Ukraine Nazi Massacre Remembered

Make no mistake guys. At this site we acknowledge the recognised facts about the Holocaust in all its guises. To go against this you will have to provide some pretty good back up that is both renowned and sensible.

By all means speculate, but be prepared to back your arguments up as this is definately not a Nazi worship site like some others I wont mention.

Oh, is that your comeback? I must be a Jewy-Jewbag now?

Go drink some more vodka idiot. No wonder why Russia is a backwater of alcoholism, declining population, and crime despite once being one of the most powerful nations on earth, blessed with many natural resources. It must all be the Jews’ fault I suppose, they do control the media afterall.:rolleyes:

You know, you’d actually have some credibility on some issues if you ever actually looked critically at the some of the bullshit the USSR was involved in rather than mindlessly defending all things Russian, oh, like killing more people than Hitler did.

Yes, there some shitty things the U.S. did, though you can argue these points since the U.S. didn’t start the War, and more people would have been killed otherwise.

But this thread is about your anti-Semitism, we already have two intentionally inflamatory Hiroshima and Dresden threads. You should know, you started them.

I have own mind and don’t repeat nobody. (F…k the Irving, i never knew about him till partisipation in the forum. There are numerous sources which are deny official version of Holocaust)
Just try to think a little.

Yeah.:rolleyes: Numerous sources, the vast majority of which like Irving have fascist sympathies. Any moron can put stuff on the internet and present it as a new “truth.” And if you read my links, you’d see strong arguments that “Revisionists” actually aren’t really denying anything. They’re merely attempting to alter history by selectively shifting their morphing facts, after their arguments are exposed as lies one by one, whose main objective is to be apologists for the Nazis. There may indeed be a few Deniers that think they are searching for some hidden truth buried by a worldwide conspiracy. But I doubt there are many. Most are pretty easily exposed Hitler-sycophants such as Irving, engaged in a conspiracy of their own.

He was making a point about your comments regarding the Holocaust in general, not Babi Yar.

I was merely responding that even a noted Holocaust denier never claims that it took 200lbs. of wood to burn each body, it was more like 60lbs. of coke according to his stilted calculations.

I’m not the one turning a simple little article regarding a memorial commemoration into a huge fight thread. Who’s the stupid one?

Post your article for this, so I can fuck it all to hell with actual logic please…

Too much sources . But my main sourse is mind. Just simple calculation ( like Lancer did) and some facts.
Any more the questions Gen?

“To many sources,” at the American Neo-Nazi websites you frequent I take it.:rolleyes:

And for fuck’s sake! Stop reading your copy of the “Protocals of the Elders of Zion,” that’s utter shit contrived by Russian intelligence also…

Just backing up my mod!!!

To be honest by stating that 200kg of wood is needed to burn completely one body I meant not regular crematorias but open wood pyres.
What is puzzling for me that victims of Babi Yar and many more victims of Einsatzkommandos were allegadly first buried than exhumated and burned on open pyres.

Mass graves were spread through all Ukraine. What is puzzling me even more is that travelling through the area by train in 70’s I could see no tree sometimes for an hour or so. Wood is scarce in those areas. So technically burning around 1.5 to 2 milion bodies is a big task. Logistically.

Going back to Auschwitz and number of victims. I lived in area about 60 km from Auschwitz for 28 years. Visited it twice with my mother. She had Jewish friends in Warsaw and they perished in Auschwitz.
I had seen with my own eyes memorial plaque stating 4 million victims.
Then in 1990 it suddenly become 1.5 million.
But total number of victims still stayed at 6 millions (I mean Jewish victims of the whole Holocaust).

I don’t understand this logic. To deny Holocaust and murdering Jews by Germans is crazy. It was happening and my family had seen it in Warsaw.
I’m far from being denier or revisionist. But who can explain this disappearence of 2.5 million and still upheld 6 millions figure?


Hey Nick, I debunk Holocaust revisionism as well but your comments are going too far. If I came on here talking about Jews or blacks the way you are talking about Russians I’d probably be banned, and rightfully so. The reason why Russia has problems today is primarily because they made the mistaking of BELIEVING a lot of assholes who said they would have “more freedom” under capitalism.

Believe me when the Russian, Ukrainian, and other Eastern European people finally get fed up with manipulation and Western liberal hypocrisy- you won’t want to be in the general area.

Gentlemens , could somebody explane me this situation.
What i did?
May be insulted the samebody’s patriotic fellings, did i said something worst about personally americans, jews or somebody else?
Where from did appear this words:

Fuck you…
Go drink some more vodka idiot…
your fascist sympathies…
your anti-Semitism…

This hysteria look like i could insult the somebody’s religiouse feelings.
Remember the Muhamed caricatures? :wink: :wink:

So what kind of religion this madman believe ?
He is lie that Catholic - he’s sectant, he is “believer in Holocaust”.
So why do need a spend time and destroy his “comfortable” religion.
I don’t know.

If god wish to punish somebody , he go out its mind .:frowning:

Very demonstrated photo, mate.
Nobody is here don’t deny the mass murdering Jews by germans.
Could it named by Holocaus - this is the personal matter of jews.
But you right think- figure of 6 millions victims is lie.


Chevan I personally knew a Holocaust-revisionist author and read a lot of their material. Many of them can make a good case, but I discovered serious flaws in their research. Before you believe the claims these people make, you must realize that they also have other theories such as “Hitler saved Europe from Stalins invasion” and other nonsense. It’s ironic that much of the propaganda that the West promoted(and still promotes today) was very helpful to Holocaust revisionists who needed ways of proving that Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy.

Before everyone starts bitching about Russians again, let’s consider the SOURCE of most of the Holocaust revisionist propaganda…

Most of it is distributed via American or other Western organizations and websites like Stormfront, the National Alliance, National Vanguard, etc. In addition to this, Holocaust revisionists have made ample use of government-supported propaganda such as the Ukrainian famine in order to bolster their case. Of course the famine genocide was the product of Nazis and their sympathizers in the first place so this shouldn’t be a surprise.

I would to believe you :slight_smile: :wink:

Chevan I personally knew a Holocaust-revisionist author and read a lot of their material. Many of them can make a good case, but I discovered serious flaws in their research. Before you believe the claims these people make, you must realize that they also have other theories such as “Hitler saved Europe from Stalins invasion” and other nonsense. It’s ironic that much of the propaganda that the West promoted(and still promotes today) was very helpful to Holocaust revisionists who needed ways of proving that Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy.

I am not the revisionist Jasa.
And i never believed that “Hitler was a good boy” or he saved something.
And i never be the nazi… Nazi scorned not just the jews but all of slav peoples as low-race.
But a am full of this slobbery Holocaust propoganda.
You don’t listen this “not-jewish american catholic” please.

Mate, if you would to build the neo-socialism , good idea , i will help you as i can …:wink:
And i would glad if the jews took active part in this…

Oh, as opposed to repeating the same old “Jews control the media” horseshit? Or America is full of Nazis, or it the western powers should be given special scrutiny for their actions in WWII whereas the Soviet advance was nothing but a glorious march of liberation? I seriously do wonder at the sanity and the most of the Russian posters here. There is clearly an agenda, and at least one poster, Chevan, almost appears to be a character controlled by two people.

Believe me when the Russian, Ukrainian, and other Eastern European people finally get fed up with manipulation and Western liberal hypocrisy- you won’t want to be in the general area.

Actually it looks more like the Ukrainians and East Europeans have gotten more fed up with Russian manipulation.

“Neo” or National Socialism you stupid drunk?

You’re talking about famine genocide in Ukraine in 1932-1933?
The product of Nazis?
Are you nuts?
The documents of NKVD that were disclosed in 2006 clearly confirm the fact that the famine genocide was a deliberate action of Soviet goverment taken in order to stifle ukrainian aspirations for independence, because they posed a threat to Soviet Union’s unity.

When did anyone say that?

Judging by the fact that this thread is actually about a NAZI massacre but everyone somehow managed to turn it into yet ANOTHER anti-Russian tirade I’d say there clearly is an agenda here.

Of course it would look that way, to people who are completely ignorant about Ukrainian history. I was in America during the phony “Orange Revolution” and saw first hand the outright lies that were being told- PARTICULARLY the implication that Western Ukrainians are actually the majority when in fact the exact opposite is true.

Swing and a miss! Strike 3!

As for burning the bodies at Babi Yar, no number is stipulated in the article. Mass graves presumably were found by Soviet authorities. But I’m unsure as to how they presented this. It is also not stipulated that the bodies were “cremated” to cremains; they were merely burned to hide identities and evidence I presume.

A simple Google search revealed that the number attributed to the Holocaust had never taken into account any specific numbers at Auschwitz and was based on a number generally agreed upon by historians, never based on a plaque:

Of course, as the Wiesenthal Center illustrates, it never was.

"Now recalling the Wiesenthal Center's claim that the overall 6,000,000 number of Jews never was based on a higher figure at Auschwitz and thus is still 6,000,000, after the revision of 4,000,000 down to 1,000,000, we can review the contradictory listing below to see if they are telling the truth or are in fact committing a blasphemy against the truth and are insulting the reader." 

Here we see Moran, using his misrepresentation of what the Center said as a straw man argument, maliciously distorts the assertions of the Center. Conveniently ignored is that historians, for decades, have come to agreement that the death toll at Auschwitz-Birkenau was between 1-1.5 million (80-90% Jews) and the Jewish death toll of the Holocaust, including the deaths at Auschwitz, was around 6 million.

In fact, there was a movement in the 90s to revise the number upwards to about 6.5 million to account for the pre-Death Camp phase use of Einsatzgruppen units to kill Jews, Communists, and political figures deemed enemies of German hegemony.

There was also a 1997 New York Times article (that I wish I could find online) that flatley stated that in fact, the Western Allies knew about the Holocaust much earlier than was generally thought, since in began basically. There had been persistent news reports of Jews and Slavs being killed. And also reports of Nazi retaliation atrocities. But Roosevelt did want to turn the War into a “crusade to save Jews”, which may have been politically difficult. It was then later thought that the best way to end the Holocaust was to end the War as quickly as possible, not take special missions such as bombing the concentration camps, so reports of mass killings were ignored.

Um, I think you can clearly see that Chevan has stated exactly that. And my response was to Chevans incompetent responses casting me as an angry Jew.:slight_smile: I think you can pretty clearly see that if you actually reread it.

Judging by the fact that this thread is actually about a NAZI massacre but everyone somehow managed to turn it into yet ANOTHER anti-Russian tirade I’d say there clearly is an agenda here.

WTF!! Read the fucking thread again, and see where it devolves into an anti-anything! It’s the first (Chevan’s) response who apparently bristles at the mention of any Jews being killed. I was the one that posted a simple article on a memorial and then saw it thread-jacked by a Russian asshole with an agenda.

Of course it would look that way, to people who are completely ignorant about Ukrainian history. I was in America during the phony “Orange Revolution” and saw first hand the outright lies that were being told- PARTICULARLY the implication that Western Ukrainians are actually the majority when in fact the exact opposite is true.

LOL Then I guess the Ukrainians were lying when they thought that the Russian gov’t, run by an ex-KGB officer, used some sort of bio agent to attack the former Ukraine leader. You forgive if I trust THEIR version of events. Not Putins.

Strike 3, all three comments you made in this thread either cast you as a liar, or mentally incompetent as well.

The best source for debunking the Holocaust-revisionist claims is’s 66 Questions and Answers rebuttal. I think there are several versions but they address pretty much every claim. For ongoing news there is

For debunking of the Ukrainian “famine genocide” one can find online Douglas Tottle’s Ukrainian Famine: Famine, Fraud, and Fascism, among other sources.

The famine story was advanced by the fanatical OUN fascists and helped by the Nazi press as well as the American Hearst press. When the story became popular again during the Cold War, the culprits were ex-OUN emigres, many of them wanted for possible war crimes.