those who don’t appreciate their choice and don’t understand the fact that OUN-UPA fought against the criminal punative machine of the USSR in order to vindicate human and national dignity are the ones who don’t have either human or national dignity.

No sir the UPA has bacame the “Heroues who fight with the punitive mashine of USSR " only after the beginning of Cold war when for the revenge of the Soviet participation in Korean war the West (i/e/ USA) has bagan to support any “our bastards” whatever the worst of its aims were.
So telling about the heroes from UPA who killed the own Ukrainian citizents for the ideas 'of independent Ukraine” is funny.
Indeed those animals who did not see the difference of the age, sex and nationality of its victims just continied the POLICY of henocide of the slav population that was the goal of Nazy.

Oh welcome “ethnical rassian” Jason at the our forum.

He was sent there by Soviet authorities as nearly all the local Ukrainian teachers were accused of nationalism and fired. He told me what was going on there at that time. He personally witnessed the public execution conducted by NKVD soldiers in a village near Rovno. Seven persons suspected in contacts with UPA were hanged in the eyes of the local villagers who were forced to be present during the execution.

Oh what’s a nigthmare. NKVD publically hanged a seven peoples.
BTW why are you sure they were a “suspected”?
And did your grandfather accidentally tell you what was in the Rovno BEFORE the 1950-52?
And of what was “suspected” the peoples from the polish failies of Volun and Galicia? in that they were the Poles?

Two victims were 15-year-old children. The general practice of NKVD was to gather Ukrainian inhabitants of a village in one place, brought the corpses of killed insurgents and threw them in front of the crowd. Those people from the crowd who lost self-control and somehow expressed indignation or simply started crying were immediately arrested as UPA supporters and sent to NKVD torture-chambers.

Oh year 15-years children. What’s a basdtards from NKVD.
May i ask you did somebody cry in villages when the whole polish and Ukrainina families were slaughtered by the UPA?
Did somebody in Rovno started crying when the UPA-OUN nationalist murdered the breast children on the eyes of its mather by the one impact by head into the wall holding it for the legs and then brutally killed the derailed from the mind mother in Volun?
Did somebody cry when the whole Ukrainian families were murdered by UPA ONLY for the attempt to cover the polish children?
AND …do you accidentally know of what were “suspected” the slaughtered polish children on this photo
The victims of UPA massacre: the polish two sons of Peter Mekal and Aneli from The the Gvyazdovskikh :Yanush (3 years) with the broken extremities and Marek (2 years), stabbed by bayonets, and at the middle lies the daughter of Stanislav Stefanyak and Mary from Boyarchukov (5 years) with the cut and open paunch , and also broken extremities. Crimes are perfected BY OUN - UPA.
Source;Book of Alexander Korman - polish historian

These people were mainly ordinary Ukrainian women and children. As to UPA fighers they were corageous people who chose to fight for their ideals to the bitter end.

You only forgot to add what ideas did they shose.
The Ethnnic genocide for the name of the “Independent Ukraine” ?:wink:
And you right they could had ONLY one bitter end endeed.But NOT all of them ( as we saw in photo of the UPA veterans).
Some of them had not a so worst final like their victims.

They were doomed from the very beginning. Each of them realised that he would be killed to all probability as the military forces of the sides involved were entirely out of proportion. Those who don’t appreciate their choice and don’t understand the fact that OUN-UPA fought against the criminal punative machine of the USSR in order to vindicate human and national dignity are the ones who don’t have either human or national dignity.

No sir the UPA has bacame the “Heroues who fight with the punitive mashine of USSR " only after the beginning of Cold war when for the revenge of the Soviet participation in Korean war the West (i/e/ USA) has bagan to support any “our bastards” whatever the worst of its aims were.
So telling about the heroes from UPA who killed the own Ukrainian citizents for the ideas 'of independent Ukraine” is funny.
Indeed those animals who did not see the difference of the age, sex and nationality of its victims just continied the POLICY of henocide of the slav population that was the goal of Nazy.

Oh welcome “ethnical rassian” Jason at the our forum.

He was sent there by Soviet authorities as nearly all the local Ukrainian teachers were accused of nationalism and fired. He told me what was going on there at that time. He personally witnessed the public execution conducted by NKVD soldiers in a village near Rovno. Seven persons suspected in contacts with UPA were hanged in the eyes of the local villagers who were forced to be present during the execution.

Oh what’s a nigthmare. NKVD publically hanged a seven peoples.
BTW why are you sure they were a “suspected”?
And did your grandfather accidentally tell you what was in the Rovno BEFORE the 1950-52?
And of what was “suspected” the peoples from the polish failies of Volun and Galicia? in that they were the Poles?

Two victims were 15-year-old children. The general practice of NKVD was to gather Ukrainian inhabitants of a village in one place, brought the corpses of killed insurgents and threw them in front of the crowd. Those people from the crowd who lost self-control and somehow expressed indignation or simply started crying were immediately arrested as UPA supporters and sent to NKVD torture-chambers.

Oh year 15-years children. What’s a basdtards from NKVD.
May i ask you did somebody cry in villages when the whole polish and Ukrainina families were slaughtered by the UPA?
Did somebody in Rovno started crying when the UPA-OUN nationalist murdered the breast children on the eyes of its mather by the one impact by head into the wall holding it for the legs and then brutally killed the derailed from the mind mother in Volun?
Did somebody cry when the whole Ukrainian families were murdered by UPA ONLY for the attempt to cover the polish children?
AND …do you accidentally know of what were “suspected” the slaughtered polish children on this photo
The victims of UPA massacre: the polish two sons of Peter Mekal and Aneli from The the Gvyazdovskikh :Yanush (3 years) with the broken extremities and Marek (2 years), stabbed by bayonets, and at the middle lies the daughter of Stanislav Stefanyak and Mary from Boyarchukov (5 years) with the cut and open paunch , and also broken extremities. Crimes are perfected BY OUN - UPA.
Source;Book of Alexander Korman - polish historian

These people were mainly ordinary Ukrainian women and children. As to UPA fighers they were corageous people who chose to fight for their ideals to the bitter end.

You only forgot to add what ideas did they shose.
The Ethnnic genocide for the name of the “Independent Ukraine” ?:wink:
And you right they could had ONLY one bitter end endeed.But NOT all of them ( as we saw in photo of the UPA veterans).
Some of them had not a so worst final like their victims.

They were doomed from the very beginning. Each of them realised that he would be killed to all probability as the military forces of the sides involved were entirely out of proportion. Those who don’t appreciate their choice and don’t understand the fact that OUN-UPA fought against the criminal punative machine of the USSR in order to vindicate human and national dignity are the ones who don’t have either human or national dignity.

No sir the UPA has bacame the “Heroues who fight with the punitive mashine of USSR " only after the beginning of Cold war when for the revenge of the Soviet participation in Korean war the West (i/e/ USA) has bagan to support any “our bastards” whatever the worst of its aims were.
So telling about the heroes from UPA who killed the own Ukrainian citizents for the ideas 'of independent Ukraine” is funny.
Indeed those animals who did not see the difference of the age, sex and nationality of its victims just continied the POLICY of henocide of the slav population that was the goal of Nazy.

Fair enough. Agreed.
It does not prove that there were not execusions of UPA members. But it does not prove it either.


calme down a bit. I am not arguing that the regim we had in USSR was a gift for all the people in it.

I do not doudt that this person you mentioned (Yurii Shuhevich) as a son of the OUN leader was under particular attention of the soviet secret police.

Unfortunately I can not see from that Wiki article why he was jailed. It only says that he was jailed 3 times and some of his sentences were extended.

By the way, he was active in his work and from this persepective the Soviet power was naturaly against him.


calme down a bit. I am not arguing that the regim we had in USSR was a gift for all the people in it.

I do not doudt that this person you mentioned (Yurii Shuhevich) as a son of the OUN leader was under particular attention of the soviet secret police.

Unfortunately I can not see from that Wiki article why he was jailed. It only says that he was jailed 3 times and some of his sentences were extended.

By the way, he was active in his work and from this persepective the Soviet power was naturaly against him.

To whom do you tell the fary tells about “understanding the nature” man?
Really it so hard to understand the Stepan Bandera’s calls “to clear the UKraine form the Moskaley, Poles and Jews” in the 1941.
Actually the politic of Polonisation that lead the Poland in the 1920-39 was no the better way for the Ukraine. The polish authorities really suppressed the Ukraine calture, closed the native scholls and ets.
But the command of AK NEVER sanctioned the policy of Ethnic clearising the ukraines ( or any others). In contrast to the UPA leaders who declared the “Ukraine for the Ukrainians” -pure pro-nazy clogan.
When the Nazy come to ukraine ( after the Polish collapse) the poles has bacame the hostages who was 'out of law" in the western Ukraine.
After the beginning of UPA-OUN henocide the poles try to resists it.
really the violence was a mutual. But… being in minority the poles simply was not able to defence enought effectively. The violence of poles had a ancidental, unplanned character- they simply try to survive ( coz Nazy simply was not able to controll the situation in the 1943-44 due to the hard situation on front).
The polish partisans from AK was not a so massive power in the Western Ukraine, so the violence had practically one-side character.
When the new revisionists tryed to justify the UPA atrocities they ( like you) prefered to tell about 20 000 of ukraines that vere the victims of “acts of brutality and vengeance” fro a polish population.
BTW the figures of 20 000+ is not documentally confirmed. The some of historians JUST could admit is as rought truly.
BUT anyway this could not be compared with the 200 000+ of poles who was brutally killed by the UPA.
The attempts to say it was a both-side therror is not true coz the poles was in minority so they will inevitable much more suffered from a henocide.

There are much more documents and publications about Polish losses than Ukrainian ones only due to the fact that Polish documented their losses very accurately. The USSR aided their ally Socialistic Poland in it as the Soviets wanted to hang all the dogs on OUN-UPA. The huge number of Ukrainian women and children killed by Poles didn’t fit their propagandistic campaign against OUN and their plans to accuse the Ukrainian Isurgent Army of unmotivated terror against Poles therefore the facts about Ukrainian victims of Polish terror were not documented by the Soviet authorities.

This is a not true.
Indeed the cases of henocide in the Western Ukraine in 1943-44 were good documented bu the Germans, Chechs and Ukrainians historians and EVEN the western historian used this material as a true.
The attempts to justify the polish henocide by the “huge number of the ukrainians killed by UPA” is nonsence.Simply coz the Ethnic henocide WAS ONLY at that Western Ukrains areas ( Volun, Galisia abd ets) that were UNDER CONTROLL OF UPA-OUN in the 1943-44. This is obviouse fact that in those areas the AK simply was not able to lead the terror in such scale like the mst. Jason tell.
As we have seen the rought number of polish slaughtered civilians AT LEAST TEN TIMES MORE than the own Ukrainians.
BTW the ONLY UPA killed the both poles and Ukrainians who was loyal to the poles. And from a side of UPA the terror was a Ethnic.
Only UPA supported the Ethnic policy toward the slavs ( like it Nazy did).

If Chevan understood the nature of the conflict he would know that the bulk of murders of Poles were carried out by ordinary Ukrainian farmers who had nothing to do with OUN-UPA.

Ha ha Ha :smiley:
Now he really make me laught.
Just imagine guys - the armed “farmers” with mashin gans and avtomatos who come from a forest and killed the whole families according the race principles;)
I did not know the peoples who killed the civilians for political purposes are called IN THE WHOLE WORLD as the terrorists.
But in the Western Ukraine they called them as “ukrainian farmers”.
This ia a real Comedy Club.
If seriouse the no one historian that i was reading do not admit this bulshit about farmers.
The both ukrainian Victor Polishyk and pole Alexander Korman ( the men who most detailed had studied this massacre) told about OUN-UPA becouse the farmers were simply not able to organixe the such a big scale terror.

That was an ethnical conflict. Civilians killed civilians. It happened many times in past in different countries where a foreign minority tried to supress original population. The uprising led by Khmelntskij was especially notorious for mutual ethnic cleansing.

No mst Jason the UPA-OUN leaders had SANCTIONED this terror. They bagan to kill the popple first. And the UPA belongs a MOST CRUAL AND BRUTAL casas of MASS KILLING of the woman and children.
The even the lowest figures of the victim of poles is 200 000 ( but some of historian tells about 500 000 ) this a ten times more than the victims anmong the ukrainians population.
I do not wish to underestimate the Ukraine victims.
But as it proudly tell the UPA-admirers the UPA CONTROLLED the regions when the henocide was so the UPA is MAINLY RESPONSIBLE for the terror.
So do not tell please about civilians killed civilians. This is just a pitfull attemp to justify the Ethnic terror that was began by the UPA-OUN

The nonsence is the your post.
i/m repeat specially for the ‘ethnical russians’ form a Rovno.
The UPA members were judged for its PROVED crimes but the MOST of them were NOT SHOTED for crimes.
Becouse the “Soviet Crime Punitive system” was NOT aimed for the TOTAL annihilation of whole western ukrainians as a nation. ( in contrast for the UPA)
The soviet court was not aimed to kill all of the members of the UPA.
But the UPA lead the terrorist war with the Soviet and Ukrainians who was loyal.
Now do you understand the difference between the Soviet POW’s and jews ( who must be killed after the hard working in the concentration camps)

The standard term of imprisonment for a UPA fighter was 25-30 years. 10-15 years were for civilans accused of sympathies for UPA.[/b]

This is wrong.
Here is the details of the one court of the former UPA members ( the most cruel unit of UPA - SB)

The means of five members of force SB of boundary administration OUN (OUN), organized and leaded By Dimitrom Kupyak:
Vladimir Oliynyk (band nickname “Golodomor”), Andrey Moroz (“Bayrak”), Pavel Chuchman (“Benitos”), Stephan Chuchman (“Birch”), Leon Potsiluyko (“Yastrub”).

  1. Vladimir oliynyk - by birth from Chanyzha, during the German occupation lived into Buske, district Kamenka Strumilova. In the force SB (SB) the boundary administration OUN (OUN), in chapter of which stood D. kupyak, it entered during April 1944. It passed there military training and was obtained the nickname Of “Golodomor”( my comment- Whats’ a nice feeleng of humor !! ). Armed by automaton, pistol and light machine gun, acted in the territory of district Kamenka Strumilova to the autumn of 1945, mainly in the environments Of Busk - red. The territory of its actions also covered the districts: Fords, Sokal and Zlochov. Assumed direct participation in the attacks on the villages, in the terrorist acts and the repressions, and also in murders and robberies of citizen. During September 1945 it were moved into L’vov, where twice it were encountered Kupyak before its flight beyond the boundary. At that time were obtained from Kupyaka the documents of Bogdan Moroz, killed Kupyakom on the L’vov cemetery. With these documents it hid in the apartment of Andrey Moroz “bayraka”. During November 1945 were obtained from Moroz false documents to the surname Of Partyk, it were prescribed and was obtained dwelling in L’vov. It lived in it together with Moroz until 20 February, 1946. After obtaining from Poland of the form of migrant, it filled with its his surname and left into Radzekhov. It lived there until 25 February, 1947,( i.e., time of arrest by the Soviet regime).
  2. Andrey Moroz was borne in the village old Milatyn. During the occupation it finished studies in the spiritual seminary in L’vov (seminary and L’vov spiritual academy they were formed by metropolitan Sheptitsky. There were prepared personnel of uniatskikh priests for East small Poland). In the force of “Clay’s Kupyaka” it entered in the beginning of 1944 after the end of seminary. Recruited its Mikhal the hunchback “green”, which also finished this seminary. Hunchback was strongly connected with the Ukrainian nationalistic underground. At first Andrey Moroz obtained task to bring the archive of force SB (SB), into order, to it to this archive no one besides Kupyak had an access. In it was located indication and the instruction of the leader of the boundary network SB -OUN (Sb -oun) Gzhegozha Of Pryshlaka (nickname Of “mikushka”) for Kupyak on questions of his criminal activity, copy of the reports of different terrorist actions with respect to population, the lists of the killed people, nationalistic literature and leaflets. When work with the archive was finished, Kupyak immediately of its visors to the action in the region. It there showed it, whom it must kill and personally it followed the execution of the order. During April and May of 1944 passed the military training, obtained the nickname Of “bayrak” and with the weapon in the hands or unarmed participated together with the band in the attacks, the murders and the robberies. During August 1945 Of Kupyak ordered it to appear into the organs of the Soviet regime and, concealing their murderous activity, to state that to enter its band they forced by force. They believed it, it was released to the freedom. The documents were obtained in L’vov, it were prescribed and began studies at the university. After a certain time it lived Oliynykem, hiding herself with the documents Bogdan Moroz, killed Kupyakom. Oliynyk transmitted to it the order Of kupyaka so that it would obtain documents for the familiar members of its force SB by any price (SB). Money to the purchase of documents obtained, selling the amassed by robbery things and values, and also, napadaya to the people on the street and robbing their property. It was delayed and arrested together with Stephan Chuchmanom during the attack on the citizen of Petrov on 29 February, 1946.
  3. Pavel chuchman occurred from the village Of Chuchmany near Buska. During August 1943 it entered the Ukrainian police. As policeman was armed by rifle. At first served in the village Ilkovitse near Sokala. Later was transferred into the village new Milatyn near Buska, where it served to the end of February of 1944. During April 1944 it entered the force of “Clay’s Kupyaka”. That armed by rifle, pistol and automaton, under the nickname of “Benitos” assumed participation in this force prior to the middle of 1945. In the summer of 1946 obtained false documents to the surname Of chervin’ski and hid to the day of arrest, i.e., until 2 August, 1947.
  4. Stephan Chuchman occurred from Buska. In the spring of 1943 entered the youth organization OUN (OUN), which is called Of “yunaki”. During January 1944 it entered the forest force UPA (UPA), in which under the pseudonym “birch” it acted until November 1944, participating in all perfect attacks, murders and robberies. During November it passed into the force SB (SB) of “blackness” in Buske and in its composition participated in the attack on the village Of chuchmany Zablotne in the beginning of 1945. Was there killed the family Of kokora, was robbed and burnt the hut, in which were located the corpses of those killed. In the beginning of 1945 Stephan Chuchman was joined to the band Of kupyaka and actively with it interacted. Took part in the attack on Busk, Radzekhov and in many others. At the end of 1945 it were moved into L’vov, where it lived under the false surname - Borodeyko. On 20 February, 1946, with Andrey Moroz they robbed on the street of the citizen of Petrov and it was arrested together with Andrey Moroz during the accomplishment of this crime.
  5. Leon Potsiluyko (nickname Of “yastrub”), the inhabitant of the village Of yablonevka, in 1942 entered in OUN (OUN), where were fulfilled duties of the delivery of ounovskoy mail, and it also accompanied bandits OUN (OUN) from the yablonevskogo forest into the places of shaping of bands UPA (UPA). During May 1945 it entered the band SB (SB) Of kupyaka, assumed participation in all attacks, murders and robberies.
    At the end of 1945 settled in L’vov under the false surname the miner, and to the arrest, i.e., until 1 April, 1946, was supported connection with its accomplices.
  6. Vladimir Oliynyk - 15 years of the camps of a strict of a regime of
    2.Andrey Moroz - 13 years of the camps of a strict regime of
    3.Pavel Chuchman - 15 years of the camps of a strict regime of ya.
    4.Stefan Chuchman - 15 years of the camps of a strict regime of shch.
    5.Leon Potsiluyko - 14 years of the camps of the strict regime.

The band of D. Kupyak, it was proved , was gult in the killing of about 200 mens ( mens and female)
Nevertheless the members of band were not sentenced to death and recieved the relatively soft sentences.

I found more material about 'fermers" from UPA
The chech authhor Juzef Foitikai in his book " Czechs in Volun" wrote.

…when Russians left, began banderovshchina - this was the same fascism only in the nationalistic Ukrainian form…
To the holiday of Peter and Pavel, on 29 June, 1943, traversed the village the band of unknown people with the axes. The next day we learned, that at night they attacked the Polish colony Of Zagai and all its inhabitants brutally they killed
In the village Of Rachin… in 1943 Ukrainian nationalists killed Polish citizen golyakovska…
In 1942 of banderovtsy they began to kill the Polish citizens Of Volyni… Banderovtsy burnt the Polish villages: Marusyu, Fabrication, Mar’yanovku and the part Of Skurchev.

The another czech author Vatslav Shirch wrote

… “past, closed with time”, in whom also is described the life of Czechs on Volyni. Here it is said by the way. “when the Red Army stepped back during June 1941, the Ukrainians between themselves began information of calculations. On Boyarke by pitchforks they killed the chairman of village soviet and his 14- summer son. Several Ukrainians their they shot down… Together with the Germans returned home the Ukrainian nationalists, who before this ran away in that occupied by Germans Poland, where special preparation to school in Krakow was passed. In the red mountain they arranged something like the people law court above the Soviet activists in 1939-1941 hostility it appeared with such force, that the mother did not protect daughter or son, son - father, brother - brother. … in the week (during July 1941.g. - V.P.) it arrived following the front troops of the Gestapo and together with it Ukrainian nationalists, prepared in the school in Krakow: one of them was the soldier of Polish troops Dmitro Of Novosad from the red mountain…
Together with the Germans disarmed policemen, planted them into the automobile, transported into the forest, and there also shoted them. In the machines they took also from Lyudvikovki of young lad- Poles like for the work into Germany and they shot in the scaffolding.
Without any law court, in Mlinove they shot down Polish intellectuals - 41 Poles and 20 Jews. Thus began to act the Ukrainian police, “shutsmany” under the management Of Dmitra Novosada…
During 1941-42 yr. the Ukrainian police together with the Gestapo arranged several pogroms in the environments. … During winter 1942 up to 1943 it reached the single, then mass murders of Poles, before Easter they threw the call: “to remove from the Ukraine Poles and Jews”, i.e., to expel them or to kill…
Banderovskiye extremists spoke: “Треба кровЁ по колЁна, щоб настала вЁльна Україна”(It needs the blood for the independent Ukraine)”. At the end 1942 or in the beginning of 1943 in the Turkish mountain the unknowns killed the Ukrainian of Nikolai Dabrowski. He was not Communist, but this was man the clever, logically thinking, good friend of Czechs. He courageously voiced the views, which did not coincide with the official ideology of banderovskogo underground. It was neither first nor latter. Banderovtsy by terror smothered voices of reason. Banderovtsy were concentrated on the arson and the murders - entire Polish families, it is later than entire villages. The spring 1943 passed in the continuous fires.
Rural villages at night blazed. Poles, banished from their villages the cities, entered to the service to the Germans, into the police and took vengeance upon Ukrainians.( So there they get the figure of 20 000 ukrainian victims- it were the victims of Police)
Ukrainians ran away into the forest. Several Ukrainians were killed. Banderovtsy killed in the environments several Czechs, predominantly catholics or from the families, mixed with Poles. Polish divisions attacked at night on the family of active Ukrainian nationalists…
In winter 1943 toward the evening on the road from Uzhintsov of banderovtsy attacked the cart with the Polish women from Karolinki, which went into the fitting to pass the night in the Poloshchanskikh, hoping that it is not there so dangerous.
They shot down the wife of Jozef Poloshchanskiy and one additional woman.
At the end 1943 g they attacked a Miller, a Pole Of Stetsa, which had a wife Ukrainian, they killed also her five-year daughter. Under the winter of 1942 there was in Mlinove the pogrom of Jews. Dispatch to death as the flock of sheep, without resisting. Many ran away, hiding in Poles, Czechs, sometimes in Ukrainians. The occupiers and the Ukrainian police threatened with death of themes, who hid Jews, was arranged on them on the forests and the villages hunting.
In Vladimir Vostry’s estate from Frankova they caught 14- year Jewish boy, chased till to Karolinki and shot down. In the scaffolding Of “Grafchina” from Frankova they not far shot down 14 Jews, who hid themselves in the bunker…
In the Czech scaffolding near Frankova they shot down four boys at the age of 12-14 years. The chief of Mlinovskikh politsayev-“shutsmanov” Dmitriy Novosad became bunchuzhnym - ensign. He boasted himself: "entire Polish intelligentsia in Mlinove I have destroyed. It singlehandedly shot down 869 Jews. I allowed oneself word, that I will shoot down thousand "…

So as could you see gentelmens the “farmers” from UPA killed not only the Poles but also and Czechs and jews.
Whats a nice battle for independent Ukraine;)

Sorry guys for the persistence but i/m full of the real pro-nazy revisionism of some of our members.
The more infro about “hard fight” for independent Ukraine.

17 - 22 August, 1992, of the exhumation of the victims of the mass slaughter of Poles, who are located in the villages Of Ostruvki and ox Of Ostrovetska, perfected by terrorists OUN - UPA (OUN - UPA).
Ukrainian sources from Kiev since 1988 report the total quantity of victims in two enumerated villages of 2.000 Poles
And here is the one of a thousands of the families that was slaughtered in the Western Ukraine by the UPA “farmers” .

This families obviously was 'suspected" to be the polish.

Oh wha’t a terrible case?
40 years in prison for to be simply for being the son of the enemy of the USSR.
You only forgot that his daddy hands were full in blood of the peoples who “simply being” the poles, jews or loyal ukrainians.


But even your previous posts about programs of OUN prove the opposite.

That what declared the Bandera in his work " fight and activity of UPA-OUN during the war". 1941

  1. Ukraine for the ukrainians. The deths for the bolshevic-jewish community.
  2. The polish peasant- to assimilate . The polish leaders must be killed.

Assimilation of Polish peasants is not a call for their physical extermination. Ukraine for Ukrainians meant the liberation of Ukraine from foreign occupation.
And the leaders of Bolsheviks for the crimes against humanity really deserved death.

Well I believe that it was a natural reaction of many Poles to consider that each Ukrainian was a banderovets at that time. In their perception these two notions was fused in one in 1940s and 1950s. But in reality Ukrainians who attacked Poles were ordinary peasants who suffered from Polish economic and cultural supression in past.

All kinds of weapon were available on the fields of recent battles between the Red Army and Germans as well as in plenty of abandoned Soviet stocks of weapons in the region. Anyone (Pole or Ukrainain) could find arms to his liking there. None of Polish or Ukrainian side had a military advantage. It is necessary to say that all the Poles were armed as well. So stop tell us, Chevan, about poor, innocent and helpless Poles. Poles and Ukarainians killed each other not in accordance with race principles but rather in accordance to mutual personal accounts. People mainly targetted the ones they knew before the war and had a grudge against them. If there had been no OUN at all everything would have been just the same. The violence between Polish and Ukrainian civilians was inevitable at that time and it didn’t matter whether there was OUN or not. However the role of OUN-UPA was crucial at defeating AK and other organized Polish armed groups in ethnical Ukrainian territories. If there hadn’t been OUN-UPA the losses among Ukrainian civilians would have been immense so that Poles were able to form a majoritity in these Ukrainian regions with all the following consequences.

Kato, could you please use [quote] when including others posts into yours.
Otherwise it is very difficult to read.

Chevan ignores the fact that after the numerous acts of sabotage and open defiance of the police units menned by Ukrainians Germans dissolved them and created the strong police forces only from Poles in an attempt to crack down the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Germans closely cooperated with Poles then in Western Ukraine. It is a well known fact that the Polish armed groups operated in Ukraine (Армия Крайова и Батальоны хлопски) received weapons and ammunition from Germans in 1943 to fight against UPA and ordinary Ukrainians. Many assaults on Ukrainians were with mixed Polish - German participation. These Polish forces were also notorious for atrocities committed against Ukrainians though their crimes were mainly ascribed to Germans

На протяжении всего времени противостояния население подвергается неистовой пропаганде противоположного содержания враждующих сторон: немцы стараются дискредитировать повстанческое движение, приписывая ему связи с большевистской Москвой (“Москва дает приказы ОУН”, “в руководстве ОУН сидят агенты Москвы, которые получают и выполняют приказы кровожадного Сталина и его жидовских опричников”, “ОУН и большевизм - это одно, поэтому они должны быть уничтожены!”), а советская пропаганда, наоборот, обвиняет националистов в предательстве своего народа в пользу Германии.

During the war the Ukrainian population underwent the furious anti-OUN-UPA propaganda of opposite content launched by both Germans and the Soviets. Germans tried to discredit the Ukrainian Insurgent Army accusing it of ties with bolshevistic Moscow ( “Moscow issues orders for OUN”, “the OUN leadership teems with the agents of Moscow who receive and carry out orders of bloodthirsty Stalin and his jewish butchers”, “OUN and bolshevism is all the same and therefore it is to be destroyed!” At the same time Soviet propaganda accuses UPA of being national traitors.

According to Khrushchev’s 1956 speech, On the Personality Cult and its Consequences and more recent findings, nearly all the accusations in the USSR which dealt with polititical crimes and terrorism, including those presented at show trials, were based on forced confessions and on loose interpretations of Article 58 (Soviet Penal Code). Chevan just posted official report about one of these show trials concerning UPA that had nothing to do with justice and law. These trials were used to produce and “prove” false accusations of UPA in committing atrocities as well. Soviet Penal Code implied longer terms of imprisonment for an ordinary felon who committed some banal robbery. So such suspeciously short sentences in this case can be explained by the fact that the convicts were either secretly executed after this show trial or these people were simply scapegoats who had nothing to do with OUN-UPA

BTW the figures of 20 000+ is not documentally confirmed. The some of historians JUST could admit is as rought truly.
BUT anyway this could not be compared with the 200 000+ of poles who was brutally killed.

So you admit that the violence was of mutual character. And Ukrainians can’t be accused of one-sided unmotivated terror against Poles. A normal person just thanks God that there were no more victims on Ukrainain behalf. ( though Ukrainian losses considering the fact that Soviets didn’t document the majority of Ukrainian victims on the reasons I mentioned in my previous posts could match or even exceed Polish losses) If you want to impute Ukrainians to being able to protect themselves and defend their land you are a sort of sadomasochist or most probably suffer from anti-Ukrainian phobias like some of German Nazis and modern Russian chauvinists.

Man if you use my posts in your’s please write the FULL text.
I wrote in post #14

Besides if you have read the thread MORE attenative you shoud read the my post #13

So WHERE IS the OPPOSITE point in here?

[b]Assimilation of Polish peasants is not a call for their physical extermination.

Oh really … so tell it for the poles in Volyn that were slaughtered with all the families.
Not bed “assumulation” for them right?

Ukraine for Ukrainians meant the liberation of Ukraine from foreign occupation.

Really this means the “liberation”?:slight_smile:
Silly me;)
The Hitler when he declared the Germany for the Germans was a “great liberator”.
So he really just “liberated” the Europe from a jews and other low races , right mst. fascist?

And the leaders of Bolsheviks for the crimes against humanity really deserved death.

Well well it seems somewhere i have heared it already.
Where is …?
Oh yea in the doctor Hoebbels speech.
You right Kato , this is the ‘lovely’ method of Nazy to blame and kill a thosands a simple peoples for the “bolshevic atrocities”.
Sure if the Bolshevic were a bastard we need to kill the poles and jew in Western Ukraine, right.
BUT where is here the logic- nowhere.
Indeed Nazy don’t need the logic - they has a own race superiority logic.
And you just clearly has proved it Kato.