Was Hitler Insane?

Of course he’s insane he had to be to start a global war

I think Hitler had a good idea when it came to brining Germany back up and get back what belonged to Germany, but the Jew factor, the Millitary build up and the dictatorship was not a good thing. Look at what power does to people. They start with great things but end up destroying everything because they want power, look at Africa and other countries in the world.

Yes he did go insane because his power got less and less and he was not as great as he was made out to be. Yes the Nazis did have other stuff that made them evil, but the whole vision of Hitler to bring Germany back up from the ashes of WW1 was great and the people saw a light at the end of the tunnel, but we all know what happened.

aren’t all failed artists who paint scenes that never have people in them insane

hitler exhibits many symptoms of nuero-syphilis, a disorder he is known to have suffered from for many years. and yes, it leads to insanity. generally, the textbooks say it is now treatable with penacyline, but its rare,a nd the cases i have seen, the treatment really made no difference. to reach the neuro stage, you have to be infected over 25 to 30 years.

Easy to call anybody insane AFTER the fact. Not easy to label somebody in this manner while they are still alive and kicking.

Had Germany won a victory that ended the war in 1918, Adolphus Hitler would have been nothing more than a contented Austrian war veteran, living on a state pension and turning out the occasional watercolor to supplement his income. Europe may well have been much better off, for the Great War was directly from the policies of Britain’s Grey government and British paranoia about the rest of Europe combining to isolate England. A German victory in the Great War would have meant no Holocaust, no Israel, no pot-boiling Middle East and no need for the rise of Western European Fascism.

Like it or not, the Third Reich was a product of the Treaty of Versailles. England was the only Monarchy in Europe to survive the 14-18 confrontation. Significant? I should say so!

As for Hitler infected with Syphillus, sources conflict. The most prevalent is “Putzi” Hanfstaegel, who made the accusation when his welcome had run out and from the safety of the United States, where he worked long and hard to bring down Hitler’s name. The Strasser Brothers (Gregor and Otto) propagated this rumor, resulting in Gregors demise during the Rohm Affair. Adolf’s last Doctor WAS originally a VD specialist (Theo Morell), but he was also a “quack” with a vested interest in drug manufacturing, much of which he experimented with using Hitler as a “guinea-pig”. Apart from that we only have one other source from Hitler’s time in Vienna as to his contraction of Syph (another resident of the Gasthaus), but it’s about as unsubstantiated as it can be. Adolf was not known for frequenting “houses of ill-repute”, and his friend from the Vienna days, August Kubciek (“Gustl”) is the best source of all, and he says that Hitler’s contraction of Syph was “propaganda”. Adolf spent much of his time in Vienna staring from a distance at a woman known to history as “Stephanie”, writing her poems and fantasizing that he could communicate with Stephanie telepathically.

I’d say he had serious mental instability.
-Which resulted into compleat insanity in the end of WW2, after serious mental pressure.
One only needs to see all the super weapons to which he gave the go-ahead, to understand that all was not at home.

and if he stopped the war by the time he took France and the lower countries (ie: Holland, Denmark, Belgium, etc.) he would have gone down in history as one of the greatest military stratigists.
Danmark was only taken to ensure Ore transportation, the same goes with Norway.
-As always, resources were the key.

And it is healty to remember that highly competent military proffessionals were the ones who did the thinking and planning.
Not so much Hitler, but well trained and confident German troopers were the key to success, along with doctrine of combined arms.

But he made the worst desicion and it would seal his fate. He declared war on the Soviet Union and the United States. After that, he pratically always made stupid commands, but some were good.
The balance of war was shifted as Nazis took over the chain of commands. Numerous idiotic orders ensured German defeat and surprise was how long they could keep on fighting.
You’ll see how fanatism is not on par with proffessionalism.

Welcome to the forum. I’ve enjoyed your well informed and well expressed posts in this and other threads.

Regarding the quote above, I’m not sure that something like fascism wouldn’t have arisen even if Germany had won in Western Europe.

The war related causes would certainly have been absent, and the post-war problems which made the Italian and German fascists attractive to a lot of people would also have been absent, but the anti-communist element would still have been there.

This assumes that the October Revolution or something like it still occurred and saw Russian communism follow pretty much the course it did, which like everything else in these speculations is highly debatable as that revolution was inextricably linked with WWI.

There is also the question of how non-fascist governments would have reacted to the rise of Russian communism. The Czar’s overthrow had an enormous impact on the various monarchies and governments in Europe and provoked a determination to resist communism to preserve themselves. It’s conceivable that the anti-communist elements of fascism would have arisen in Western European governments even if Germany had won. Spain illustrates the point by being neutral in WWI; largely unaffected by it apart from making some useful national profits; but still the focus for political and ultimately military conflict between the fascists and socialists and communists.

Even if Germany had won, there were still social, economic and political factors which encouraged communist agitation in Western Europe, ably assisted by the COMINTERN and local communists.

You are undoubtedly correct about the results in the Middle East as there would have been no need for the Balfour Declaration and the subsequent Jewish migration to Palestine it produced between the wars, with the attendant problems and then the consequences of the Holocaust. This assumes that a German victory in Western Europe resulted in a cessation of hostilities with Turkey. If so, the Ottoman Empire would probably have tottered on for a few more decades, maybe a lot longer, and the Middle East would be a very different place now.

You are also undoubtedly correct about the Holocaust being avoided, but there is a possibility that the prominence of Jews in the various Russian revolutionary and communist movements would have combined with long standing European antipathy towards Jews to produce another wave of oppression or even pogroms. But nothing even remotely like the institutionalised death factories the Nazis introduced, nor the death toll.

Thanks Rising Sun…look forward to many more from me!

Ww2 afficiendo wishing to expand my knowledge! You guys look like you can help greatly!

He was a kind caring and stable person, he only gassed milions of people because he had a bad day, anyone can have a bad day.

Yes, he was probably a kind (to some people) and caring (to some people) but a bad day??? WTH?

Well a few bad days, maybe a year or two.

He was mentaly unstable to say the least in the later years of his life. He was shaking all the time…

He was a misunderstood pacifist.

are you joking or are you a troll?:confused::confused:

I’m neither, Hitler was a messiah of peace.

Of course. He started WWII and killed a bunch of minorities.:roll:.

He did not, they fell down the stairs.

I don’t think it’s Hitler’s sanity that is in doubt here. :wink:

Well, getting back too the thread. Didn’t Hitler’s cousin, the one he was having the affair with, commit suicide because allegedly he made her perform disgusting excretory acts of fetishism?