Was Hitler Insane?

Utter drivel.

My bold, Britain would have been subjected to the same treatment as all other countries. The Gestapo and SS would have removed all those who opposed them, set up a puppet state and deported and exterminated Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, etc.

Britain would not have been spared.

Hitler actually attempted to make peace with us countless of times! He gave us the option!
he did not want to rape our country! he didn’t want to bomb us! (at the start of the war) the only reason why in the end he got harsher and harsher with us,. was simoply because he hated Churchill! he loved Chamberlaine but hated chruchill.

And did you know we had a concentration camp on the Isle of man! and who did we put in there? Illegal Aliens! Jews, Immagrants And political figures that opposed our goverment!

Yeah he signed the final solution off, and he hated the Jews … understandably!
(now dont judge me here, just please read and try to understand)
Your a kid, you love our mother dearly, she ends up dying with cnacer and the person who tells you is a Jew. Then you fail to get into art school, and coincidently the head of the school . . . is a jew, you then leave for munich because your finding it impossible to get a job becasue of the Jewish immagrants swarming through the country.
you get drafted into the army to fight in WW1, you get promised a iron cross from your officer if you carried out a specific mission and succeed and then when you do so nearly loosing your life, the officer doesn’t cough up the medal, and geuss what he’s a Jew. BTW he eventually got the medal by bitching about it and making the officer feel like a twat!:slight_smile:

the point im trying to make was he hated Jews for mainly these reasons, throughout his life Jew’s signalled nothing but bad news for him, if the same happened to anyone they’d feel the same.

the same thing still happens today! Your typical warehouse worker or (working class) does not like foriegners and immigrants, simply for the fact it is hard to get a warehouse job or similar because they are all taken up by Immigrants, and that is the truth no matter how much people try to cover it in sugar.

If you kept on getting put throuh shit and it always seemed that the person doing it was a specific race, colour oor creed then eventually you would end up thinking they were scum!

now just to clear it up, i in no way condone the acts carried out by the nazi party on the Jews and other innocents they murdered, but i an slightly understand as ot why he hated them so much and if you read this and are able to judge then you are simply a narrow minded fool!


You strike me as an idiot. Go away, and read and learn.

The concentration camp on the Isle of Man (there were others) was what it was. A concentration camp, a camp where a number of people were concentrated. Not quite the same as the Nazi version. The people sent there were those whose loyalty the British couldn’t be sure of. They were sorted and sifted in the camp and the vast majority of these were realeased. These included 1,000s of Jews who were on the run from Germany and Italy.

Incidentally a POW camp is also a concentration camp. The image conjoured up by the word is generally the German version, where killings, punishment beatings and ill treatment was routine.

Are you going to tell me now that the British INVENTED concentration camps? First used by the British in the Boer War to intern the hostile Boers?

Hitler liked Chamberlain? of course he would. He backed down to him at every turn but I doubt they were friends.

Hitler NEVER offered a peace agreement with Britain. He offered surrender terms which would have achieved HIS aims, but not OURs.

He wanted British capitualation, not peace with us.

Your drivel about hating Jews blah blah is retarded. I wont even go in to it.

Like i said narrow minded mate, that is exactly why he began to het the Jews and if you open your f*cking eyes you will see what im saying is true. Acually i think you’ll find you are wrong about the surrender terms, he approached a number of time offereing peace! and yes also surrender later in the war.

The peace terms were firmly rejected by Churchill because of course our storng diplomatic relations between FVrance, and Poland ntherefore he could not except! And ill think you’ll find he was slated for it! until he finally brouht us to victory!

You ask me to go away and read when your view are so typically narrow, your believe in what is dropped in front of your eyes by the countries who fouight against the Nazi’s not from the eyes of the Axis. So i bet that if you do enough research you will eventually find that quite alot of your weak views will be smashed.

thankyou for the insult, it was much appreciated.

CIA, I was thinking of banning you for being bats**t insane, but now I think I’ll keep you around for the amusement factor.

Everyone else: Watch and Shoot, Watch and Shoot :wink:

glad to be of some service :slight_smile:

Mong child,

I actually live in Germany. I would point out I see a fair few things from their point of view.

What you talk about is fine, if it is just one man hating a group of people. Yes, he may even find a group of people who hate the same group of people.

Now expand that to not only a whole country but also several other countries buying that hatred and setting about an industrial scale extermination policy. A policy which was in the Nazi parties goals from the very outset. Not an idea that they stumbled on through the war.

I think it is now time for me to say. Stop with the posting of drivel. Post your views, backed up by sources that can show your views are based on fact. And that these views are not just some idiotic brain fart.

For example.

The peace offers to Britain and France were made. However at no time did Hitler say that HE would back off from Poland (for example). It is highly likely that such a move would have prevented the War from starting (certainly in '39). Hitlers invasion of Poland is what caused the war to start.

His peace offers were along the lines of, Ok, we wont fight Britian and France, we have the French territories that we want returned to us (the Saar), Britain was accused of starting the war.

In the following extract from a German propaganda guide (for propagandaists) the Brits are…

My efforts for a German-English understanding were no less strong, indeed I wanted friendship between Germany and England. I have never opposed British interests. Unfortunately, I had regularly to deal with English assaults on Germany’s interests, even in areas that were of no significance at all to England. A goal of my life has been to bring the two nations together, both from reason and sympathy. The German people supported me in these endeavors. My efforts failed only because of a distressing enmity on the part of some British statesmen and journalists who did not conceal their aim, which we cannot understand, to wage war against Germany once again at the first opportunity.

The less factual foundations these men had, the more they sought to conceal themselves with empty phrases and claims. I still believe even today that true peace in Europe and the world can result only when Germany and England are in agreement. This conviction has often led me in the past to attempt to reach an understanding. If it does not happen, it is really not my fault.


This speach dated 6th Oct 1939, he wants peace with Britain and yet at this time in Poland (Britains ally, the attacking of which brought Britain in to the fray) the Germans were still invading.

Whilst the return of land taken from the Germans after WW1 can be seen as a fair request. Naked aggression to countries in the East was not. Poland had land that was stripped from Germany, but this was not given back, it was taken. And then some.

Britian was never likely to back down to Germany, when its ally was being attacked.

If anything, Britain and France were the ones going for peace more. As neither honoured pacts to attack Germany if Poland was attacked, but instead chose to open dialogues with Germany.

Had France and Britain hammered Germany at this time, it is highly likely that the War would not have lasted as long as it id or caused the destruction that it did.

Look at it from what ever angle you want. Germany was the aggressor, despite the fact taht up until that point many countries had been giving them what htey wanted. The Germans had NO claim on the eastern countries they decided they wanted as Leibensraum. Nor on the peoples they decided were sub-human.

Again all of this was known at the time. For years the Germans had executed those with mental health problems, and persecuted and incarcarated Jews, Homesexuals and others.

The Final solution didn’t begin in 1939. It had been going on for years.

I know the final solution began (kind of) in 1933 before hindenrberg was even dead! Hindenberg din’t want Hitler to become chancellor becasue of this fact! Becasue he was persecuting the jews and attacking people who opposed him (well the SA were)
This is why the knight of the long knifes happened! because he wanted to kill of the SA as they were holding him back and would not back down even tho he had asked them! countles of times (well he asked Rohm) But you (in a way) have just backed up my peace offering thing, when at first you opposed it! i said the germanby offered peace and also ended up reqeusting surrenders. I also said britain decline due to their strong diplomatic relations with poland and france.


My dear chap,

You have no idea how pleased Dr Wellows and I were to discover your highly original posts on this august site.

As you no doubt know, Dr Wellows is rather good at military history, with a little expertise in the last great unpleasantness which has faded from the popular mind but which, fortunately, is grasped with unusual acuity by a handful of incisive intellects with broad knowledge such as yours.

Dr Wellows and I sensed another glittering streak of originality in your posts, which was confirmed when we showed them to Professor Marguerite Overall (Founder of the Hirsute Institute, University of Manchester, 1977), and currently the Director of the Bogan Senter for Rashonal Inglish. She saw in your defiant refusal to conform with the dictatorial rules of conventional spelling, punctuation and grammar what she described as: The shining dawn of a new era in English. She wrote it for us as: the shynyng dorn of a gnu eara in Inglish. She wonted us to tell u that, so that u no her werd is tru.

It seems that Dr Wellows and Professor Overall are trying to suppress their competitive desires to attract you to their respective organs of research, aware as they are of your desire to enter university at the age of twenty five with your impressive history of educational achievements.

As it happens, we have a scholarship on offer for terribly bright people in your, and I trust you will forgive me for venturing this, perhaps not awfully well off position but with your potential to throw new light on military history. It is the Churchill Greece and Malaya Scholarship, which focuses on the failures of commanders in the field to achieve simple military victories as planned by their much more perceptive and militarily able commanders, such as Churchill and, as you have perceptively recognised, Hitler.

While I realise you will be somewhat exhausted after being inundated with similar offers from other institutions which constantly trawl the internet for original scholarship such as yours, Dr Wellows and Professor Overall and I should be rather pleased if you could find the time to put yourself forward as a candidate for the Churchill scholarship.

I don’t want to get your hopes up as there is quite fierce competition for the scholarship, as someone of your erudition would be well aware, but I’m afraid the fact is that you’ll be competing with the likes of last year’s winner, Pyotry Zkrtylnkski, whose seminal doctoral thesis ‘How Rumania Torpedoed France’s Defence of Poland’ is causing an almost unbearable frisson of excitement in our common room.

Should you be kind enough to grace us with your consideration as a site for the expansion of your thought and knowledge, I should be grateful if you could drop me a line confirming your interest.

Vivian Hoare-Pugesley (Colonel, Rtd)
Oxbridge Centre for Collaborative Military History

Hitlers ideal still lives

Sure, in people like you.

Ok, we have enough of this troll.

Spoilsport :stuck_out_tongue:

I just think like the poll says he was Unstable not completly insane…

why was Oxbridge registrar banned?

I say he was on the edge of madness at first (many geniuses are slightly mad) but slid into madness. How could a sane man make Messerschmitt make Me262 BOMBERS and not intercepters? Why would a sane man do the battle of the bulge? How could a guy propose the “land-cruiser”! (Albert Speer killed that project)

In my opinion, in order to get a clear picture of Hitler’s state of mind during WW2, one must, in the first instance, examiine his life up to the point of him becoming leader of the Nazi party, and not just from that point onwards.

There are those that believe that what we become, is a direct result of our experiences - cause and effect.

I’m certain that today, Hitler would have been diagnosed a Manic-depressive suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - and probably one or two other ailments, to boot- and prescribed drugs and therapy.

As for his charisma etc. it is probably a symptom of his burning ambition, his driving force.

The following transcript was drafted by Hitler from a hospital bed while being treated for wounds recieved in battle during WW1. Hitler is famous for being an Austrian and serving in the trenches as a Corporal during WW1, but how many new that he was a ‘Runner’? A Runner’s life expectancy in the trenches was about two weeks. Hitler was a runner for months. He volunteered for the job, as did the majority of runners, for it was considered worth the risk in order to get down below ground in the Commanding Officer’s bunker, a safe reprieve from the shelling.

[i][b]"When the old gentlemen began to tell us that we were throwing ourselves on the mercy of the Victors, I could stand it no longer! Everything went black before my eyes! I tottered and groped my way back to the dormitory; through myself on my bunk, and dug my burning head in the blankets and pillows!

And so it had all been in vain! In vain! The hunger and thirst of months which were often endless! In vain! The two million who died!

Would not the graves of all the hundreds of thousands open, those who, with faith in the Fatherland, have marched forth never to return? Would they not open and send the blood and mud covered heroes back as spirits of vengance to the homeland which had cheated them with such mockery?

Was this the meaning of the sacrifice which the German mother made to the Fatherland when with sore heart she let her best loved boys march off never to see them again?

Hatred grew in me! Hatred for those responsible for this deed! In the days that followed my own fate became known to me - I would go into politics!"[/b][/i]

No idea - happened while I was away on SPTA for the weekend and by the time I got back and was vaguely humanoid again he was unbanned. 'Twas a tad chilly this weekend.

Psychopath… A person with an antisocial personality disorder, manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior without empathy.

In 1943, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) asked Dr. Walter C. Langer, a psychoanalyst based in New York, to develop a “profile” of Adolf Hitler. What the OSS wanted was a behavioral and psychological analysis for the construction of strategic plans, given various options.

Dr. Langer used speeches, Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, and interviews with people who had known Hitler. This culminated in the presentation of an 135-page profile of possible behavioural traits of Hitler, and his possible reactions to the idea of Germany losing World War 2. Dr. Langer’s profile noted that Hitler was meticulous, conventional, and prudish about his appearance and body. He was robust and viewed himself as a standard-bearer and trendsetter. He had manic phases, yet took little exercise. He was in good health, so it was unlikely he would die from natural causes, but he was deteriorating mentally. He would not try to escape to a neutral country. Hitler always walked diagonally from one corner to another when crossing a room, and he whistled a marching tune. He feared syphilis, germs and moonlight, and loved severed heads.

The profile also pointed out Hitler’s oedipal complex, with the effect being the need to prove his manhood to his mother, and his coprolagnia and urolagnia. He detested the learned and the privileged, but enjoyed classical music, vaudeville, and Richard Wagner’s opera. He showed strong streaks of sadism and liked circus acts that were risky and dangerous. He tended to speak in long monologues rather than have conversations. He had difficulty establishing close relationships with anyone. Since he appeared to be delusional, it was possible that his psychological structures would collapse in the face of imminent defeat. The most likely scenario was that he would commit suicide, although there was a possibility that he would order a henchman to perform euthanasia.


Well, I don’t know if someone who was responsible for the deaths of 6,000,000 innocent people can really qualify as sane.

bwing, that´s not an argument.

The “Battle of the Bulge” project was not borne out of sudden insanity. It´s near the end of the read thread that ran through all Hitler´s major political and military considerations; call it an all or nothing complex. Saving a few (million) Germans from the Soviet´s in the east coundn´t mean less to him. Only what he saw as the best (however ridiculiously hopeless) shot at winning the war mattered to him.
He had trained himself to see possibilties and stubbornly believe in victory, no matter what. One might say that this trait hardened into something that excluded a clear view of realities? Insanity?
Certainly his spring 1945 idea of sending Pz.Div´s to defend Prague, since “whoever holds Prague, controls central Europe”* suggests that he continued to pursue visions of victory into the realm of his own private world. (*or something like that, -correct me if I´m wrong here)

(Albert Speer had an interesting conversation with Hitler (according to Speer (fall 1944 I think)), in which Speer claimed that he found for the first time, that Hitler knew the war was lost, and had known for a long time. December 1941?, February 1943?, Speer speculated. Anyhow, Hitler demanded faith in victory from Speer, if Speer was to keep his job).

The place where I really think the “chain jumps off” for Hitler, it does so for most of the nazi elite: it´s the fixation on the “solution of the jewish problem”, as an integral part of project Win the War. I can simply not follow them. Everytime the outside world acted, or seemed to act more hostile to Germany a reaction immediately followed within Germany in form of some excalation in the repression of jews, culminating in 1941, when Hitler publicly gave hint´s to what would happen to the “European jewry” if the USA entered the war.
That something so unimportant for the war effort (or rather, quite detrimental to the war effort), ended up being viewed as instrumental in winning the war, shows that Hitler (and several other nazis) lived through the WWII in a serious delusion on at least one matter.

Hitler was hands down out of his mind. First of all, he thought that he was an infallible military commander even though the only military experience he had was fighting as a corporal in WWI. Furthermore, it takes someone insane to persecute the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, etc. the way he did. Also, at the end of the war he was unwilling to accept the fact that the war was over, sending Keitel to speak to Donitz about recovering oilfields for long-ranging operations. There are just too many things which make Hitler insane to speak about.