Waffen SS

I see this is getting the center topic of german military. :slight_smile:

Pretorian, when you talk about fanatism and training - that a two big differences. Yep, Iraq soldiers - monkeys with AK in most, but we talking about SS. They was professionals in any means of this word. But why they have a lot casualties in the war? It’s simply - the SS was designed to be guards, detectives, judjes and executors. And well trained for theirs goals. Not for others. It’s like you (if you commander) place the light mountain shooters to oppose tank parts. They was designed for another combat, and have no chance. So, the SS also was designed not for fight with external armies…

More, in this forum, I always see the one-sided discussions. That like to compare tanks only by gun caliber and armor - very simple, but havn’t make enough understanding. I trying to see the problem in all aspects. And I want to show you the point of view, that wasn’t be in our discussion. I hope, you don’t link me to nazi’s apologist, I really hate the original communist idea and nazi’s idea, but I must put a word of defend to SS:

Who was soldiers of SS? That was young boys 18-22 years old. They grow in the time of nazis regime and have a lot of nazi’s brainwashing from chilhood. When men grow in the minds - that he is arian, he is the best, the other races is shit, then he begin to think so. But have he any choice? I think not. Child cannot leave country by himself, and leave the country with police regime is a hard thing even for adult. They havn’t any choice except one - to become a fanatic. Yep. SS made many crimes in war, but the main crime of Hitlers regime not a war, but making his own people the fanatics. Small boys, who was SS soldiers in future, was really first victims of Hitlers regime.

Oh, i see finally.
Sorry for missunderstud, Komissar Ombrok.
I agree with all words in your last post.
No choise, right.
And whole country crazy as loon about Hitler, New Germany and economical and war success.
For me most important notice one thing - from 1918 till 1933 Germany was in badly poor position, demolished economic, unemployment and all sighns of sooner die on nation. Boys, who was born in 1918 got all shit from post-war Germany. And if you observed these rise of Germany from zero level to higher position - easy to be fanatic, i guess. Easy to belive - that man know how to make arians be a great nation… And pople, who was in 1938 just 20 year old - they saw all, from rise to fall.

Yep. Fully agree. When people see the man who lead theirs country to arize, they begin to believe him even in any crazy ideas. But why the post-war German was so bad? (I meaned ww1) The reason is Versal pact, making the civilian germans a lot of problems. When allied countries made a desision to execute German with that pact - they really made a foundation for new regime and new war. Violation is birth for new violation. (So, because of that I was disagree with point of China to take reparations from Jaman in another topic) If the allies was helped normal germans after ww1, than results would be another. Without support of people, such men like Hitler couldn’t got a power…

But I think we begin to be off topic here… I think we must return to discuss SS and discuss them without politic, only as forces, because of reasons, that we are talked above.

I think, we can’t discuss the SS without personality of Himmler. Who know about him?

Some links on Himmler:

http://www.dhm.de/lemo/html/biografien/HimmlerHeinrich/ (in German)






great!!!,lot of thanks!

photo:himmler salutes SS

Dirty Sanchez, on Himmler there, Where’s the respect?! :roll: :lol:

what/who´s dirty sanchez??

More to the point, who skiffed him ?

More to the point, who skiffed him ?[/quote]

what is skiffed ?? :expressionless: i can`t understand,and the translator is inutile.

Skiffing and Dirty Sanchez are signs of respect. for Instance i would only ever give a “Dirty Sanchez” to a woman I really loved.

Skiffing is an honour given to great warriors at their time of rest.


Not familiar with the Skiffing but I do know what a “Dirty Sanchez” is. Dont know if i would call that a “sign of respect”. More like a me and my girl got really wasted and well… But hey you know the saying Britain and US “2 countries separated by a common language” :roll:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Anyhow back on topic :smiley:

Well maybe through the wonderful internet we can get Dirty Sanchez to catch on in South America, a trade off for Brazilians perhaps :lol:

If Erwin finds a woman to give him a Dirty Sanchez as a sign of affection then I shall try and get a Girl to let me give her Brazilian as a trade off.
Yet another example of Forums working in harmony for the good of all people :roll:

i don`t know what use can give the woman to the dirty sanchez.

if you want a happy woman,love,money,and affect :smiley:

ask an experienced lady for the Dirty sanchez it is a greatsymbol of trust and respect in a relationship. This is why we think Hitler and Himmler gave the Dirty Sanchez to each other.

In the Waffen SS many people were probably skiffing their friends and officers too.

but the dirty sanchez is for men too??

well,we need now the dirty sanchez topic :lol: ,thanks for reply bluffcove :slight_smile:

:expressionless: ,very confusing,i don`t understand anything,what have the brazilians about the waffen SS,dirty sanchez or skiffing???

The Waffen-SS was the operational military wing of the Schutzstaffel. Its roots lay with various German paramilitary organizations that formed the Freikorps and those of the Nazi party, such as the SA, and that were later absorbed into the SS-Verfügungstruppe and Hitler’s personal guard, the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH), the direct predecessors of the Waffen-SS. Its main task was to implement the political will of Hitler with force and to work with the regular German Army in combat operations.

The Waffen-SS Order of Battle eventually included numerous units ranging in size from small detachments to entire corps. Originally, all Waffen-SS troops had to be German (including Austrian & Swiss) and of pure Aryan stock, but manning requirements soon made these criteria obsolete. In addition to the all-German units there were the SS Freiwilligenverbände (SS Volunteer¹ Units) from countries and regions as diverse as Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia, Britain and British dominions (Britisches Freikorps), Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, France (SS Division Charlemagne), Finland (Finnisches Freiwilligen Bataillon), Georgia, Hungary, India, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, North Caucasus, Norway, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sudetenland, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkistan and Ukraine.

Examples of SS units are the SS Division Nordland, formed from Norwegian, Danish and Baltic volunteers; an SS Division Hitlerjugend (enlisted ranks were volunteers from the Hitlerjugend); and an SS Division Totenkopf originally formed from excess concentration camp guards, though most of these had been killed by 1942 after being encircled in the Valdai Hills on the Russian Front, and were replaced by ordinary volunteers not associated with the concentration camps.

Waffen-SS Panzergrenadiers during the Battle of Kursk

During the early stages of the War on the Eastern Front, the Waffen-SS divisions often proved themselves to a skeptical Heer as crack soldiers, though there were exceptions such as Kampfgruppe Nord’s flight from the field in its first engagement. In spite of heavy casualties many of the Waffen-SS units retained their reputations as crack formations until the end of the War, though the quality of formations raised late in the war was often execrable, and some of the Freiwillige troops were prone to mutiny. However, the élite formations were characterized by extremely high unit morale and commitment to the German Reich, sometimes drawing criticism from the Heer for their reckless disregard for casualties while taking or holding objectives. Their units received highest priority for new or replacement equipment and could cherry-pick the best soldiers. Many good soldiers volunteered for the Waffen SS because of its prestigious reputation.

This practice continued through most of the war, but in the end, from 1944 onwards facing manpower shortages, Waffen-SS units received conscript replacements drawn from disbanded Luftwaffe or Navy units or labour battalions. While these were conscripts and often lacked any infantry training before being thrown into combat, some SS units exhibited very high morale and comradeship until the very end of the war.

Units of the Waffen-SS played prominent roles in the Third Battle of Kharkov, the Battle of Kursk, the Battle of the Bulge, and the 1945 offensive near Lake Balaton in Hungary.

Waffen-SS troops have been accused of committing numerous war crimes, most notoriously at Oradour-sur-Glane, Marzabotto and in the Malmedy massacre. Some allegations have never been substantiated as many were intended to link the Waffen-SS to crimes committed by the SS-Verfügungstruppe (political SS).