War Crimes

Rising Sun,

Take a look at the source link. It is really a good page. Some of those visual propaganda materials are really sick. I guess that was the purpose.

This one was made for the Korean War. I think the purpose was to saw the seeds of mistrust between Chinese and Russians.

Like a lot of propaganda, strong on graphics and emotive statements, short on logic.

If we take mothers and sisters out of any population, there’s not a lot of women left to rape. It leaves only women with no children and no siblings. Maybe China’s one child policy was a cunning plan to stop it happening again to the non-mothers? :slight_smile:



I thought it might have been something to do with the Nationalists and Chinese Communists pre-1949, but I couldn’t work out why.

P.S. I thought it might have been something to do with the Korean War, but I couldn’t see how that would work, either. I still can’t, particularly as the Chinese were the main external combatants in that War.

The Korean War ain’t one of my strong points.

Was there some risk of the USSR invading China?

Or was the propaganda just for domestic Chinese consumption to turn the Chinese against the Russians for some purpose?

I am not an expert on the Korean war either.

This is the description of this leaflet in the source document ( http://www.psywarrior.com/sexandprop.html ):

Leaflet 7227

The above leaflet was released in both Chinese and Korean versions. There was a note on the Korean version stating “This is a United Nations message to the Communist Chinese forces. Post it for them to see.” The Chinese version depicts a Chinese woman being raped by a horrific looking Russian soldier while two other soldiers hold another poor woman prisoner while they wait their turn. The message, intended for Chinese soldiers fighting in Korea, was for them to stop fighting and return to China to “Guard your Homes and Protect Your Country.”

The text on the front to the left of the vignette is:

[INDENT]"[i]Don’t forget the shame inflicted upon the Chinese people during the Soviet advance into Northeast China during the autumn of 1945. Even Chinese mothers and sisters did not escape! 

Russia is still walking boldly there.
Guard your homes and protect your country against continued Soviet aggression.[/i]"

This leaflet might not be just the usual propaganda. One non-forgiving Korean now living in the United States told me:

[i]When the Soviet Soldiers entered North Korea in 1945, they committed terrible rapes and other crimes as they had in the other occupied countries in Eastern Europe and Manchuria. The Soviet Union deployed penal soldiers in the front lines as the expendable undesirables. They were the most despicable sub-humans and deserved to be killed.[/i]


It’s hard to make sense of it beyond, as you say, trying to drive a wedge between the Chinese and USSR.

My understanding is that the USSR’s main contribution to the Korean War was MIGs and pilots and various support crews, and various military advisers.

Maybe the leaflet was trying to discourage the Chinese from accepting or supporting the Soviets? But if the Chinese government and military had decided to accept and support them a few leaflets wouldn’t alter it.

Maybe it just shows the lack of thought behind, and impact of, psyops war.

As a simple example, there was an American soldier in my city in WWII who killed a few Australian women and caused great alarm for a while. http://www.enet.org.au/historyonline/brownout/brownout.htm It didn’t have the slightest effect on Australian support for American troops, in Melbourne or anywhere else. My grandparents, like many other people in Melbourne, continued to host American soldiers in their home during this period. Japanese psyops could have flogged this issue to death but it wouldn’t have had the least effect.

Then again, when pre-existing beliefs or prejudice or bigotry issues come into it, my grandparents, my father and my aunt (his sister), like just about every other Australian, all believed that the Japanese would be raping and killing if they got here (which they would have!). Psyops could have exploited that, but only because people already believed it.

I don’t think psyops has a great impact on anything to do with seriously affecting combat troops, apart from causing laughter on (a) the enemy side and (b) their own side. Admittedly, I’m basing this on the few geniuses I’ve met wearing the purple patch

of the Australian Psychology Corps (Corps - they couldn’t field a platoon before lunchtime, and then they’d all be up each other trying to find their inner selves before they got out of bed!)

Regarding the effectivness of the psyops I have heard claim that one of the Soviet ones was rather effective. They destributed a faked an order that the women back home were obliged to sleep with other German men. I think there a photocopy and transcript in English of that leaflet here: http://www.psywarrior.com/sexandprop.html

Dear Rus-Loh,

none of polish goverments can dismantle any of monuments commemorating the fallen soviet soldiers, because our states do have agreement, that there has to be a series of polish-russians consultations before any actions are to be taken. If any ministers announces that he is planning to do something like that, it doesn’t mean at all that it will happen.

For your information, Estonia has never signed such agreement with Russia.

It’s nice that you read russian newspapers, but try to look farther, than the censorship allows you to do.

I/m afraid the Russian could not to admit the guilt or even to begin the continie of the investigation of Katyn massacre in the simular conditions like today between Poland and Russia.

And your famous sarcasm again
“Holy Poland”, “I think this is for the money”, that’s funny
I know you can do it much better if you want!


Sure mate i could a much better :wink:
But not for you and Lancer. ( well honastly speakin knowing you national feeling i could not to let a much more carcasm for any polish member in here , becouse it you could not like that;)
And i/m still dreaming about summer traveling to the Poland so i would not to spread too much of sarcasm for personaly you :D.

Not so Polar.
the author of the article used those figures to show the TOTAL casuliates of Red Army in the all fronts, but mate Kovalski just noticed ( becouse the Rus- los brought not full article) at the one only part where athor wrote about quantuty of the only Western Front.

BTW did this author or other russian authors give numbers pows who joint to polish army or Wrangel Army( via Poland ) when calculate russian pows in Poland?

I think no.
But have you any infor about?

Nothing could motivate the killing of Japanes “civilians”.
BTW what a “Japanes civilians” were taken by the Red Army in the occuped China, Mongolia and Korea;) Don’t you know?
What are the “Japanes civilians” who helped the Japanes to support the terror in the occuped Asia?

Dear Коvalski!
As mister moderator has taken for a rule to delete my answers, I do not see an opportunity to continue discussion with you.

a) Who is Mr. moderator?
b) What answers?

This placat from the times possibly of the Chinas civils war of the 1946-49 when the Gomindan (sponsored by the USA&Ko) lost the fight with the Mao Cze Dun, (sponsored by the Stalin).
This plakat probably could be printed at the USA typography even.

Or another way;)
this could be the inner China’s propogandic poster of the period of 1960-70 during the soviet-chinese borders conflicts like at the in the island Damanskiy in the 1971.

Sorry Dany.
I think there is no need to press the Rus-los even if he wrond in your oppinion. I still think he could be wery polite for the poles finaly ( like me;))

He PMed me and I replied. The ball is in his courtyard now.

So why has you replied in this thread to him?
You could clear the relations on the PM.:wink:

Only from polish source :wink:
About 25.000 “russian” (not only ethnic russian) pows joint to polish army as allied force, 15 000 was send to Denikin and Wrangel force. After war about 1000 want to stay in Poland. Next 1000 Soviet pows but others nationality (germans, hungary, austrian and latvia) was send to his coutry.

You’d rather stick to the topic.

Right after you will check your PM box.