We Have a New Mod on the Way...

Because with your demonstrated lack of judgement and frequent cases of blatant sucking up to the mods, we feel you are unsuitable to be made a mod. We feel the same about the other two mentioned.

Which does beg the question, when will we, the teeming masses be informed of the identities of the new victims,er, I mean moderators.

Those we have ahem nominated have been PM’ed about it by Firefly (at least, he assures me he has done so :p). We are now waiting for all three of them to confirm that they are willing to do it, and when we get confirmation the announcement will go up here.

If are one of the poor sods to be PM’ed, please keep quiet about it until we make the announcement. I’d rather not upset the betting in this thread!

I am so excited!.I won’t be able to sleep tonight. I hope RS accepts the Mod post. He would be great at it. This is more exciting than the Obama campaign!:smiley:

What makes you think he’s been selected? Personally, I voted for Genghis Khan, Scipio Africanus and Vlad Dracul.

That may constitute something greater than chagrin, but fits in spirit,

Oh, thank you, I am always looking for improve my foreign language skills, by the way in regard of my earlier post there is a amusing story of some guys in Brazil…but I guess that is for other topic :mrgreen:

Off topic:

Guys, do you know where Dani has gone?
If Dani is not visiting us any more, then do we have an other member from Rumania?

He retired as a moderator as he simply couldn’t devote enough time to it. He does stick his head around the door every now and again when he has the time, but that isn’t very often.

well, I am not of the anointed, and good thing, being a retired biker bar bouncer(a most notorious bar at that, ) The brass knuckles are my first choice response to problems…(insert “bleeding profusely” smiley here ) :slight_smile:

I agree with you TG, my studies are slipping a little… :oops:

What about Tomás de Torquemada? He’d have got the truth out of aly j before putting her to the stake.

I’d vote for Vlad even though he was a bit of a moderate,:slight_smile:
And will certainly enjoy having my Oz friend R.S. as a moderator. (he prefers the good old stock whip.)

Well young Mr. Churchill, one’s studies are one’s future. Being a bouncer might seem adventurous, but its really just hard work.(or very boring) The regulars are never a problem, its always the rummies that see your light on after being kicked out of a couple other places that cause the trouble.
“Roadhouse” may be a good movie, but isnt very realistic.
You are best served by getting a very good education, and making obscene amounts of money. Then you can own most of the things we talk about in this forum, (a good thing)
When kids admire my motorcycles, and say they want to get one when they grow up, I tell them do well in school, stick with it, so they can get a really good job, cause they’ll need it to afford a bike these days…

Did you wear your kilt when bouncing (as distinct from bouncing while wearing your kilt)? :smiley:

Haa-Haaaaaaa! thats a good one R.S. no, never wore a kilt to a biker bar, (some of those guys are so drunk, and desperate, they might get the wrong idea.:shock:)

A pity.

It conjures up a wonderful image. :smiley:

I dont feel like we are picking the bottom bottom of the barrel. Some of you are just possible mods and some of you are not. No offense intended! As much as we need the possible staff members… is the same level as we need those that just are not going to be staff. Honestly some of those that are not going to be staff are some of the best posters. Its hard to see it from our side unless you have been there. PK STFU :D:D:D

Yes we are thinking of a new mod. Some of you have been contacted and some of you have not … or have not been contacted yet. Dont feel offended…if you are offended you were probably not mod material anyhow. Also some have time and some dont. Time is a really key factor in consideration. We dont get paid to do this.

For me … I have had everything on this site and I will describe it like this… POWER…I HAVE TO DO MORE…I DONT KNOW IF I CAN DO ENOUGH. The whole I dont know if I can do enough has been the reason for alot of my problems. (Which is alot of the reason for the drunken odd posts) … I just care.

So just in case we overlooked you and you want alot of responsibility with no pay … Please sign up! :smiley: (coz if you do … your alot dumber then I thought) COUGH! :D:D:D

I think the only issue than can affect the new Mod is how they get to understand with the other mods and the chief Mods.

Being a so self confident and centred individual I didnt have any trouble getting the hands dirty doing some intervention, intervention that sometimes didnt fell good in the Oberkommando das Forum.

Particulary I dont like the todays allowance of insults toward each other, that should be edited.

Being a graduate of the Argentine technical high school wich was modelated after the german technical school I believe in the reward-punishment system.

I remember one czech guy who insulted the Russian army calling them a bunch of rapist of something like that, I edited that message, and then the guy insulted me, it was the last post of him.
I am pretty sure if that siuation happen now the same member would allowed to stay a lot more time.

Also the excesive repetition of topics is always anoying.

A recomendation for wathever is the new one: If you going to have the good will to stay below the firefly armpit do it, If not you better dont take the job.

Aniway if you are short of Mods and need an individual to police the German military and other military section think in my.

Or perhaps those members insulting others should be encouraged to stop it, rather than expecting mods to clean up their mess in edits?

No snub taken Gen. SandWorm, I prefer to remain in the tree tops, pot shooting a topic now and then, when I can get out to find, and photograph something interesting. :slight_smile: