User Names.

coming in here with a laughable name is like walking in a bar with one of those fruit salad hats on like that chick from the movies. SOMEONE will say something

My username “KUUK” signifies the local slangname for my hometown “Cuijk” in the Netherlands.

Welcome , kuuk
cool site, members from EVERYWHERE

Beesa is the nickname of B.S.A. which stands for Birmingham Small Arms, the manufacturer of my first air rifle as a youth.

The Icon I show here gives one clue.

However, I’m also in irc-chat in various other sites where ^Uyraell^ is My nickname.

Without too much detail, I at times write poetry. Some folk like what I have written, though it’s subject matter is a long way from the topics of this forum.

What happened was, in My earlier irc-nic I would at times be asked to show a poem I’d written, and would then be asked if I was the actual author, which I was: and to prove the point would change to the ^Uyraell^ nick there and then, a trackable process.
Eventually, I simply retained the ^Uyraell^ nic fulltime, and use it thus or as Uyraell.
In Latin, the name would be written as Uriel. No need to tell any here who ^He^ is, most folk will either know or guess from the Icon I use.

Regards, Uyraell.

You still haven’t answered… :cool:

Also cycles and motorcycles. We used to speak of a BSA motorbike as being a Beesa.

The mighty BSA was the world’s largest motorcycle manufacturer buts its origin started with one of Birmingham’s prolific trades, gun making

For the First World War they made
1,500,000 Lee Enfield guns and

145,397 Lewis machine guns.

For the Second World War they produced;

1,250,000 rifles

468,098 Browning machine guns and enough spares to make the equivalent of another 100,000 guns

42,532 Hispano 20mm Cannons for both Spitfires and Hurricanes

32,971 Oerlikon 20mm guns

59,322 Besa machine guns

68,000 anti tank rifles

404,383 Sten guns

750,000 anti aircraft rockets.

The serial number of the very first SLR I was issued with, was UBA18920 .

IIRC The UBA stands for BSA. If it had been begun UEA, as many did, it would have been an Enfield model.

Seems like I never seen this thread somehow?
Mine is a bit boring,it’s actually my gamertag for xbox live.Comes from a japanese cartoon I liked when I was a teenager called Dragon Ball.
Got it as my username since the heydays of the dreamcast and Phantasy Star online.
Didn’t think of changing it for something more history orientated as most people know me more as kamehouse than my real name.
Used it in many boards since then…:cool:

My Grand Dad also passed to me this little gem of lore: having been a Dispatch Rider (“Don R”) during WW2 and ridden BSA motorcycles at times (for younger forum members, it’s worth noting, the seating arrangement did Not allow of comfort, it was simple half-sprung levered support only), the acronym also means:
Bloody Sore Arse.

Regards, Uyraell.

Speaking of BSA Motorcycles: Shortly after WWII my Dad bought a new bicycle. You guessed it:" A BSA" It had three rifles depicted on the emblem on the front. Some time later he bought another British made bike namely a Hercules. This bike had the name Hercules more or less entwined in the British flag. Both bikes had one gear but slightly taller than his old German made (pre-war) Junckers. All three lasted a very long time!

I had a bicycle with the stacked rifles logo. I tried google image when posting previously, but couldn’t find one. However, here are a couple.

As an emblem of their craft they adopted the sign of three crossed rifles, which has since become world-known as the Piled Arms trademark:*:IE-Address%26sa%3DG*:IE-Address%26sa%3DN

Speaking of lore revival. I was having luch at the RAC Club, Epsom, yesterday, and mentioned this thread. Most of the chaps began reminiscing about their Beezas, with the odd Triumph T’bird (Thunderbird) thrown in for good measure. :lol: