War kayak used by Royal Marine commandos

Off topic messages deleted. Supertroll, I hope that your nickname does not indicate your job in this forum. :roll:

I’ve sent you a private message…

The original Picture went to the discussion on this thread and WAS on topic…you cut to deep.

All right, then put it again.

thank you for wiping my messages. how is anyone going to know the acurate info if you do this without logic.

i would like to very briefly talk about irony as it pertains to Panzerknackers moderating messages… its like ironing but better.

the is a certain irony that Panzerknacker should be moderating a BRITISH MILITARY site and then decides to wipe out some related british military information that no one knows about.

is there a little jealosy here? i know we have an aweful lot of history in the british military.
How say you argentina ; newton’s third law comes into being agian!

i would not say your actions were moderate.


The very reason for this thread is to get as many info on the subject.
So please…
moderate the moderation.

yes you did the moderator decided to take a canoe ref out! on the basis that it was not relavant!
i then answered then that was taken off.

so if you want to find out about the canoe you’ll have to go to the canoe ww2bmc site!

in future i think i will let you peeps get it wrong and not bother.

the is a certain irony that Panzerknacker should be moderating a BRITISH MILITARY site and then decides to wipe out some related british military information that no one knows about.

A little mistake by my part, in any case you can repeat that information. I apologize about my fast fingers.

One of the most interesting boats was a wartime canoe used by Britain’s Special Boat Squadron, the Marines’ version of the SAS. It has outriggers each side designed to be quickly detached and reattached, so when the sub surfaced to drop the soldiers on an enemy coast, the boat could be hauled through the torpedo tubes in bits and assembled on deck. A simple lateen sail provides wind power. The boat is now kept in the Classic Boat Museum on the Isle of Wight.

Quote Attributed to Mr. Chris Partridge from an article printed in an online magazine…

paste this in front of the w w w in your browser:


Quinton made note of errors in the quote… my reply and his response were deleted…if he cares to note the corrections here again I’ll leave it to him…suffice to say I wanted to post a more detailed photo, if you follow the link above to the article and click on the picture you will get an enlarged photo of the craft to inspect.

the trouble with this site is that you expect people with knowledge, who have had years of hard work, to post answers to questions and lazy unresearched statements. then when someone suggests a specialized site you can go and ask questions someone takes away the link and or the information on the subject trhat was being discussed - then you mumour in private messages about the person you have annoyed by doing this.

words like stewing in your own juices spring to mind

its no wonder that peeps write what they do; they know no better…


My bold.

Dear Quentin, why are you making statements like bolded one? It was a trouble on this thread and not a trouble on this site.
Panzerknacker apologized already for his mistake. There’s no need for you to continue with harsh remarks.

I don’t question ever your canoe/kayak/etc expert capabilities. I do question your patience and your mood. Don’t you think that studying very deep for so many years a very limited field, you lost contact with “the outsiders” of your field of interests being in your own ivory tour?

God forbid if I say something on canoe used in ww2 (or whatever)…
Instantly I’ll read: "You lazy!

i could waste my time telling you but i cannot be bothered.

it REALLY irritates me when someone puports the know yet makes so many basic mistakes… i think its called lazyness.

Do you think that is the proper attitude? The main purpose of this board is to share and discuss things, facts pictures, etc ww2 related. If somebody made mistakes correct him with finesse not harshly. That’s my advice.

Think about it!



Edited: Not sure what you expect. Maybe confirmations. All newbies to hail you as the ultimate expert on kayak/canoes used in military. Are you ready to learn not from books, nor from documents or from studies but from real persons? Time will tell. Maybe you’ll meet somebody more expert than you are. I’d like to hear/see your dialogue then. Come on! Don’t be so angry Quentin!

i get angry because those who moderated should know what they are doing. i know there is no-one who is more expert than i . sounds very OTT but the info uncovered has not seen the light of day since ww2 therefore no-one else would have seen it therefore i do know more than anyone else. i get irritated by those who just take and paste quotes or books which mention items ie canoe. most of the very small bits of info on the ww2 canoes are wrong and iots very easy to evidence.

i dont care one iota about you chaps getting it wrong now, if you want to put … and i quote…

If you post idiocy, don’t get upset if you are seen as an idiot… I don’t.

Here endth the lesson…

if you were to read the previous stuff that has been posted you might understand why i am irritated.

i will happily let you carry on as before , there are a number of museums who also have made great errors through unbelievably poor research , in fact no research at all or based on heresay, so you peeps can hardly take the blame entirlry.
it is quite easy - I happen to be the leading authority on the subject matter. ( see synopsis above post)
when you need something i suggest you go to the site mentioned by windrider previously.

my trouble is the same as Prince Charles … i dont suffer fool’s gladly.

Too pity that you didn’t understand my message.

Eh, must be my bad English. So I have to hail you on your second field on which you are expert: English language.

Sorry mate, with experts like you, there would be no history to learn.

God speed!

You are always welcomed here, if you’ll decide to come back.

Then stop behaving like one!

Quentin, the quote you quote has nothing to do with you.

I can assure you of that.

If you are hurt or what ever, get over it. it is only a Forum, I could point to some of your posts and pick them apart. But I read them and learn from them.

This isn’t Google chat or what ever you have been on before. We are a different (not better) different group of people. Many on here step carefully in to the unknown and do not idolise those who idolise themselves.

Two points:
The aluminium kayak in the Turkish museum is British. It is manufactured from Birmabright and most likely built by Warwick Aircraft, both of Birmingham, England. Similar models were made of laminated wood. These boats were used in Burma on the Irrawaddy river (at least) in the push against the Japanese. Many were fitted with inboard/outboard motors, and machine guns were mounted forward. Some were large enough to seat 3 persons. From time to time this type of craft can be found for sale on Ebay.
Point 2. Klepper (Johann) did not invent the folding kayak - this accolade goes to Alfred Heurich who first, a student at the time, who sold(?) the rights to manufacture the kayaks to Johann Klepper. This is my first post. I will go through all posts on this subject and answer queries, and make amendments to text where I deem this necessary

Hi Guys, I have just joined this forum after reading this thread. I found it of interest as I actually own a WW2 British Aluminium sectional canoe. I think I am actually refered too in this thread :mrgreen:

My canoe still has it’s original mast and sail. And as Quentin knows me, I am pretty sure the aforementioned original sail is mine :wink:

My canoe along with a fair bit of info can be seen within the British and Commonwealth forum of www.wehrmacht-awards.com where I am a senior moderator.

I have owned my canoe since 2003. Since then I have been slowly restoring it and discovering info.

Cheers, Ade.


Where do you find the info on the canoe in your site? I couldn’t find it.

How far along is the canoe? Is it ready for sailingin?

Hi, thanks for the welcome :slight_smile:

I have created a direct link to the thread on the forum:


The forum is written on the same software as here and likewise you will need to register in order to see the pics. :wink:

My canoe is now fully stripped of all old paint and filler and is now ready for it’s first coat of etch primer. I have bought an air compressor and spray gun and will be re-spraying the boat this summer. (Assuming we have a summer in the UK this year :mrgreen:)

Cheers, Ade.

Here’s hoping you can have it in the water by Autumn then!!!

What’s the crack with Quentin by the way? Is he as nutty as batsh1t or did we just meet him on a bad day?