Turks are joining to the war in Iraq.

posted by Chevan

The problems that the all the contracts were signed with the former Ukrainian gov that considered and respected the interests of Russia.
The “new Ukraine Orange gov” that has come to the power with anti-russian ideas
So this i naive to think the gazprom would continie to feed them by the “cheap gas”. Therefor this was a logical step of Gazprom.
It have to do it sooner or later- coz to sell the gas for Ukraine for 50$ when the Poland buy it for 220$ ( Germany -240-250$) is a very unprofitable bisness.
But i have to notice the Gazprom several times reminded and warned the Ukraine befor to cut off them the gas supplies - the price will rise. But they did nothing.
So i think it was inevitable action of GAzprom. Perhaps it sould not be so politiced as well.

The present gas price for Ukraine is US $95 per 1,000 cubic metres.
The two thirds of this gas supply for Ukraine comes from Central Asian states that sell gas to Russian Gazprom at very low prices and Gazprom resell it to Ukraine at higher prices due to the Russian monopoly on Central Asian gas transit to Europe,

So even the price of 50 dollars was profitavle for Russians. It was rather lucrative as in responce Ukraine charged low fees for the transit of Russian gas supplies to Europe. 80% of Russian gas transit to Europe goes through Ukrainian pipe-lines.

Yes 95 is a contemporary price.
However this is too low. Poland buid it for 200$.
So i think we have to increase the gas cost for Ukraine soon.

So even the price of 50 dollars was profitavle for Russians. It was rather lucrative as in responce Ukraine charged low fees for the transit of Russian gas supplies to Europe. 80% of Russian gas transit to Europe goes through Ukrainian pipe-lines.

The problems my friend that the Turkmenistan ( the state that your mean ) has no the own pipe-line system. And after the delivering of the gas via the 1000 of km to the Ukraine the price should increace…twice.
And yes you right… for the while the Ukraine pipe is the basis of all Russian gas import to Europe.
However do not forget about SEG ( Nothern-European gas-pipe) in the bottom of the Baltic sea. This pipe are building together with Germans and Europeans.
And what it will have builded…it would great, coz the Moscow will not “threat” for Ukraine and the Ukraien will not steal the gas that transits for the Europe:)
Right mst Kato?:smiley:

As long as russia sticks to it’s contracts I see no problem with raising the price as soon as they expire. But Putin seems to get cocky in the firm believe he could do whatever he wants and I doubt he will get far with that attitude. As far as the international relations pokergame is concerned, he’s playing a highly aggressive game with a good looking but rather weak hand (something like 2 pairs, oil /gas and nukes) on a table of sharks. It might very well backfire as soon as a really big economic player calls, so to speak. (US, EU, CHINA)

Though one has to admit he played it smart in Russia itself, there isn’t much left from the democratic developments in the 90ies and I would bet a little fortune, that he’ll figure out a way to stay in power beyond next year. Something like changing the rules of election would be to obvious/aggressive for the rest of the world, though. My guess would be, install a puppet in his chair, become prime minister and change the power structure in the favor of the office of prime minister or sth like that. I guess he’ll never call himself Führer, but he continuously works towards the position anyway.

Posted by Chevan
The problems my friend that the Turkmenistan ( the state that your mean ) has no the own pipe-line system. And after the delivering of the gas via the 1000 of km to the Ukraine the price should increace…twice.
However do not forget about SEG ( Nothern-European gas-pipe) in the bottom of the Baltic sea. This pipe are building together with Germans and Europeans.

The transit of the gas can’t cost that much. Russia just uses its monopoly on the gas transit from the Central Asia to keep prices high. Europeans should build the pipe-lines from the Central Asia to Europe outside the Russian territory if they want to have cheap gas and get rid of the Russian gas monopoly.

Europeans, especially Baltic states and Poland are unhappy with this project.

Estonia vetoed the project and prohibited to build the pipe-line.
