Valkyrie and Accuracy

I’m given to understand that while the Luger was often worn ceremonially, the Walther P38 was the weapon issued and worn in combat more often, because it was less prone to jamming.
As an aside, I have a book that states officers who had seen combat in the Polish invasion often went to great lengths to obtain the Polish Radom Pistol because it was even better than the Walther P38 and was able to fire any 9mm or .38 ammunition, as was the case with the Spanish Astra copy.
Similarly, the Soviet Makarov copy of the Walther P38 is said to have had the same ammunition versatility as the Radom, though I admit I have never seen independant confirmation of this.
If anything I’ve said here is inaccurate, please correct it, and forgive, it being I am no expert on pistols, merely familiar with some of them, and their characteristics.
Regards, Uyraell.

The film I thought was quite good, I did find the array of accents a little odd, Germans speaking with American, British accents etc

The plot was accurate, and just a few minor details had been changed. Overall quite good, I had feared Hollywood would have had Stauffenberg running around the Wolf’s Lare with two MP-40s mowing down Hitlers nearest and dearest but nope, just the story as it should be.

Regards, Jack

Don’t know for sure, but it might be an attempt to showcase the fact that the main characters came from different areas in Germany and therefore spoke quite different German accents.

No I believe it was to avoid the fact that the actors poor German would sound just as bad to German speakers. Plus it is Hollywood they don’t do sub titles, Homer Simpson complained at a sub-titled film remember.

On the film Obricht comes out very badly. I know he dawdled but was he really the main cause of failure which the film certainly implies.

ROTFLMAO couldn’t stop laughing at the images i had in my head of Tom Cruise taking out the Wolf’s Lair Commando or Rambo style! :lol:

I bought the video the first week the movie came out . In Toronto we have an asian mall called Pacific mall which carries all the bootlegged videos cause police don’t care…anyways, I watched it 6 times. I thought it was Great!
i never knew the attempt to kill Hitler was so planned through. Who says you can’t learn froom watching TV!

Plenty of troops used P08s at the front. More sensitive to dirt but not all that bad. Plus it has better pointing qualities (I’ve shot my Uncles.)

I’ve never heard of the Random being able to use anything but 9x19. If chambered for that it would be impossible to fire 9mm Largo or 9mm Baynard as the 9x19 is, of course, 19mm in length, while the Largo is about 22mm.

The Astra 400 has been said to fire any 9mm (it was made in 9mm Largo) but I’ve never tried to fire one that way. It should be able shoot .38 Super and 9mm Baynard as they are almost the same diminsion. The Astra 400 is blow back, that is no locking system, works like an .32 or .380 but a very heavy spring is used to compensate. The Astra 600, in 9x19 (9mm Luger) was uses as a substitute weapon for the Luftwaffe. But being in 9x19 it cannot fire any other 9mm.

The P-38 is pure 9x19. It is locked breached and a decent gun. I’ve shot my friends P-38 and took it appart several times.

The Soviet Makarov is a copy of the PPK in SOME respects. It’s also a blow back action. It uses a 9.2x18 cartridge (I own three Makarovs, two Bullgarian and one East German.) The cartridge, while having the same head diameter as the 9x19, does not tapper and is 1mm shorter. It will not take any other round.

Here is a good reference on the different rounds.

As for Tom Cruise, in the movie, Valkyrie, I don’t think he has any scars on the side of his face where Von Stauffenberg had them on the left side of his face. Oh, well.


Good Lord, how many of them???:shock:



btw,. man,. missed the movie,. after the last samurai, .i reject to watch another tom’s movie,.

i like the story of stauffenberg and valkyrie,. and afraid the movie would be a turn off for me,.

I will get the DVD

Many Many Thanks, Deaf, I greatly appreciate the info :slight_smile:

A lot of the information I acquired in my younger years is, of course, relatively outdated now. This is why I added the rider in my post. I feared/suspected the info I had was only partly accurate as to the weapon/cartridge characteristics.

Many Thanks also for the extra link.:slight_smile:

Kind Regards, Uyraell.


Uh, his gun, not him!

I live in Texas. I teach CHL (concealed handgun classes) for fun and profit (computers is my trade, progamming 'em that is.)

I shoot IDPA matches (International Defensive Pistol Association) using Glocks. I’m expert in all classifications (there of 5 types of handguns used, and none of them are ‘game’ guns. 1911 .45s, 9mm Glocks, Sigs, Smiths, Rugers, HKs, revolvers like the Smith&Wesson M10 and Ruger GP-100s, and the like.)

Just spent some time today at the indoor range practicing with my Glock 26 9mm. They let me draw from concealment, pivots, hip shoot, etc… I love to shoot and have shot many types of matches with rifle as well as handgun. I also reload my on ammunition. 9mm, .38, .45, M1 Carbine, 5.56, 7.62x51, and others like the good old 30/30.

I have a fair wall of gun books, on hunting, combat shooting, and maintenance of them.


Your passion/profession is deeply respected, Deaf.

Myself, however, right now I’m waiting for the graveyard shift to end, toting my crappy HK P7 and can’t wait to get rid of the darn thing…

You guys are still issued with the P7? One would think they had at least upgraded you to P8/USP :smiley:

Still, yes. We’re about to reveive the Walther P99 though but the guns won’t be introduced until every attendant is instructed.

I was thinking of getting one of those… but at the moment it looks more like it’s going to be either a Colt 1911 or a P38 :smiley:

I’d knew which one to pick.:wink:

Is that so? :smiley:

People I know like the P7 squeeze cocker alot. I’ve seen them around here for $800 bucks! I’ve wanted a P7M8 but well for that price I can get two barely used Glocks!

How hard is it to find a good holster for the P7 for concealment?

And how much practice do you get with it?



I wouldn’t know since we’re government issued.:wink:
Also we’re bearing the guns unconcealed all the time.

And how much practice do you get with it?

We’re committed to do at least three practice sessions per year (pistol and smg that is). However if one wants to he’s free to shoot every friday and waste some tax payers’ money.