Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

Oh yes, the old American spitfire post!
There are some classics, My favourites generally relate to the 600 metres debate, Where one would need “telescopic eyes”

Ever wonder why he sets my teeth on edge?

oh no it is I that have educated you

Ooo If I may add some more :smiley:

As for the Zero shocking Americans. yea, we were shocked at how FEW bullets it took to down one of those tin cans.

hehehe. The Mitsubishi A6M “Zero” could easy outperform and gun down any American plane in the beggining years of the war. The only downfall of the Zero was that it wasnt upgraded as much, and the newer American fighters later on had the advantage.

Evidence? I provided an article from one of the most respected universities in the world, written by someone with a big fat letter degree in politial theory. You’ve had your evidence. Now let us know when you get YOUR PhD in ploitical theory, so you can post your own article and we’ll have reason to believe anything you say that contradicts the Stanford University one is anywhere near as authoratatice.

Or, you could simply STFU about it, since you know peeny-weeny jack shiot compared to the author of the article you’ve read. Either one is sufficient.

:lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

Once again he tries to belittle and humiliate me. However, does he have a PHd in political theory? I think not.

And I am really getting fed up with his crappy little insults, the man is so full of pish. He has still not answered a single question. I say be gone fool.

looking back on the old days, I can see why we shouldnt ban him, hes infuriating but granted hes fucking funny!

There are no foreigners in american service unifrom, not one! all people in our uniform are american born and bred etc etc etc

HA HA HA its got to hurt when foreigners have to correct you about your own country.I for one was hurt when he taught me the Commonwealth hadnt existed since Cromwell. It bought a tear to my eye.and then when he went on about canada and Australia being associated but not in the empire in the same post. Oh how I wept.

Keep them coming you great buffoon

Shuryoken - War Machine, Ironman, have you been quoting japanese anime fighting games to try and outdo us oh moustoachioed guru?

My favourite was the Scottish thing and the Spitfire one. I mean others have been memorable, but those particular 2 stan out.

Mind you that was in the days before he went mad. I hope he comes back a changed man, but suspect he will move on t another unwary site instead.

I think that his initial attempt to set himself up as the font of all knowledge and his patronising fashion was his downfall.
Had his military career extended beyond a pc-game he would have realised that that attitude is very quickly disabused by real soldiers.
In fact I’m surprised that his father hadn’t instilled it into him. Perhaps his father is in fact another figment of his warped imagination - that’s not meant as a taunt or slight by the way, but as an observation based upon his other somewhat odd comments.

Anyway I honestly do hope he will see the error of his ways and learn from his mistakes, otherwise, as Firefly rightly infers, other sites accessible by minors may be subject to his invidious and insidious disinformation.

Yeah. It’s too easy to pick apart fake persona’s online. For example - any notion of him ever having been to college was debunked by his “Physician” response purely in response to my posting an article he didn’t like the sound of (but can’t have read) written by a “Dr. Soandso”.

For self-destructive forum behaviour of such magnitude, Bluffcove’s animated gif springs to mind…

Of course he could always return under another username, not necessarily a new one either.
Trolls have been known to create ‘sleeper’ identities for exactly this sort of contingency.

I do hope he will not stoop to this though.

Edited because nobody replies :frowning:

My personal favourites were the Commonwealth not existing because Britain didn’t tax any other countries, the Spitfire being American designed and built (although in fairness I think he got confused with the Mustang there) and inveterate meaning spineless.
Also, can anyone of my fellow Scots translate this please?

I have heritage in the Ban Clan (the Bane, Bayne) on my father’s side. Eye laddie. Piss on Amerrrrica and I’ll smite ye woon!


As a fellow Scot I will give it a go.

Literally what he meant was

“I am descended on my Fathers side from the Bane Clan” (WTF?) Now he made some allusions (as he would say illusions) to being a descenadant of someone from Dingwall (living near there myself - its not a claim I would make - see Neds below).

Now the 3 rrr’s in America would seem to be imitating either Groundskeeper Willie or Scotty from Star Trek, I imagine these are the only Scots accets he may have come into conact with.

In sum, he has no understanding abut Scotland and probably believes that he can curse us because of his heritage, which leads me to suppose that he thinks we still live in Glen Nevis in Mel Gibsons mud huts and obviously with Macbeths Witches.

As I said, Neds, and to check out the complex world of Scotland today visit this Tourist Website.

My favourite is the Nedagotchi - a sort of Scottish take on the Tamagotchi:


Woon? Could it be I1ll smite ye wan?

that´s what i call OFF TOPIC

I found Ironman interesting from a Pychological point of view. He was clearly showing symptoms of a significant personality disorder.
I dont doubt that he will be back in a weeks time as he needs the confrontation and regardless of facts placed before him will remain locked into his narrow mind set and consider those who do not hold his views as fools.
If you look at the time span between his posts and then the quantity of them it looks like he has plenty of free time to reaserch his answers.
He’s most likley unemployed and living as a dependant to another family member( his Mother).Posting his crap and watching the response is probably how he gets his rocks off
I dont doubt that he went into Higher Education but failed to make the grade. He reminds me of one of those Know all’s you meet in your first term, the ones that come out of a lecture and critique the tutors presentation, don’t make any friends and leave before spring term.

Ooooh. Psychological diagnosis!

Or was that a palm reading? :stuck_out_tongue:

While you’re on can you do someone else? Say… errrrr, crab_to_be while he’s away at “airfield with big aeroplanes, but isn’t Brize”. :wink:

I now have a job!
Therefore i hope I no longer fall into the “lots of free time” category.


i need a job :roll:

Sorry lads but as a consulting forensic Psychologist ( Bsc hons 1995 , Masters degree in Social Policy 1999 and currently preparing for my Phd course) who does this sort of thing for a living, I stand by my previous posts. I had a couple of my friends ( in my field) read Bonemans posts and we concurred, he is barking, he will probably be back contrite at first but his true nature will over ride and we will once again lose sleep answering his illinformed bullshit.

I use known(past) paterns of behaviour to indicate future outcomes. It isn’t fortune telling thank you very much it is unlike physics an accountable science. If I get it wrong I could end up on the front page of the Daily Mail.

My services are purchased mainly by social services(criminal justice teams) and the probation service as part of a multi disciplinary pre sentence assessment team though I have consulted for education departments and the local police.

Pardon my brag but hey it’s not for a scouse pikey.

Oh I wasn’t casting doubt on the accuracy of the analysis! The palm reading thing was just a joke along the lines of even a palm reading would conclude he’s more than a bit… you know… No one here can disbelieve the conclusions. :slight_smile:

I had a couple of my friends ( in my field) read Bonemans posts and we concurred, he is barking, he will probably be back contrite at first but his true nature will over ride and we will once again lose sleep answering his illinformed bullshit.

People lose sleep answering?? I sleep ten times better knowing that no matter how bad things are at least I’m not, you know. Ferrous.

I use known(past) paterns of behaviour to indicate future outcomes. It isn’t fortune telling thank you very much it is unlike physics an accountable science. If I get it wrong I could end up on the front page of the Daily Mail.

Nah. You could denounce any allegations against you as bullhockey and chit. You could tell the press they’re blathering anti-American blather. And at any professional misconduct hearing, you could heckle those presiding with “HOLY GUANO BATKID! YOUR PSYCHOLOGY IS WHACK!”. You can then use in your defence various links from Google, including the Psychology Explained: For Kids website and various graphs depicting… well… exactly what you want them to, suspiciously hosted on your own website. :wink:

My services are purchased mainly by social services(criminal justice teams) and the probation service as part of a multi disciplinary pre sentence assessment team though I have consulted for education departments and the local police.

Pardon my brag but hey it’s not for a scouse pikey.

Yes, but as has happened many times before when members of the forum have posted on the basis of their knowledge of their professional field, they are denounced as whack bullhockeying anti-American blathering batkids. I maintain - you are far better off claiming it as fortune telling, because he can’t Google for contradicting sources for a completely made up art anyway. :slight_smile:

lol festamus!

It was amusing getting my colleagues to look over the patent thread too - I even posted an IM conversation with a couple of them!

What I find amusing about Frionscam is the way he uses freudian projection to try to claim that others are doing exactly what he is doing (I’m no psychologist - did I get that right, Largebrew?).

I can’t wait for his return - he’s probably reading all of this and fuming at the moment, and within seconds, all the threads will be running with his take on everything!!! And then the fun will recommence!

As he is away at the moment can we not grant him the stisfaction of mourning his departure he was a supreme knobend, but surely he isnt that exciting (maybe Im on thin Ice as I did enjoy thrashing him as much ans anyone - Red mist etc)