Time for a new Mod

He he:D No objection so far. Old times are gone.

Agree with anybody from your list. But I doubt that pdf might want to become a mod.

Yea me, you, PK and FF are the oldies. And only surviving mods as well.

South African Military
Commando Jord…something :smiley:
SS Tiger

Did I miss anyone?

Cheers to the 05 crew!

You missed Pzkpw VI Tiger

Anyway from this list (except FW and SS Tiger so far) only Walther re-join the board.

South African Military
Commando Jordovski - actually emailed me a couple of months ago. I responded but he didnt!
SS Tiger
Pzkpw VI Tiger

List of the fallen mods! Yea forgot about PK Tiger. He was good and then fell off the planet. Walther is a good member but not around too much. Glad to have him back thou. “Mods are like a box of chocolates, ya never know what your going to get” :smiley:

BTW Dani can you write up a description for the mod control panel? Just for future ref. No need to post it. But in the closet with the dragons ya know. Ive been slowly working on a similar one for the admin panel just incase. Slow progress. The main site teaches you alot but I focus more on what someone will need. As opposed to all the features. Its a book slow in the making. No rush no worries.

Not sure that I understand correctly what you mean. Something similar to the “moderation” thread in our room?

Dont worry about it! I can take care of it…your better at pics!

PM from pdf27!

Well, I was wrong :smiley:

Personally I didnt think he would be interest either. He came in with all those Brits during the … well lets just say “hectic” times. He has never caused problems and is a good member. So on this I think we should keep him in mind!

No need to jump to conclusions. I will post responses as I get them.

Off-topic: I figured what you mean by mod control panel. Roger that.:wink:

I never see that as a mod cp.:smiley:

The only one I would be against would be Chevan. I’m just not certain that he wouldnt abuse his powers. I have nothing personally against him, its just a feeling. However, I may be wrong. PDF would be a good guy to have and he wouldnt have to change his rank as it would still state Moderator, just not Captain Mod.

An Aussie may be good though as they are in the time zone that we arent and may be around when were sleeping etc.

Since we need a couple I think that we should be sure this time as SS Tiger for me was a big let down.

Yea Chevan might be a bit too much…plus his English sux. Sorry but I think commutation is rather key in this job. However lets see what he has to say before we rule him out!

Speaking of an Aussie … PM from RS

I think he makes a good point.

BTW SS Tiger said that he has had quite a few personal problems lately and could not be around. He was not offended by being demodded.

Chevan -No way

pdf27- Indiferent

Rising Sun*- No

Egorka- Perhaps.

32bravo- I think is the more likely to act correctly as a Mod of the entire list.

Why no on RS???

Remembering what erwinesque nightmare we had long time ago, anybody could “moderate” since now we have this experience. You all know that I dislike Chevan a little bit but I have nothing against him as a mod, but…

…THAT’S a point!

I simply forgot that when he joined the board I had advice him to use babelfish.altavista for translation from Russian to English.

I know my grammar sucks (and sometime my spelling) and I shouldn’t be the one who throw the stone but as I said, a good command of English is required on this level.

…As a side note I’ll exercise more on grammar this year as a remembering practice. :wink:

Why no on RS???

His scorny stile doesnt like me, also have the bad custom to lauch opinions in topics that he havent a clue, let said that is a inmoderate guy with no much Mod qualities.

Doesnt matter now! RS has decided to withdraw from being considered for a mod.

Since my random blather machine is broken at the moment ill think ill have to go with … umm NO!

Egorka declined!

So that narrows it down to pdf27…and 32bravo who hasnt responded yet!

You actually Pm Chevan for the Mod business ¡¡¡¡??? :shock:


The list is narrow and he is on alot. But I actually didnt think he would be interested. Whatever from his pm you can see he would be way to confusing as a mod.

Looks to me that pdf27 is probably our best bet. He has been around enough. Seems he would be a good choice. He will have problems being around but I think we can work with him. I still want to see what 32Bravo has to say but he might be better in the future. Still pretty new. pdf27 has alot more background here and understanding of the site. Lets see what happens.

Chevan, definately no after that PM. The I was expecting a call after 1000 posts thing definitely sealed it for me.

Pity about RS as I think he would make a good Mod. No chance he will change his mind, right area, right style for me. I know PK is against it, but then I think PK takes things said the wrong way when its not meant like that.