UFOs Over Texas?

Something like that but with a happy end for me, please.:smiley:

Of course! Interesting to know the uses of all the tentacles:D.

Hi Guys, I found this on Yahoo yesterday!

Mon Oct 20, 8:05 AM
LONDON (AFP) - The Ministry of Defence on Monday made public its secret files on UFO sightings, with the dossier including a range of reports from a close encounter with a UFO over Kent and a letter from a woman claiming to be an alien warrior.
The 19 different incidents were recorded between 1986 and 1992, and published on the National Archives website.
Among the recorded incidents was a letter dated March 1990 from a woman who claimed she was an alien whose spaceship had landed during World War II and was recovered by the military.
“The crashed vehicle contained two males from Spectra, a planet orbiting the star Zeta Tucanae, and a female from one of the two inhabited planets in the Sirius system, Amazon the planet of warrior women,” she wrote in the letter, which also included sketches of herself and of Spectrans.
“That female was me,” she wrote.
Though the letter did not spark an investigation, another report from an Alitalia pilot did.
On April 21, 1991, the captain of an Alitalia plane was en route to Heathrow Airport when it had a close call with a UFO over Kent, the newly-revealed documents showed.
“At once I said, ‘Look out, look out,’ to my co-pilot, who looked out and saw what I had seen,” Achille Zaghetti said in a report on the incident.
“As soon as the object crossed us I asked to the ACC (area control centre) operator if he saw something on his screen and he answered ‘I see an unknown target 10nm (nautical miles) behind you’.”
Meanwhile, a local television station had broadcast a story of a 14-year-old boy who said he had seen a low-flying missile disappear that same evening.
Radar images at that time initially labelled the object “Cruise missile??”, but it was later confirmed that it was not a military weapon.

By July 2, however, a defence ministry inquiry found the UFO had not come from any Army firing ranges, and added there had not been any “space-related activity” that night.

Whats this.
Some other member got his infomation from the HISTORY CHANNEL.
So it looks like im not the only one here:D

I just read that Iran is making a Stealthplane. Maybe this will be a UFO to Israel when they can’t track it on their Radar system!!
Iran designs aircraft invisible to enemy eyes
Tue, 02 Dec 2008 09:07:32 GMT

Iran says it will enter the production phase for a radar-evading aircraft in early 2009. The aircraft seen in the picture is an American B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber.
Iran says it has designed a radar-evading aircraft capable of taking out high-value targets without being detected by hostile radar systems.

Chief Air Force commander Brigadier General Hassan Shah-Safi announced on Monday that the aircraft was designed by Iranian aerospace experts and that military researchers are now working on building a small prototype.

“The design of the aircraft has been completed and the preliminary models of these aircrafts are being constructed,” the commander told Iranian state radio.

The radar-evading or “stealth” aircraft employs a combination of features to reduce visibility in visual, audio, infrared and radio frequency (RF) spectra.

The fighter is designed to be carefully coated with a secret, radar-absorbent material, as even an air bubble or a screw not tightened exactly to specifications could result in a blip on an enemy’s radar screen.

“I think we will finish research on the project by the end of the year (the Iranian calendar year ending in March) and then we will enter the production phase,” Brig. Gen. Shah-Safi said.

The announcement comes at a time that the Islamic Republic is pursuing a military self-sufficiency campaign directed at improving its defense capabilities after years of US sanctions and foreign threats.

Israel accuses Iran, a signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), of making efforts to “build a nuclear weapon.”

Under the allegation, Israeli officials argue that wiping out Iran’s nuclear infrastructure militarily is a legitimate option.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said last week that Tel Aviv had received a green light from Washington to take any action it deems “necessary” against Iran over its nuclear program.

Iranian officials insist that the country’s nuclear activities are solely directed at the civilian applications of the technology. The NPT grants Tehran and all other signatories the right to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes.

Iran makes many pronouncements regarding their ‘super-weapons.’ For the most part, they tend to be full of shat…

They should stick with flying carpets.