Was Hitler Insane?

Well, hitler kicked them down…

niece actualy… Geli Raubal’s the name.

Lies ! Jews fell down the stairs, russians starved because they realised God hates them and Poles simply moved to UK.

You my friend have a very serious anger problem…

Originally Posted by Nickdfresh
Well, getting back too the thread. Didn’t Hitler’s cousin, the one he was having the affair with, commit suicide because allegedly he made her perform disgusting excretory acts of fetishism?

niece actualy… Geli Raubal’s the name.

Angela Raubaul, called Geli.

About Geli Raubal: She certainly commited suicide (or was murdered) because of her famous uncle´s attentions. Whether this was because “of his having made unusual demands of her”, or that she realised that she´d never be allowed to have any other man as long as A.H. was in love with her, has never been clarified.

“His intensely secretive nature in financial and sexual matters makes it difficult to discover his preferrences. Certainly in his sexual leanings there are persistent suggestions to a darker side of his nature.”
“Two women, Renate Müller, an actress, and Henny Hoffmann, the daughter of his photographer Heinrich Hoffmann and later wife of Von Schirach [Boss of Hitler Youth], are claimed to have beaten or abused him for his sexual satisfaction.”

All quotes from Dictionary of the Third Reich, James Taylor and Warren Shaw.

I have never crossed a source, where Hitler´s sexual inclination are more than allegations by third parties, like the “are claimed to have” above, but he certainly was in love with Geli, and they most probably had some kind of affair, certainly spent much time together.
Geli was shot in the heart, reported to be suicide, but this nobody will ever know.

And Hitler´s reaction: “He wept publicly at her graveside. Weeks later, at a crucial meeting with President Hindenburg, Gregor Strasser complained that Hitler was still lacking in concentration.”

“One of the many rumours [fx. that Himmler ordered her murder] circulating at the time concerned a letter which Hitler is supposed to have written to his niece. In it, the rumour stated, Hitler confessed to some of his sexual problems, and in particular his sado-masochistic inclinations. This letter, it was said at the time, fell into the wrong hands and was bought back with Nazi Party funds by a nazi priest, Father Bernhard Stempfle. Only one thing in this story is certain: the fate of the helpful priest quickly followed all those who knew anything about the darker side of Hitler´s life, when his body was found in a forest near Munich with three bullets in the chest.”

So much smoke and no fire?
Also heard rumours of semi-weird sexual ceremonies in some secret society Hitler was member of after WWI that A.H. should have taken part in, and/or “learned” from. Perhaps the Thule Society, but I can´t find it now.

And about his relations to Eva Braun. Never heard anybody claiming to know what they did when alone. She was called the most lonely women in the Third Reich during the war, She wasn´t among his top priorities. From 1942 on some say that his closest relationship was to his German shephard dog Blondie.
Not quite normal, perhaps.

Actually there was a something wrong with sexual behaviour of Hitler.
However hardly it was just his failure- in fact many of NAzy Bonzes suffered from desasters and manias.
For instance the gaulaiter of Ukraine Alfred Koh who was well known of his sado-mazo habits.
Of Boss of Belorussia- Vilgelm Kube, blowed up by partisans in his bedroom.
However if you look at the contemporary behaviour of World Elite- hardly you will find something better or moral.
So try to search the Hitler’s “lacks” we can’t just recognize him as madman.
Becouse it doesn’t explain why a millions of peoples believed him, went for him and done so many nasty things in the name of Hitler.
If he was insame - were the other 90% of GErman population too?

This would be a partisan blow job? :smiley:

Seriously, there is so much written about Hitler’s mental state and based on such scant sources that it deserves a reworking of Churchill’s statement: Never in the field of human history was so much written about one person by so many with so little evidence.

There is a book by ?E. Schwaab entitled something like Hitler’s Mind - Descent into Madness (as distinct from Walter Langer’s book with a title like The Mind of Adolf Hitler and based on war time information, rumours and resultant assessments) which runs the line that he was a full on paranoiac.

Like other accusations of mental illness aimed at Hitler, I can’t see a truly psychotic person managing what he did over a quarter of a century without coming apart in ways that would have seen him removed by those around him.

He was probably about as mad as some of today’s average grasping capitalists exploiting major corporations for world dominance and personal benefit, but happily free of the restraints imposed by commerce regulators.

In today’s terms he’d probably be classed as having a personality disorder, which to psychiatrists means he doesn’t have a mental illness but he’s not quite right. People with personality disorders are the type who get up in a bell tower with a .303 and start shooting strangers in the street, or who go into a workplace and start shooting people there because they’re still upset about nobody admitting who stole the shooter’s handkerchief three years ago or because somebody missed their turn at cleaning the office kitchen a few months back.

Insanity doesnt mean a peron is 100% idiot… he was good at elocution and Goebbels was good at brainwashing.

Hitler(Stalin also)was mad,tryin to rule the whole world,give order to kill millions of innocent peoples (incl.small childs,old’s)
But he is decisive figure of the XX. century

Hitles is considered insane because of the death camps, I mean really what was one more dictator tyring to take over the world? Stalin and Mao Zedong killed more, the problem is they didn’t lose.

Who knows what would have happened if hitler had not come to power, I still think there would have been a world war II, the Treaty of Versailles pretty much guaranteed that.

Hitler Insane? Power corrupts. At the end, he was a nutcase.

It’s a great deal worse than merely “carrying out ideas the wrong way” - said ideas themselves inherently required genocide, rather than the genocide being a by-product of poor implementation of ideas.

What would have been the right way?

Since “his ideas” involved depopulating immense areas of Eastern Europe and European Russia and replacing the population with ethnic Germans, I fail to see any way in which his ideas could have been carried out without Genocide. Not to mention the extermination of the Jewish people in Europe was also clearly his idea…

Every time that someone doesn’t adhere to our parameters of morality, there is a claim of insanity. I don’t believe that Hitler was insane, but I do believe that he adhered to Machiavelistic views…The end justifies the means. The man believed that there was a superior race and that Jews and others were a threat. He may have been paranoid and amoral, but to claim insanity is going a little too far. Hitler was arrogant and narcissistic, and it was this that would prove fatal to the Third Reich.
If we’re going to classify Hitler as insane because of the Holocaust, then history is full of insane leaders. There have been many groups that have suffered from genocidal persecution throughout millennia. Jews have suffered persecution from many leaders and groups throughout history. Hitler wasn’t the first one to commit genocide and certainly hasn’t been the last!

yeah i know…instead of killin the jews,he should put them in
the german army and he would of had won the war.
i dont under stand hitler…u cant tell the difference between
germans and jews…the jews look lik any other eropean