Warsaw Uprising

You probably mean Thaddeus Kosciuszko monument…



Indeed,can you expand a little on this,I would be very interested.

i often wonder how much Warsaw uprising is overestimated in West.
Military this was a failure which brought unnecessary deaths and casualties
among civilians and also have much destryed the capital city after Germans
undertook counterstrike straight after.
What was the point? Why teenagers with pistols were encouraged to fight
without being professionals and not being properly armed. :confused:

Hello RussianHitman,

before you start a discussion, better try some internet search. There is a lot of webpages with thousands of articles which can satisfy your curiosity.
As a polish Iwon’t even attempt to judge the uprising, because this is still hot part of polish history, and it may become emotional for me - that’s why I won’t get involved in discussion.
For your information, AK members were not just “teenagers with pistols”.
Just to be honest, this point of view was presented for decades by soviet propaganda.

I wish you a successful search. :slight_smile:

Hi RussianHitman,

Right at the start of this thread you’ll find links to Warsaw Uprising sites without soviet propaganda bias.

I wish you a good reading!



Ever since 1939 September 1st Warsaw Poland has been under Nutzi Rule. With citizens urging to throw off power. Jewish citizens are forced to wear the Star of David on their shoulder, houses, horses, animals, and business etc. German SS soldiers painted Jews in gold. They did not show any sadness for them. But in 5 years they would get the spirit to fight back.

During those 5 years they were stealing any equipment, clothes, guns, gernades, etc. They were building up their supplys for the Polish Resistance Group. After having enough equipment to attack they prepared positions, plans, and places to setup headquarters.

In 1944 Warsaw was uprising against Nutzi Rule from Germany. This battle was heroic and tragic and lasted for 63 days. Overtaken by their home army they set up the Polish Resistance Group. With the Allies still attacking Normandy Defense, and they Russian Army stationed at Vistula River. They had to fight for their freedom. Now with citizens and Jewish people fighting them off. They were determined to win.

Photo from the Warsaw Uprising.
Here is a Photo of a Polish Resistance Machine Gunner.

Warsaw Uprising website


Yes that is a great site. I used it for some of my information on the thread.
It has everything. Even songs song by the Polish Resistance.

Nutzi army marching into Warsaw, Poland.

Here is a group of Polish Resistance troups.

The soldier in the back row on the left in the
“Here is a group of Polish Resistance troups”

looks to be wearing a hat from a Scottish regiment.

Maybe. When I looked it up it came up with this picture. Maybe it is just a similar hat. That is my guess.

Topic merged with a early one.:rolleyes:

Yeah that is fine. At least it was not deleted. Going to be cool sharing a thread with Lancer44. Hope you don’t mind Lancer44.

Not at all mate!
You changed somewhat in the last few days! And positive thing for you is, that every day you are getting older and more mature! (I don’t know if this is really good for me…) :)))

I really appreciate that you explored Warsaw Uprising site in English.
Maybe one day you’ll visit WU Museum in Warsaw…



Thank you for the compliment. Means alot. I got interested in Warsaw after this book I read called Milkweed. Great book. I love the spirit of the citizens who fought back. Anyways the Warsaw could not of happened without the Germans guns, equippment, and etc. If the Germans would have more lookouts on their equipment this might not of happened. Something that took a tole on the citizens was the rule for every German that is killed there will be 100 citizens executed.

Extremely the Ghetto. No food, water, clothes, shoes, and etc. It was harsh living for the Jews. Especially for the Jews that did not find a house to live in the ghetto.

I noticed in some pictures of the Warsaw uprising I noticed they had older guns. Mostly old machine guns from World War1.

If you have any extra information on how they got their weapons please tell me.

There were 2 separate uprisings in Warsaw.

‘Warsaw Ghetto Uprising’ was 19th April 1943.

‘Warsaw Uprising’ was 1st August 1944.


There were two uprisings in Warsaw, the first in the Jewish ghetto in Spring 1943, and the other, better known one in 1944 by the Polish Home Army.
From 1940 on the German oppupiers had used the old Jewish quarter of Warsaw as a holding and transit camp for Jewish prisoners, from where they were deported to death camps. In 1943 the inhabitants realised that they were all about to be deported and to be killed and rose up against the German troops, receiving limited assistance by the AK and the Communist resistance, which attacked German positions outside the ghetto.
Due to the fact that the Jews were badly armed (just a few pistols, rifles and a hand full of MGs), the Germans won after a few days of hard fighting.
The Germans used mainly SS-forces, including Waffen-SS and foreign volunteer units, but also police (though the police in Nazi Germany was part of the SD, which was again a part of the SS organisation) and Wehrmacht units to crush the uprising and to deport and execute the survivors.


BTW, the Polish soldiers in the formal picture can be members of a Polish troop of 10 Interallied Commando in the UK with their instructors


Hello stumbled across this interesting site and thought to reply ref the name above. I am of Polish descent and live in England . My father passed away in 86 a good man, educated, proud and private. he did’nt speak a great deal about his time in the Army so information is limited. I do know my father served in both North Africa and Italy campaigns. At some point his unit was attached to the British Army (Hussars). This regiment still wears the maid of warsaw emblem on their sleeve in recognition of the outstanding bravery and spirit of the Polish soldiers.My father’s unit consisted of Sherman tanks and he was a tank commander i believe. He left Italy in 47 and came to England. His father or grandfather was called Karol a fairly popular polish name and is used in my family aswell. Well don’t know if this helps or not, good luck in your reseach.
Best Regards

Maroon Dragoon