UFOs Over Texas?

lol :slight_smile: alrite then they’re either seen by drunks or Americans lol :slight_smile:

:DYou forgot by Kiwis out on a night with all their girlfriends. You know, sheperds;)


lol :slight_smile: I met aload of Kiwis when i went to a festival once . . . wierd f*ckers. My sister in laws Austrailian! gutted lol :slight_smile:

Their drive fields make photography hard as they show up as orbs, the thought is that these things use a contrarotating magnetic field for lift or camolage. Alledgedly,during the 70s, a hawk missile battery in south korea engaged one of these near the dmz, the round was seen exploding and illuminating a hemisphere around the craft for 2 sconds. Local radars went down to heavy jamming, last seen heading north korea.
The reports continue in stephanville.
Project blue book ended all civillian reporting of ufos, but all military reporting continues . Under janap146,a.f.r. 200.
If these things did’nt exist why does the airforce chase them and past members alledge aircraft losses 1954-present day.
Digital cameras have a problem imaging the visual ones, but for some reason see the dark ones as orbs. Film cameras image both on film with these fields showing up as fogged areas, the 1960s photos show ths effect

Didn’t your mate see a Klingon on Uranus?

nah, me mate saw cardassians in cardiff !
seriously tho aren’t you a bit interested in the aussie destroyer wot got hit near yankee station?

Um, I was referring to Comrade(or troll)inarms, not you man.

Um, how is he making fun of you since he’s been here for several years and you registered today?

If aliens are advanced enough to have interstellar travel, and do all the things attributed to them, how come they are always naked? Are clothes too much of a stretch??

Possibly an unfortunate misunderstanding from that time I passed over Detroit in my UFO and was mistaken for Uranus. :wink:

Although the syntax in Bubba’s posts is more Cajun that Detroit.

Well his IP address shows Toronto, Canada. I guess he could be from across the border in Detroit. I’m not that familiar with Detroit dialects. Or maybe he’s French Canadien … or possibly a white guy trying to pass himself off as black :wink:

classic, LOl

[QUOTE=George Eller;133229]-

Well his IP address shows Toronto, Canada. I guess he could be from across the border in Detroit. I’m not that familiar with Detroit dialects. Or maybe he’s French Canadien … or possibly a white guy trying to pass himself off as black :wink:

when i lived in Detroit, you couldnt tell a black guy from a white guy talking on the phone, Methinks Bubba is somebody pulling a fast one, i also asked if he heard of some Big clubs that everybody has heard of there( i was a bartender when i lived in michigan)never recieved a reply

we watched on Tv, just a week ago, an astronaut from some of Apollo missions, someone who had actually been to space, swear that alians were real, and the government knew them well, when Larry King asked if they were friendly, he replied" oh, yes, or we wouldnt be here today" the man seemed legit, no reason to put a good reputation on the line to look like an idiot( oh yes, I have a pickup truck, i need it for work, but i have never seen anything like a UFO , only some flying fists

Toronto is much closer to me than to Detroit…

I know who you’re talking about and I’ll post it when I have more time. In any case, there are a lot of anomalies that have come from the US, and all, space programs…

One which comes to mind was something I saw on either ABC or the History channel, where recently (2002 maybe), a Maryland “ham radio” operator picked up a transmission from the Space Shuttle stating something to the effect of “there’s the alien, again” as the accompanying, matched up video feed showed a female astronaut was staring out the window. She then turned around and switched the communications to what is thought to be an encrypted US military frequency and continued to talk to someone (in the video footage, which had no audio)…

I am still waiting to get abducted and sexually abused by alienesses with strange anatomy.

Like the one from the movie Species?:smiley:

i hear they like to anal probe you, nnnnooooooooo

My urologist tried that once for some prostate examination! F**k that!!!:shock: