USSR and the Communist ideology - a debate

God forbid if you talk about Russian actual ideology as “home ideology - communist ideology” as you understand.

If this “home ideology” is only yours, OK from me. I only hope that you’ll never occupy a job at a decisional level in the actual Russian society (or army).

No offence intended.

Yes MoS, communism was choice of small grour of peoples.
Gergian Stalin and jewish CK of ComParty- was it a russian choice?
And , talking on Dani’s language, the colloboration with Hitler - was it real Romanian choice in ww2?

I never supported the communist ideology, Dani.
I mean “home ideology” as the system of national interests and values( not political idealogy) . Each country has the home ideology.
Thanks for “good” personal wishes. I wish the same for you.

Why Russian people accepted? In the Soviet-Russian civil war, on the Reds side were only Georgians and Jews? The huge majority were Russians. Isn’t that a choice mate?

It was the only choice to fight against the Soviet invader (see Bessarabia’s case in 1940).

I strongly advise you to stop posting off-topic.

My bold.
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: That’s a good one.

Warning: while editing your post you have to specify the reason as well.

You remind me of an old joke from the 70s told me by a very good friend:

During Expo world exhibition in soviet pavillion one of the first soviet “computers” was set. It weighed two tons.

Soviet hostesses claimed that their mighty machine can answer any question about USSR.
One western visitor punched in question:

  • How many pairs of shoes USSR produced in 1975?
    Machine hummed, started to flash hundreds of lights but no answer on the screen.
    Finally after 10 minutes patiently waiting visitors could read the answer:
  • But you persecuted blacks!

You got the point? Or should I explain in other way?

The fact. Bolsheviks used the foreing money and wearpon to take the pover in desorganised Russian empire in 1918. They neatly used the bad condithions of life for its interests. They promised land for peasants. They killed all of russian elite - isn’t that a russian choice , mate?

It was the only choice to fight against the Soviet invader (see Bessarabia’s case in 1940).

Yes , and Romanian genocide of jews and civils in Bessarabia and Odessa ( 1942-43) - was it fight against the Soviet invader?

I strongly advise you to stop posting off-topic.

Strange, you don’t notice off-topic themes in thread of Dresden.
But in this thread you already “sick and tired of my twisted logic”
What’s wrong ,mate. Political discrimination on this forum?

Hope that you’ll understand.


Think the mashine was right :wink:

Da, mashina horoshaya!

I remember old joke too:

When Red`Army entered Polish territory, many Poles were trying to sell soviet soldiers some goods in return for scarce food.
One bloke had an old broken watch. He knew that soviet soldiers check quality of the watches by listening how the mechanism is working.

He get an idea. Opened the watch, took out broken mechanism and put live bee inside.
It worked. He sold his buzzzying watch to the first soviet soldier he met for a loaf of bread.

Vania, which bought unusually sounding watch, every now and then was taking his prized posession from the pocket listening to nice working of the “mechanism”.

After a few hours the bee died and so died the buzz.
Vania opened the watch with the pocket knife and looked inside. His collegue seeing it said:

  • What? Machine no good?
    Vania looked at him and said:
  • Machine is OK, but operator died!

"Mashina horoshaya - mashinist ubit!



Why on earth do you assume that I would have the foggiest idea about the kind of pleasure a bully gets ?
That cnut’s getting a stripey tan as we speak so he’s sorted.

Ah, another Party favourite - selective quoting.
What you wrote may well be true, they may only have the most remote idea, though I’m inclined to believe that their knowledge of the Army goes a little deeper than that.Regardless, it has four-fifths of fokoll to do with the subject matter where I originally used that phrase, and is as such, redundant.

If you mean where some thugs that had just attacked a patrol were given a beating, then that has been the subject of an investigation, the wheels have already turned. Just try to keep up will you ?

I’m not sure that you actually do Chevan, if your obvious indoctination is anything to go by, however given the vague possibility of this being the case, please enlighten me oh Celestial Navigator of All Things ‘True’ and Partylike.

Announcement: , any other picture posted in the future WITH NO relation with this particular thread will be erased and his poster will receive a warning. This topic had beed desviated enough.