The Unforgiving War: Brutality on the Eastern Front

Are you going to say that this WIKI article is a “mixture of true and lie” too?

The hard thing is to be capable to recognize the truth even in this staged films, but the truth is there if you are intelligent enough.

Exactly , but if you are intelligent enough, you should look not just at this Nazy film to learn the real true.
I never seen the scenec of public executions in cuptured Eastern cities in Wochenschau, however we have enough photo and video source of it.

How do you recognise truth in a staged film?

For example, if there is a staged film of POW’s being handed Red Cross parcels which are taken away from them as soon as the filming is finished, how does the viewer work out that truth when it’s not in the staged film and is exactly the opposite of everything in the film?

You want me to explain how to be intelligent ? :slight_smile: hehe,no can do.

No really serius I ll give a try to the topic how the german propaganda mixed up some things but that be in the “Die Deutsche Wochernchau” Topic in the german military section.

There was no “Germans succesfull countreattack” in march 1945 in Eastern Prussia.
Probably this is the october-december 1944 , near Nemmersdorf ( Mayakovskoe carrenty

The source said 1 march 1945, aniway if is in cinema in that date means it was filmed an edited earlier.


How about we substitute ‘knowledge’ for ‘intelligence’?

If we know enough about a subject we can see that a film isn’t accurate in some respect.

But if the viewer is intelligent but lacks knowledge then the viewer won’t know it misrepresents the event it portrays.

Not too mention that the Germans usually neglected to show footage of their own atrocities. Although such pictures exist, including and exhibition that caused a stir in Germany in the 1990s as it showed not the SS conducting extrajudicial killings, but regular Ostheer soldiers…

Eastern Front with no question was the bloodiest during the war The Soviets were fighting for there very lives as a nation for almost 3 years moral is someting that can never ever be overlooked in war! The Germans were fighting endless battles on the defensive after Stalingrad even with better trained seasoned vets and armor it didn’t help the endless amount of Soviet armor and troops 10 million plus lost there lives liberating U.S.S.R. and advancing on Berlin.

Not too mention that the Germans usually neglected to show footage of their own atrocities

And why they should ? is obvious, the soviet russians didnt do it either.

If we know enough about a subject we can see that a film isn’t accurate in some respect.

True but I think the knowlegde is part of being intelligent, I mean there is some ones in wich the propaganda is very evidents, but again that analisis is for the Wochenschau topic.

Sad fact is Soviets started killing with the Nazi’s. 1.7 million Polish shipped to Siberia starting Feb. 10, 1940. Yet the Jewish Poles that stayed behind felt they were to be spared. Where was the outrage when we were being taken, killed and raped.

There was never 1,7 millions.
The figures of poles (osadniki) deported to the Syberia never exceeded the 450 000.And nobody executed the polish civils ( the Polish officers in Katyn is the other matter). They were simply the settlers of syberian villages - not prisoners of camps.
And most of them - no less 70% have been returned to the poland after the war. In fact the many jews got the chance to survive the Holocaust in Syberia while Nazic executed most of the other polish jews.

Please back what you are saying. Please this was not Stalin’s Hotel. This “Siberian Village” is called “Gulag or Concentration Camp”. In this 1.7 million were Polish military reserve that Stalin was getting even with. While Nazi executed “Polish Jew’s” and others, Polish Catholic were slaved, frozen and starved to death in Siberia. We were not to live to tell. If not for Germany’s attack we were to die there. It is a fact that amnesty saved the few that had lived to tell.

When you say ‘we’, were you there?

If so, what were your experiences?

My family were there. You are right Chevon, this number is much higher.

My apologies Stasha, if something was wrong.
Where were your family exactly?

You are right Chevan, this number is much higher

Sorry i havent’ understood this your phrase. Are you agree with figures of Egorka?Notice - this is the polish figures.Or you still think that 1,7 mln was a real figure?

I think Stasha was being sarcastic. IMO, she is sure that the number of deported and otherwise victimised Polish citizens was higher than 1.7 million during the soviet era.
Well, I can only reffer he to the Polish Institute of National Remembrance.

Soviet era?
But as i know after the ww2 nobody deported poles to the Syberia The polish Commies punished their dessidents by their power inside poland, till ww2 have been deported about half o millon.
Where have they got the figure of 1.7 million deported ? i have no idea…
BTW The Institute of National Remembrance - Commission of the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation (IPN)
This is a good structure.
I think we need the simular instirute in Russia- kinda the Russian National Rememberance.We shall study and count here all the crimes of foreigners agains russian.

Chevan, you would have to ask Stasha as I can not know for sure what here stand is.

, till ww2 have been deported about half o millon.

320.000 were deported before June 1941.
Half a illion or about 540.000 people is the number of victims for the whole period of 1939 - 1953. And this number includes the deported 320.000 poeple.

Where have they got the figure of 1.7 million deported ? i have no idea…

1.7m is a folkelore number, i.e. the result of people’s talk and rumours.
It is not bad as such. It was an estimate in the lack of veryfiable information.
Though we have a privilege of having more reliable figures.

I think it would be more productive to remember all the crimes committed against Russians - whether by foreigners or Russians themselves. The same goes for any such insitutes in Poland, Uzbekistan, Rwanda, Lesotho or the Moon.

Talking about crimes against russians: I saw this video clip from Chechenia lately were those Mudjahedin kill some of their russian POW’s on a brute way by stabbing them in the neck or cutting their throats. Really, I am not a very sensible guy but after seeing this I lay in bed for hours but were not able to sleep cause this pictures were haunting me. Definitely the wordt I have ever seen in my live!!!

The crimes russians against Russian is a matter of national public prosecutor’s department, my friend .
As in any country as well.
But we in fact know nothing about the crimes agains our population, both pows and civils.This is the shame. For instance this is still mystery the fate of Red Army POWS in Polish concentration camps in 1920-21.The rare fragment of information that provides a polish side are very disputable .
We know nothing about crimes of Foreign troops in russia during the civil war as well.Within the Napoleonic wars and ets.
BTW do you have in Britain the simular institute that study the British crimes?