US Navy Building--a swastika?

Very good point…kinda like taking the Confederate battle flag off of state flags because some get upset. Nevermind that the Civil War was fought over more than just slavery. Anyone interested in that time period has to becareful that they don’t get labled a racist.


Some people just look ,and wait for something to be offended by, and if nothing real happens by, then they’ll pick a fight with whatever is available.
In spite of all of the negative press the stars&bars have gotten, you still see it all over the country.(though more in the South.) Its as much a part of our Nation’s history as anything else, and is not a symbol of slavery. Though some folks prefer to see it as such. (sounds like a personal problem to me, :slight_smile: )

Sure my friend nobody will fuss about David’s star in USA;):smiley:
I just wonder - why this sign is not in the American flag yet;)


Oddly enough Chevan, the six pointed star is also a symbol in American Indian culture, just as the shape of the swastika is.I always found that to be amusing.:slight_smile:

I work in the public sector and political correctness is in overkill mode, so I guess I’m hypersensitive to it.

Well mate sorry it seems i have muddled the USA and Western Europe.

Only in Austria and Germany as far as I’m aware. I can walk down the street waving one too, if I wanted to of course.

i would like to watch this show Firefly;)
Well you right The mainly Austria and Germany in Europe has the special anti-swastic law.
Howerer the reality of life is that Wiki write
Taboo in Western countries
Because of its use by Hitler and the Nazis and, in modern times, by neo-Nazis and other hate groups, for many people in the West, the swastika is associated primarily with Nazism and white supremacy. Hence, outside historical contexts, it has become taboo in Western countries. The historical context of architectural decorations has sometimes been ignored in local efforts to remove swastikas from pre-World War II buildings.

So if you just try to wear the swastica- you could easy be blamed as neo-nazy extremists in any State.
Besides there are the publical organisation that could blame you in the insulting of memory perished peoples in the ww2 and ( mainly victims of Holocaust).
Meanwhile there a some of smal local groups of neo-nazy in the different Western State are.
This is for instance the demonstration in USA ( Omaha 2007)
My friend Nick has already heared about those retards from NSM party;)
Although they could march in USA - the any possibilities to express their points in mass media is forbidden for them.

Oh come on mate.
I was just kidding :wink:

Not at all.

A future king of England can wear it without breaking the law, although it did upset some people. Rather surprising, given the sympathy the abdicating King of England had for the Nazis before WWII, along with just about every other bit of aristocracy and serious money in the Western world, and Japan, in those rabidly anti-communist times.

Not just the swastika, the band KI$$ had too change their “SS” logo…

The German Release

The rest of Europe

And interestingly, Gene Simmons (Chaim Witz / חיים וויץ ), the lead singer of KISS is an Israeli-American and the son of a Holocaust survivor. :slight_smile:

Gene Simmons

Chevan relax buddy, I know you were kidding, :smiley: dont worry. my response was in a humorous tone, tho it may get lost in translation. It is true about the american Indians and their sacred symbols, both the six point, and the hakenkreutz are there.tho sometimes, the arms go the other direction.
Chevan, if I may ask you, what age group are you in? 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 etc. only if you want to answer tho,

You won’t even get a license plate for your car with an SS or HJ (just normal letters, not even runes or sth) or things like that in it here in germany, which is kinda stupid for persons whose first and last name starts with those letters. As personalized plates (like in the US) are not allowed it’s quite common to ask for a license plate with letters that are an abbreviation of your name, so those people have to think of something else to remember the plate better :roll: :lol:

It’s an interesting situation when Germany excludes a significant part of its history - the most significant part of its recent history in world terms - from its modern life for good motives by, in a sense, sweeping it under the carpet, when Japan does the same thing for bad motives.

Germany may have gone too far. Japan not far enough.

Paul Stanley is Jewish as well. Though I’m not sure if the other original members Ace and Peter were or not…

Paul Stanley is Jewish as well. Though I’m not sure if the other original members Ace and Peter were or not…[/QUOTE]

You are correct Nick - Paul Stanley (Stanley Harvey Eisen) is also Jewish.

The Challah Fame :wink:

Born Chaim Witz, Gene Simmons grew up attending yeshiva in Brooklyn (his upbringing was so Jewish that when he first saw a picture of Santa Claus, he figured the bearded guy must be a rabbi). Simmons began playing with fellow Hebrew Paul Stanley (Stanley Harvey Eisen) in a band called Wicked Lester, but the two soon joined forces with Peter Criss and Ace Frehley to form a group positioned somewhere between the macho end of glam and the theatrical end of hard rock. Kiss came out in 1974 and went up to 87 on the US charts; with 1975’s single “Rock and Roll All Nite” off the live album Alive, the boys behind the make-up became bona fide rock stars. The single “Beth” went to the Top Ten in 1977 and the 1979 album Dynasty also went platinum, but after all of this success, Peter Criss decided he wanted out. KISS’s fortune went downhill from there, spiking briefly in 1983 when the remaining band members (Ace Frehley had left by the point too) appeared for the first time in public without the make-up. Several reunions and much controversy later, Chaim Witz is still going strong – last winter saw him as a guest judge beside fellow Yid Paula Abdul on this season’s American Idol. Read more about Kiss in A One For the Money, a Two for the Money.

I didn’t know Paula Abdul was Jewish, but evidently so :slight_smile:

On the subject of which, just over two months ago a very special birthday was celebrated; Monica Lewinsky turned 34 - can you believe it?

It seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House on her hands and knees, and putting everything in her mouth.

They grow up so fast, don’t they?


Here’s a sequel by an Australian satirical program with Hillary Clinton earlier this year.

I don’t know why people think Australians are insensitive and uncouth. :wink:

A street in oslo … it’s a new piece of evidence … :mrgreen: