War Crimes

Well i heared about this.
The some group of "russians’ ( exactly as you’ve told the mostly ethnic non-russian) have joined to the Wrangel.
But i am not sure about 25 000? Could you get the relialible cource about?

Well the number 25.000 “russian” pows who joint to poles based on materials from central polish military archive. Did for you this is relialible source ?

If only you have the links at this archive :wink:

Dear Коvalski!
As mister moderator has taken for a rule to delete my answers, I do not see an opportunity to continue discussion with you.

If you post crap about me do it, I already explained you the reasons in public and in private.

All right let’s go all back to the topic.

this is link to archive http://www.caw.wp.mil.pl/

but info is from this website www.mfa.gov.pl/files/file_library/39/001030_1965.doc
and in this website http://www.ioh.pl/pelne.php?Art=1044&Strona=1

OK now would you so kind to give us the english translation of the place in the those articles where it was told about 25 000 of joined to the Wrangel.

I haven’t read the entire thread, but perhaps he’s referring to the Russian, or Soviet rather, bitterness and consternation at being left out of the War planning of the Chinese offensives against the UN at the end of 1950. While the Soviets did provide air craft and other weapons, they were still quite upset seeing the Chinese invasion as a needless provocation that more nearly started a nuclear war than most realize…