Warsaw Uprising

A far as I know there are also documents taken from the Wehrmacht archives. I wonder are they in original or translated version.
But it seems that the book contains the reprinted Russian documents.

Good luck :slight_smile:

I’ve got the book. You should see the size!
The documents are in both Polish and Russian - left page side in Russian and right page side in Polish.
The German documents are presented only in Russian and Polish, not in German.

I won’t be able to get it now :frowning:

And how is the book?
Any opinion after few days?

I have read just the first 50 pages or so. But I have not got to the best part. Have read only the official German reports which are rather short and dry.

For Egorka & Chevan

Especially i like the equalization of the Nazy and Commi.
So why the commi did not build the death-camps in Poland?

Chevan, it is because Russians are lazy, drunk and uncapeable of building fences.

  1. comparing nazi Germany to Soviet Union is insulting the Commies. Commies were much more effective in a genocide. For example - Hitler killed 3,5 mln Jews in 5 years. Commies killed 3,3-7 mln Ukrainians within 2 years. Total number of victims of Nazi-Socialism is few times beaten by number of victims of Communism. Comparing Hitler to Stalin is like comparing a pickpoketer to a bank robber.

  2. No one told that Commies were Russians. Commies were Commies. They rejected their nationality. Communist mass killers were Lenin (Russian), Trotzky (Jew), Stalin (Georgian). Many Russians fought against Commies, so what are taking about???

  3. Commies didn’t build death camps in Poland because they used these ones built by Germans. Soviets of course showed to the whole world KL Auschwitz telling about the nazis’ crimes . But at this same time they used KL Majdanek and KL Warschau as a soviet concentration camps for Polish people. Thousands of Polish citizens were arested, kept in soviet concentration camps and deported to soviet camps in Asia in 1945-46.
    In Silesia (southern Poland) there was real soviet death camp for soldiers from Red Army. Soviets decided to kill disabled persons - formers of Red Army, which needed intensive care. Soviets killed there over 80,000 RA soldiers from Russia, Belarus, Ukraina and all other nations from USSR.

So, please do not think about communists as Russians. Personally I like Russian culture, speak Russian well, read books of Russian authors, and don’t like the communists. Regardless of their former nationality - Spanish, French, German, Russian, Polish, Indian - they are still trust in ideology that caused biggest genocide in human history.

Wow a fresh blood here:)

Yes that’s right for sure. But its till mystery for me- why commies who such hated poor ukrainians and russians at that same time killed ONLY 20 000 of poles in Katyn? When they had an capability to kill at least …million after the war?! Actualy it is mystery for me - why Stalin who killed peoples by millions as we all know, didn’t killed poles as much as ukrainaisns and russians?

Total number of victims of Nazi-Socialism is few times beaten by number of victims of Communism. Comparing Hitler to Stalin is like comparing a pickpoketer to a bank robber.
2. No one told that Commies were Russians. Commies were Commies. They rejected their nationality. Communist mass killers were Lenin (Russian), Trotzky (Jew), Stalin (Georgian). Many Russians fought against Commies, so what are taking about???

We are talking about…Mao.
He killed 60 mln and both Stalin and Hitler should die of black envy to him. Do you probably heard about China. Their commies are worst sort of commies in the world, if to believe the literuture you found the your figures out. And damn, every time i watch TV i just see the terrible confirmations…
See yorself- the Olimpic games in London - CHina is in a number ONE.
Economical grow - CHina is number ONE( 9-10 per yeah stabile).
Military grow- CHina.
World’s electronic producing center - CHina
grow of political influence - China…
China., CHina, CHina.
Damn i opened my computer and see inside - made in CHina. Why not in Poland or in Russia i do ask?
See what bloody commies have made with poor CHina? The WORLD superpower.And still can’t stop:)
So even pure from feeling of self-preservation - i shall/want be very careful and polite to…commies. Who know what can happend through 10 years.Mabe they will have annexed dying under “roten democrats” Russia and we will again go to Parades with red banners:)
You think you are in safety in Poland? You hope NATO will help you?Be reasonable. NATO needs a Poland as cannon- meat in Afganistan and Iraq.To exchange the “color of skins of deads”. If you are realist as you pose and “truth-lover” - think agan about 1939.
So be careful with what you write and say- mabe we soon will together go to march under Red banners in a square:)
And who will care then how many “class enemies” were killed in a way to sacred victory of communism?

But its till mystery for me- why commies who such hated poor ukrainians and russians at that same time killed ONLY 20 000 of poles in Katyn?

First - they killed 41000, not 20000.

To explain why it happened, it is necessary to understand bolshevik ideology and point of view. Bolsheviks wanted to conquer the world and establish everywere a dictatorship of proletariat. They understood that the key to Europe was Germany and wanted to establish a border with them - “to bring help when the time will come”. This is a reason of Rappalo treaty.
In August 23th 1939 Stalin and Ribbentrop signed a pact where they divided between Soviet Union and III Reich Poland’s terrirtory. In protocol to this pact both sides agreed to fight against any Polish resistance and conspiration. In September 17 1939 Hitler’s invaded eastern Poland.

Germans and Soviets began a genocide in Poland. The action was coordinated. Representatives of Gestapo and NKVD met several times in Poland to agree actions.
Both sides wanted to destroy the Polish nation, leaving the majority of population for further use as a slave workers in III Reich or Soviet citizens. To do this they had to execute the elite of the free nation leaving collaborants and traitors.
In Katyn Soviets just didn’t kill only Polish POWs. They killed them because tere were elite of the Polish army and Republic of Poland, and they will not serve to Soviets. In Katyn were murdered generals, colonels, majors, captains, leutenants. Men with university degree. In civil life they were lawyers, doctors, scientists, judges - elite of nation and that was the reason why they were killed.

If you are really familiar with bolshevic ideology you should learn the bolshavics targeted terror at “class enemies” . Exaclty due to bolshevic ideology they killed up to 5 mln of Russians , 5-7 miln of Ukrainians and few millions other nationalities.
And now you tell us the commies killed …41 000?Even if we admit they killed finally 100 000. DO you understand how insignificant figure IT IS?
How this heppend that bloody commies , killing the peoples by millions, so loved Poland they made for them an exclusion?
Lets’ calculate a bit…
UPA killed 200 000 poles in Volun within ONE YEAR.
Germans ( namely Bach-Zelevsky ) murdered 150 000++ in Warsaw within ONE MONTH.
And now you tell us that commies who , if to believe you “were much more effective in genocide”, killed so tiny and humble number of poles within such big period of rule in Poland( 40 years)?Maybe polish commie were endeed lazy and stupid enough not even capable to realize a genocide RIGHT?

If you are really familiar with bolshevic ideology you should learn the bolshavics targeted terror at “class enemies” . Exaclty due to bolshevic ideology they killed up to 5 mln of Russians , 5-7 miln of Ukrainians and few millions other nationalities.

Yes, I know Bolshevic ideology and I’m affraid you don’t. Terror against “class enemies” was method of Socialist-Revolutionary Party. It was criticised by Bolsheviks which wanted to terror entire population. You may read it in Works of Lenin books. It was rememered in “The Infantile Sickness of ‘Leftism’ in Communism” (1920) where Lenin wrote that S-R party became a history because they didn’t understood that terror has to be directed against entire population s. 20 of Polish edition.

And now you tell us the commies killed …41 000?Even if we admit they killed finally 100 000. DO you understand how insignificant figure IT IS?

Killing the elite of the nation isn’t unsignificant. Let me explain. On the war army lossess 10% of men. This is lot of people, but army is still capable to fight. But imagine that army loses 10% of men, but in this number are all generals and officers. And now tell me - is it significant loss or not?

And now you tell us that commies who , if to believe you “were much more effective in genocide”, killed so tiny and humble number of poles within such big period of rule in Poland

In fact commies were/are much more effective in genocide. Just count all victims of fashism and all victims of communism. Stalin probably murdered more people than Hitler, but it is shame not to tell about Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, Trotzky, Kim Ir Sen. Count all victims and compare. Polish people were not only victims of communism.

I ,m afraid you mix everything up. The Social-revolutionary party had no deal not to bolshevic and their ideology. Lenin actualy hated the ESERs ( like they called the SR party) and orrdered to dismiss them. Just few of ESERs joined to winning bolshevics.ESER ansvered by the attack against Lenin- they have wounded him, also ESSErs killed the German ambassador Mirbacht , causing the continuation war with Germany.The ESERs were “matured terrorist” even in terms of bolshevics ideology. Nevertheless this is qute another story.
So as “Polish edition” states the bolshevics directed the terros against WHOLE population.
Well this is not a secret , they actually killed a millions finaly.

Killing the elite of the nation isn’t unsignificant. Let me explain. On the war army lossess 10% of men. This is lot of people, but army is still capable to fight. But imagine that army loses 10% of men, but in this number are all generals and officers. And now tell me - is it significant loss or not?

10% is definitelly much, but you seems forgetting what you have written just now- the bolshevics terror targeted NOT an Army, “elite” or separate social group( this is your words) but ENTIRE population. I just repeat your thesis.So they endeed killed 10% of entire population - in Ukraine they killed even more- 7 mln from 50 (in 1917).But now explain me please- how it happend that in 30 mln Poland commies killed ONLY 41 000. When everything around they killed by a millions?? This is just nearly 0,13% of population.Why say in Ukraine the commies not just killed entire “elite” but also and essential part of population(14%). Maybe polish population were not that hostile to commies like ukrainians?Or maybe the commies has changed tactic in poland? Or maybe it was another sort of “human” commies?What do you think?

In fact commies were/are much more effective in genocide. Just count all victims of fashism and all victims of communism.

In fact you even can’t calculate correct how really much devils commies killed in …Poland. what sense to tell about others?

I feel weird, because you discuss not with my opinions, but with yours. You wrote that commies directed terror against class-enemy. I replied that terror against class enemy was ideooly of S-R party, while Bolsheviks directed terror against the whole population. Then you wrote that I “everything mixed up”, because bolsheviks hated Esers bla bla bla and

“So as “Polish edition” states the bolshevics directed the terros against WHOLE population. Well this is not a secret , they actually killed a millions finaly.”

So we agree with my opinion from my previous post. Please do not insinuate me the statements I didn’t tell. Your short explanation about relations between bolsheviks and Esers was pointless. If you read the “Infantile sickness”, you’d know what Lenin wrote about Esers.

But now explain me please- how it happend that in 30 mln Poland commies killed ONLY 41 000. When everything around they killed by a millions??

Please read carefully. Katyn was not only one episode. In Katyn was killed the elite of Polish nation from eastern Poland. Total number of victims of communism in Poland was not so high (comparing to Ukraine for example) because Soviets started Poland occupation after german occupation. Germans worked with soviets on destroying our nation, so when soviets took western Poland there was not much to do.

Please explain me what exactly you disagree with me. You’r writing posts, asking the questions, explaining me things I didn’t wrote, but finally shares my opinions. So if there is something that you don’t agree with me - please write it clearly.

Lets try again. From the beginning. You wrote the Bolsheviks directed terror against the whole population, right? I agreed with you. So why, i do ask the bolshevics killed just “elite” in Poland when everywhere around they terrorised the whole populatiin?

Please read carefully. Katyn was not only one episode.

I/m enough careful. I just can’t reach the simple logical non-contruduction in your writting. Which other episodes do you mind? Provide this with figures please.Give us the FINAL figure of communist terror in Poland.

Total number of victims of communism in Poland was not so high (comparing to Ukraine for example) because Soviets started Poland occupation after german occupation.

Now you finally begin to talk…
SO by your mind the Soviets didn’t killed much in Poland coz after the germans there were nothing to kill? Right?By other words- the Poland were totally depopulated so commies who “aimed to kill whole population” juct can’t find anybody else to kill?

Please explain me what exactly you disagree with me.

I’m not desagree with you. I just see that you disagree with yourself!! You wrote that “commies were much more effective in genocide” but by the strange way ( due to still unclarified reasons) the “communist terror in Poland wasn’t that high”?What is going on?

Have to say I am a bit confused by this exchange. Hope I do not confuse the matter further.

First of all - apologies to Chevan for my “41,000” comment elsewhere In Here - I was feeling a bit grumpy that day.

Secondly - in relation to this thread - it is curious, but the Soviets do appear to have taken a somewhat more … considered approach to dealing with the Polish officer/prisoners interned at Kozielsk (the camp from which the Katyn victims came) and (perhaps) at the related camps of Starobielsk and Ostashkov. Nobody really knows what happened to the inmates of the latter two - distinct lack of survivors. However, we do have some idea of what happened at Kozielsk before the camp was “liquidated”. The NKVD do seem to have taken some time and effort at assessing whether the Polish officers there were irredeemable “class enemies”, or whether they might prove useful to the Soviet cause. The activities at the camp of NKVD Brigadier Zarubin - a very senior NKVD spook who was not camp commander, but who appeared to call the shots there all the same - is particularly intriguing in that context. He appears to have been engaged in a selective and fairly “gentle” process of assessment and interrogation, the purpose of which was, presumably, designed to form a view on the “class enemy” question. In view of the final outcome at Katyn Wood, it would appear that the Polish officers at Kozielsk (and, presumably, at Starobielsk and Ostashkov) failed whatever test the NKVD posed. We will probably never know, however; even after all these years, the thought processes of Zarubin and his NKVD comrades in this matter remain very much less than clear. Best regards, JR.

it’s all right,JR.
Well honesly i don’t know where come this figure “41 000” - the soviet archive evidence " The Beria’s letter to Stalin" - this is THE ONLY official document which has been declasified, tells about execution of 14,7 plus 11 thousands of former polis citizents. But from those 25 700 not all were the poles( this is clear from Beria’s statistic in letter). Nearly few thousands were the non-poles.So we can tell for sure about 25 000 of poles executed in Katyn as confirmed.Where come the 41 000 i have no idea- gues it come from the same sources which should claim the millions victims of terror in Poland:)
But my point is not in that. I finally may admit the commies killed even 100 000.

Do you really think Soviet archives are reliable as far as numbers my friend?..

If honeslty … not fully. And we recently have a scandal here when the member of Communist party of RF Viktor Illuhin in 2010 has published the sensational interview where he demonstrated how easy migh be falsified the Soviet documents about Katyn massacre( with all stamps,nubmers and signs). After that the communist party was going to bring an action to the constitutional court against…“Yeltsyn’s regime which falsified all the documents of Katyn massacre”. It migh be the most sensation political affair in modern russia but… Victor Illuhin suddenly died.
Today the few expert actualy exprees the oppinion the soviet document that were declassified might be falsified. Talking short- there is two major versions of massacre in Russia- the “Geobel’s version” and “Communist version”. The communist deny any soviet involvement in massacre of poles and claims the all document have been falsified by Yeltsyn command in political aims. So , strictly speaking, the anyone who doubt in “Beria’s letter to Stalin” ( where he propose to liqudate the poles) “pours water on communist mill”.
So i try to be very careful with figures.

Here is something that should interest you regarding the Warsaw uprising:
