US Navy Building--a swastika?

I find the reactions to such incidents rather annoying, people always get hysterical about stuff related to the Nazis, even if there is hardly a reason. I don’t think for a split second, that the Navy intended to make a political statement with that building and I doubt anyone working there has ever bothered to even think about it before some nutjob spent to much time in google earth. I bet if you look hard enough you will find plenty of swastikas in any landscape around the globe, streets, buildings, whatever and after all the nazi only occupied the symbol as has already been stated before.

What is that in the middle of the building? A gray tree? A gray cloud?
Looks strange? Does it meen the picture was photoshoped?

This story was finally in the media today in the US. I have no idea what the architect was thinking. But, the swastika was a nature symbol that North American Native Americans used to decorate their shelters and the like - long before the Nazis hijacked it…

I was just wondering about the fact, that i always just rushed through my homecity without looking around me :frowning:

Scroll down (it’s at the very end) or search the page for “Hakenkreuzhaus” - there you see a house which was really intended to look like a swastika.

I reserve the right to say ‘bollocks’ to the above.

Hello Chevan,the building in question is most probably just a fluke, no intentions of any kind behind its design. If it was built before the 30’s, it would be a good luck charme to make it that way. Much in the way some Abbey’s and churches were constructed in the shape of a cross.

The American 45th Division had the swastika as its original emblem, but not derived from the same source as the Nazi one

For a bit more on the swastika, from a well informed but perhaps not entirely objective source

My understanding has always been that its earliest forms are found in India.

I can think of a hell of alot of better ways to spent tax money.

That’s a lot of cash to piss away because some might be offended…where do we draw the line?

Agreed AHC , its much ado about nothing. Sorry old Adolph stole it, and had it for 12 little years, so why demonize it forever. Time to let such things go I think. Besides, the american biker culture took it(the German style swastika) away from the nazis back in the late 40’s, and have kept it ever since.

The Swastika is said to be a conbination of runes, in this case “Eihwaz” It generally means victory through struggle, a desired outcome born of great effort. (its sigil, or symbol is the left image.) when this rune is paired, crossed at the centers, it creates what is called a “bindrune” and this sigil combines the “powers” of the joined runes.In the case of joining the same rune, it amplifies the powers of the rune.
It was a process used in many cultures, Norse, Galls, Gaels, Celts,Teutons, etc. to bring about desired conditions and outcomes. These runes were also used as an alphabet.
The insignia of the S.S. is based on the repeated rune “sowulo” (Sun) and means Ultimate success,quickly gained,as a stroke of lightning. Sowulo is also the letter “S” (its sigil is the right image) and looks like a lightning bolt.Although it is not technically a bindrune double Sowulo does reinforce the power over a single rune. In this case, it may mean only S.S. for schutze staffle. anyway, I though it might be interesting to give a bit of the history behind these symbols.

eiwaz rune.gif

sowulo rune.gif

Hi mate.
Well if it was build before 30’s this is OTHER matter.
But the our friedn AllHailCesar wrote

The US Navy will be spending about $600,000 to redesign or camouflage a 1960s barracks building in San Diego

So i thought IF it was build in the 1960 - there is no any doubts that the architect clearly know what does mean the Nazy swastica.
But sure in the 1930’s the situation were quite different;)(… well exept may be the racists prejudices in society, right:D)


Hi AllHailCesar.
I/m fully agree with you.Personaly i think that the swastica that come from the ancient timeis not so bad.
But the fact that somebody from the airplain could observe the Nazy swastica on the building - and might be offended is not rediculous.
Coz who is this group that “could be offended” we clearly know - this is the most reach and power group in USA and world;)
So i think if in the USA exist the ban to portray the Nazy swastica in films, games and ets - there is no any doubt they could sooun forbid it in the Building industry.


There is no such ban on the display of the Swastika in any of its forms, within the United States. This is guaranteed by the First amendment to our Constitution. The right to freedom of speech, and expression.
If someone wishes, (and there are some of those people here) they may parade the nazi swastika down mainstreet in front of everyone. It has happened here, many times.
And even though the building in question was built in the 60’s, it still doesnt reflect any devious purpose in the design. And lets say for a moment that it was designed to infer some evil intention, there is no law prohibiting that. Its really kind of a moot point, because very few people would actually be concerned.Words and symbols are nothing to be afraid of.

Quote: “But sure in the 1930’s the situation were quite different(… well exept may be the racists prejudices in society, right)”

The truth of the matter is that those who would be hateful of any particular group of people were doing it long before the 19th century.What you might have seen of the 60’s was at that time nothing novel, nothing new. (unfortunately,) the advent of the Nazi use of the hakenkreutz did not catalyze these events, as those responsible for that behavior here used different symbols. Like Freud said, “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar” there isnt always a hidden meaning in things. But I do understand what you meant, and why you might think it. Enjoy your week Chevan, smile.

Well mate sorry it seems i have muddled the USA and Western Europe.
However it the firsts amendment of Constitution is guaranting the freedom of speech and expression- why somebody need to rebuild the military Barraks in San Diego?

And even though the building in question was built in the 60’s, it still doesnt reflect any devious purpose in the design. And lets say for a moment that it was designed to infer some evil intention, there is no law prohibiting that. Its really kind of a moot point, because very few people would actually be concerned.Words and symbols are nothing to be afraid of.

Agree. Nevertheless could you explain WHY they want to spend a big money from budget for the rebuilding?
Especially If there is no law prohibiting that?

Quote: “Agree. Nevertheless could you explain WHY they want to spend a big money from budget for the rebuilding?
Especially If there is no law prohibiting that”

Ah my dear Chevan, there is the rub, you must be part American, as we cant figure it out either. it is just some worried little bureaucrat concerned that someone, somewhere might take offense at the shape of the building… Most Americans would vote not to change it, cost too much to do it.

How would Freud have interpreted Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and their cigar?

There’s a few years of psychiatric conferences there. :smiley:

Then again, Freud was a cokehead, so he can be forgiven for getting a few things wrong.

There comes a time in the affairs of men when it’s time to say: Enough!

To paraphrase Lincoln: Some of the people will be offended all of the time; all of the people will be offended some of the time; but it takes a really stupid publicly funded arsehole to believe that all of the people are offended all of the time by every pissy little thing that might offend some nutcase who lives to be offended by everything and that the government and society have a duty to stop such over-sensitive nutcases being offended by everything that doesn’t look and think and act like them.

That publicly funded arsehole will usually have a title like Anti-Discrimination Commissioner; Equal Opportunity Commissioner; Privacy Commissioner; Positive Discrimination Commissioner; Commissioner for Mediating the Rights of Whales and Krill to Co-Operative Whale Consumption of Krill Without Upsetting Krill; etc. The frightening thing is that these publicly funded people are quite moderate, compared with the people who complain to them.

Personally, if I was running the the USN I’d order that the buildings be painted black; that the gardens be replaced by a circle of white gravel around the buildings; and that the surrouding carparks be painted red. Then people in aeroplanes would have something to get really pissed off about, in the few weeks before I got fired. Not a great way to end a career, but it’d be a lot of fun for someone just once to stand up to the bullshit that runs the modern Western world.

Quote: “How would Freud have interpreted Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and their cigar?”

I’ll have to ask my esteemed colleague Dr. Groucho Marx to answer that one,(Something about finding an Elephant in his pajamas,and how she got in his pajamas we’ll never know,):mrgreen:

Quote: “Well mate sorry it seems i have muddled the USA and Western Europe.
However it the firsts amendment of Constitution is guaranting the freedom of speech and expression- why somebody need to rebuild the military Barraks in San Diego”

It happens Chevan, never fear. I am just astounded by the reaction to this one little complex in our great big country. There are early fortifications in the U.S. that are shaped somewhat like a 6 pointed star, but no one makes a fuss over that having a subtle, alterior meaning, people amaze me .