USSR and the Communist ideology - a debate

Get ready, here comes that inconvenient part where I ask your for PROOF of that assertion!

Nope, the archival evidence actually refutes those claims. See for yourself.

Prague is considered Central Europe. However women are trafficked into Western Europe as far as England.

No, the Czech Republic has currently gained massive foreign investment and tourist dollars; but this is only temporary.

No I didn’t “suddenly” discover this, I have known about it for years. I pointed out Romanians because it pertains to one of my opponents. But perhaps the suffering of his own women isn’t all that important.

This is a direct result of the deliberate destruction of socialism. There are people here who believe that the destruction of socialism has improved life in Eastern Europe. They are wrong, period.

a) It’s only your opinion, period.
b) Please do yourself a favor and edit your last post! Quote me and not MoS :wink:

Originally Posted by Man of Stoat
b)You just told us that the former Central and East European countries (including Czech Republic and Romania) were poor…

Don’t be upset Sneaksie! Nazi and Communism were the worst ideologies of the last century. The difference between them consists in their endings.

No, it is a statement of fact backed by documentary evidence.

I will edit the last post.

Which planet did you come from Jasa?

Denying a fact that life standard increased thanks to destruction of socialism in Eastern Europe in a mumble of a madman.
Where were you before 1989???
I suspect that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Don’t even try to compare the level of poverty - now and before 1989.
It is much, much better than 16 years ago.
The problem of poverty, unemployment etc. still exists, but in every economical and political system you have to face such problems.
Even in your beloved communism.

Based on what Jasa said in other thread that he have been in US Army, definitely he lived in USA prior to 1989.

Isn’t it Jasa?

Edited: Jasa, I don’t want to bother you but I have a personal question. You told that you lived in the US and you are of Ukrainian descendent. May I ask you what was the reason on which your anscestors leave Ukraine for US? And when?
I insisted to ask you because if your ancestors leave after 1917 it seems that you are the black sheep of your family. If they leave prior to 1917 means that you don’t have any clue on what meant communism.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Actually my family came over from Western Ukraine, Galicia, which would not be part of the Soviet Union until 1939. There was a lot of tension in the region because of the struggle between the UPA and Polish authorities.

So Jasa, have you spent a single minute in any of the Eastern Block countries between 1917-1991?

I hardly see how an abundance of overpriced consumer goods truly constitutes a higher standard of living, particularly when one looks at what capitalist society has done to Western nations- turned them into degenerate states.

The sad part is that fate set Marxism and those who were concerned about their national culture against each other- when now we have to agree that the greatest destroyer of these things was and currently is- capitalism.

Someone earlier made a reference(though not using the correct term) to the European welfare state. Well we all know what is happening to these states now. Capitalism has created higher demand for cheap-labor, fueling third-world immigration and straining the abilities of that welfare state to the breaking point. At the same time, millions of these immigrants are judged “incompatible” with the “Western culture” that liberals promote. Once the welfare state collapses, they’ll be left with a lot of poor, pissed-off immigrants whose only redeeming quality is that they reject liberal cultural degeneracy.

The riots that occured in France last year are merely the tip of the ice-berg.

Socialism had to be torn down by traitors and trillions of dollars spent on war(not even including the Nazis here).

Capitalism creates its own demise.

Individual anecdotal evidence is not scientific and is irrelevent. For example; I spent my entire time in the army in a boring, very cold place. I could recount stories for hours- however this is not representative of life in the army and by no means suggests that a majority of people in the army will be bored and freezing in Kansas.

It’s not a good example. France is well known for “riots” and “revolutions” - see what happened in France in 1968.

But the nature of that riot was different, and furthermore look at the riots that happened after the little cartoon incident. The media attributed the French riots to the problem of massive unemployment and discontent, which is why they were so extensive. The Welfare state, as some kind of compromise between socialism and capitalism, cannot survive. Capitalism will overtake it(it already is), and then the real sparks will fly.

What’s your opinion about glasnosti and perestroika?

Finishing touches in the destruction of socialism that began with Khruschev. Some have commented that perestroika contained what could have been workable reforms- but the elements that protected socialism were deliberately not implemented while those that benefitted new capitalists were passed. Basically these reforms were passed without the checks and balances.

But in fact Jasa, you are trying to discuss with people which were eyewitnesses, and which already felt the effects of communism or socialism, whater you like to call it (the real effects, not these described in nice red books).
And you are trying to prove that it wasn’t that bad at all.
As I said before, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Except that there are plenty of eyewitnesses out there who disagree- but these have always been rejected as “brain-washed”.

Bucharest, Feb 14 /Rompres/ - The Institute for the Investigation of the Crimes of Communism held a first meeting on Tuesday, in the presence of Romanian Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu.

According to the premier, the Institute’s investigations related to the crimes and abuse of the communist rule will give an answer also to the problem of the disappearance of the Romanian elites.
“I keep thinking of the elites who have been methodically eliminated from the life of the Romanian society, which has an extremely negative impact even today, as the re-creation of the intellectual, political and cultural elites is a very difficult process and some of the problems the Romanian society is facing today are linked to this difficulty,” said the prime minister.
According to Tariceanu, the Institute will have a difficult mission, as it will have to “bring to light” the abuse, crimes, shortages in the communist era and the Government “has the moral duty to support this move.”


Jasa, continuing to post affirmations without any evidence are transforming you in a troll.

Edited: I’ll ask the mods (since I can’t mod here being involved) to move this thread in “General discussion” section.

Dear Comrads,

I think that I know how to understand our comrads bolsheviks…
They probably don’t know how to understand themselves, but I see a point in their blubber!
Their sentimental cry after “the best political system” is because after communism collapsed, (or dismantled itself), many people lost a little everyday joys.
Let’s start with the most basic thing - toilet paper. Today anyone can buy toilet paper of all colours, thicknesses, texture, perfumed, not perfumed, bleached, unbleached, in blue flowers, pink ones, yellow ones etc etc.

In not so distant times, only 17-18 yers ago, in one of the biggest cities in the world - Moscow, purchase of a few rolls of toilet paper was bordering with total impossibility! Only special connections and access to Bieriozka stores or KGB or party shops ensured steady supply of the most basic commodity.
Most of the people were sitting on their toilet seats softenind Pravda paper cut in handy sheets.
Do you know how to do it?
It’s simple. Crumble piece of paper into ball, straighten it up and repeat the process several times to achieve softness and conformity.
It’s that simple?

Not realy. Ruling communist party could not be blamed for lack of toilet paper! Toilet paper was indeed produced and some quantities reached some shops. No one know but, which shops and when…
So imagine your satisfaction if walking on the street, you suddenly see queing people… You quickly run, stand at the end of 600 metres long queue and after only 3 hours queing, you become a happy owner of the 6 rolls of the worst toilet paper in the world. In reality… not much softer than sandpaper.
Some people called it - Stalin’s revenge…


And the same story can be repeated with anything else - torch batteries, bags for vaccuum cleaners, shoelaces, soap, womens hygenics, shaving cream, razor blades, car batteries, tyres, condoms, shampoo, underpants, socks. You name it, you needed it - it was in short supply.
I don’t even want to mention food…

Or anything which was to buy - like alarm o’clock. You have two. You don’t need another alarm o’clock. But someone may need and exchange it for 3 pairs of socks. What a joy it will be…

Ruling Party of the Workers Paradise - the only properly ruled country in the world - was not satisfied with the best system being confined to their own country. They also imposed similar system in other countries like Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, occupied Germany called DDR and Hungary.
In all above mentioned countries situation was exactly similar. If someone would like to describe this situation in 3 words he could say:


But in all these countries there was abundant supply of locomotives, railway sleepers, ball bearings, diesel engines and other similar very needed in each household goods.

So, you with me now? What the pleasure to go to the supermarket and buy.
No pleasure at all. Many of us don’t like groceries shopping and treat it as a chore.
But our comrades want to make our life more joyfull, more fulfilling, more satisfying!
Imagine your joy when you will be able to buy a bottle of shampoo… after queing for 2 hours… What a sheer joy filling bath tub with water, (if there is water because it can be switched off, and if there is electricity to make this water warm), and spreading shampoo on your hair…Real shampoo not gray smelly soap…

I go now to have a bath…

I just tell you an old Polish joke:

In the busy workshop, young worker is storming into the supervisor’s office and yelling:

  • I heard on the radio that Russians are in space!!!
  • All of them? - Astonished manager looked at him in desbelief
  • No, only one.
  • So, go back to work!!! And don’t waste my time with such stupid, irrelevant news!



Edited once to change capital letter.

What Lancer told was true 100%. We know because we lived what Lancer described.

This is what missed you Jasa. The experience of living in communism.

And I don’t want to say anything about the terror of secret Police, the TV “program”, the forced labour, the 6 days working week, the persecution of the churches, etc etc