The War in Iraq

Thanks for those links.

It’s a refreshing change to see an articulate, intelligent, fully informed American President, even if he’s out of office.

Is Chris Wallace a real person, or just a Murdoch crash test dummy put up as a front for the neo-cons?

Wallace is the idiot son of CBS’ 60-Minutes journalist Mike Wallace, who perfected the “ambush interview.” The “kid” was just there to leech off his father’s reputation and high regard as an actual journalist. LOL I think MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann (a respected former sports broadcaster turned liberal media pundit) referred to him as “a monkey posing as a journalist” in a long critical piece on this interview you can probably find on YT as well…

This is the first time I’ve seen this and I notice that Wallace, looking like a fawn about to be hit after asking what he knew would be inflammatory, asks about five questions, then interrupts Clinton to ask another when he tries to answer them one-by-one…

Good links and a very interesting insight into some aspects of US journalism.

Turkish MPs back attacks in Iraq

Turkey’s parliament has given permission for the government to launch military operations into Iraq in pursuit of Kurdish rebels.
The vote was taken in defiance of pressure from the US and Iraq, which have called on Turkey for restraint.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said the motion does not mean a military operation is imminent.

But he said Turkey needed to be able to respond to a recent rise in bomb attacks blamed on PKK rebels from Iraq.

As the vote was being counted, President George W Bush strongly urged America’s Turkish ally not to carry out the threatened action.

He said Washington was “making it clear to Turkey it is not in their interest to send more troops in… there is a better way to deal with the issue”.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki had earlier phoned the Turkish prime minister, saying he was “absolutely determined” to remove the PKK from Iraq and pleading for more time, according to Turkey’s Anatolia news agency.

‘Yay’ for Turkie entering the EU …

what is that supposed to mean, who are you takling about

You know exactly who he means.
Come on son, you’ve been given another chance so use it wisely.

IPs don’t match, but the locations are suspiciously similar.


Highly suspect, but I can’t quite prove anything yet…

Doesn’t look right, if he’s in in San Diego on a Road Runner account. I think it should be

Same troll, two locations. One’s from school, the other’s from home…

Road Runner, or Time Warner Cable, is mom and dad’s service used at night and the .edu is his public school account (used during the day?)…

I bet my right Bollock its the same guy. Cant leave his own threads alone etc…

As Mr T would say ‘Pity the Fool’…

Can we just wipe a clean slate here.
I’ll fes up to everything

I dont see why not…Welcome back

If you look at my profile I fixed everything up to be truthful


The same.

Thanks again

I’m all for a clean slate mate. Kudos to you for being a man about it.

We’ve all been young and Gods knows what I would have got up to if the Net was around when I was young [apart from the Porn thing that is].

That too.

A man, painful though it is, should know when he’s done wrong and should (at least when sober if not when he committed the offending act, even if relying only only on witness accounts due to a memory blank) know how to right it, if it can be righted.

The foregoing statement excludes upsetting women, as in all such cases it is irrelevant who’s wrong. The important thing is that the man apologises to the woman. It’s not important to the man, but it’s important to the woman, and that’s what matters. :smiley:

We’ve all been young and Gods knows what I would have got up to if the Net was around when I was young [apart from the Porn thing that is.

Mate, if I’d had the net instead of Man Magazine (or the even less erotic Man Junior which we also couldn’t afford) with the hint of a distant nipple under a bikini top about the size of a horse blanket, or nudist magazines like Health and Efficiency with their store dummy empty groins that had to be filled in with careful pen or pencil strokes, Vesuvius wouldn’t have been noticed.

An ya try ta tell kids these days tha we ad it tough.

Our da used ta …

I suppose I could tell what my dad did out in Iraq if it is Okay will everyone here:D