Time for a new Mod

A good Mod dont wrote things like this:

Well, I’m already under the pump for daring to challenge the relevance of your last post, so there’s nothing to be lost by persisting.

WTF does another eight year old news article have to do with the current position?

Or should we all just pick positions in time that suit us?

Suits me.

Argentina’s claims ended by British occupation.

End of story.

End of thread.

A very nice photo of a very nice ship.

In the series of mysterious Panzerknacker photos cunningly inserted to make subtle points in Falklands threads, I think this one is meant to demonstrate that:

(a) Argentina likes to force-feed its ships through big shore pipes, or

(b) Argentina lacks deep water ports, or

(c) Argentina has deep water ports but no captains capable of navigating them, so they just ground their ships on waveless beaches. Sort of the reverse of having a deep water ship like the Belgrano but no captain capable of keeping it off ocean floor.


Well, me old sport, why do I have to do the research on a photo you’ve posted before I mock it?

If it’s so important on 2 April (of whatever year applies), why isn’t it disgorging tanks and troops, or being shelled in the calm shallow waters where it is resting sedately?

Harsh though this may seem, the rest of the world hasn’t been relentlessly combing Jane’s Ships to discover that Argentina has an LST named the ARA Cabo San Antonio.

It’s just an LST. Lots of nations have them.

I wouldn’t get too excited about having one.

It could could hit the bottom in no time.


And I could continue with his patetic secuense on “jumping without any cause post”, but there is no real need of that.

Nothing more to comment on Chevan.

PK, since GS wrote down the list it was obvious that the next step would be to PM them, dont’t you think?

PK, I dont see anything wrong with the RS posts you quoted except they are mostly counter you in the Malvinas section.

If you look at him from a neutral point of view he is one of the more lucid posters around here and while certainly being opinionated does not come across as insulting.

I think its the old culture thing again here.

The bottom line is that we need one or 2 more Mods, if not, this Forum will not be protected and nurtured as it needs to be.

Fully agree.

I agree but still we dont need to rush it. pdf27 seems to be the only person close to being qualified. Actually he replied even thou I basically told him not in so many words. So he sparks my confidence. I guess 32Bravo isnt interested or doesnt know how to check PMs. BTW here is what I said to them.

PK, I dont see anything wrong with the RS posts you quoted except they are mostly counter you in the Malvinas section.

If you look at him from a neutral point of view he is one of the more lucid posters around here and while certainly being opinionated does not come across as insulting.

I think its the old culture thing again here.

The bottom line is that we need one or 2 more Mods, if not, this Forum will not be protected and nurtured as it needs to be.

Derailing… that his favorite sporrt.

And this means that the forum is not protected and nurtured now ??

Man…all that daily work on vain. :roll:

Mate, I’m not getting at you. remember that I supported you for a Mod in the first place and you have done more than most of us (me included) to make the site better.

But you do tend to take things on a personal level, where I’m sure that its not meant to be by the poster. I understand the Brit humour, sometimes you dont. I probably dont understand the Argentine sense of humour where you do.

We have to do what we think is best for the site. no matter our personal opinions. For example I pushed for SS Tiger and I thought he would do more than he did, my mistake, but at the time I thought he would make a good Mod.

None of us can be here 24/7, and we have to choose someone who will be good for the site, which doesnt mean that we need to have to get on with then at all times, but we do have to work with them.

I like Tiger too and I ve support that also, in the actual conditions I think that 6 moderator are too much, I mean Is a big forum but not that big.

Our problem is that the people who is here a lot is not Mod material, and the one who is arent here too much.

I agree with that but I still think that with my commitments I cant be here as much as you guys, I’m off again on Thursday. However its to the US so I should be able to check in a couple of times a week, but were doing bombing training and I will be out in the desert from week 2 to week 4 for a lot of the time.

but were doing bombing training and I will be out in the desert from week 2 to week 4 for a lot of the time

Quite a training :D, good luck man.

If no one has a problem with it then I think we are going to go with pdf27 as a new mod. If no objections then ill plug him in soon!!!

No objections from my side.

As I reread look like we are all okay on pdf27. So im going to clean up things around here and ill try and mod him within the week.

I think ill go ahead and give him control over the whole board but he needs to ask questions before taking actions. We can work this out. I think he wants to help and will be a great addition. Let him play around in the A&M archive room and home his skills. He said he will try and read as much as possible. Let put him on probation but allow him enough space to get his feet wet and see what he can do. Ill keep track of his progress thru the mod log.

Ill give this a couple of day for anyone to lodge their concerns. But I think this should be a great guy to go with.

Excellent choice in my opinion. He knows his stuff too.

Sorry for being offline so long. Agree on pdf (as you know).
I’ll be offline for 2 more days.
See ya!


This guy is consistent. Starts good topics and seems to be level headed in ww2 topics. He may go of tangent when it comes to Chevan, but dont we all.

Overall, I think that Modding him will add to the site.

I would agree but as stated here in post 11 http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5097 and his recent post in Infraction Points…I think he is too busy with he own moderating. But someone to keep in mind for the future.

With the imminent stand-down of Dani, we need to start thinking about a new Mod. I’d still go with Nick as my 1st choice. Some of my other choices wouldnt suit everyone here and anyway I think that they would refuse it anyway.

We need someone who is on almost every day and who appears to be level headed.

I like George Eller for Mod.