US Navy Building--a swastika?

Then there’s the greatest Jew-rocker of them all:


Oh yeah :wink:

Mr David Lee Roth of Van Halen fame. :slight_smile:

Couple of crazy jews;)

I saw this on Google Earth last year, and followed up a few threads.
Apparently, the building was designed in early 1942 and finished by late 1942.
What all those politically-correct idiots are jumping about and down about VERY conveniently overlooks one small detail.

If a person using Google earth looks back up the road a ways, there is another building “pointing” at the Swastika building. This second building is in the shape of a bomber aircraft.
Between the two buildings is a garden plot, in the shape of a bomb, the tip of which is aimed at the swastika building.

In short, the three should be taken in context together, and “read” as the USN intent to “bomb fascism off the planet”. Caricature architecture, while a rare outgrowth of the 1930’s art-deco movement was NOT a total rarity even by the 1940’s.
The architect cannot be blamed, and nor should the USN, for the fact that the better part of 70 years onward, the local trees have grown to such an extent as to mask the original caricature-architectural intent.

In short, more scare-mongering idiotic politically-correct bullshit now stalks the earth, and in complete irony, comes to represent and behave IN the very Fascist manner it purports to protest and be against.

I was thoroughly disgusted by the whole issue.

Regards, Uyraell.