We Have a New Mod on the Way...

Damn mate, how they have persuaded you to be the mod?:slight_smile:
How many times did they offer it? 5 or 10?
But you always refused , you was “too busy or lazy”:slight_smile:
And now … you are mod. I can’t believe, just can’t imagine you, banning the trolls and closing the spam threads here:)It’s looks so odd to you…
btw I hope you will n’t ban me for “communism”?
And mr flamethrowerguy what a nice surprise, you are the first German mod here, my special congrats to you.
The forum just wins from modding of you both here, comrades.:smiley:

I think there is a “special atmosphere” that creats a relatively limited circle of more or less constant regular members that makes our forum Especial.

1 already received an infraction of one point. I am not allowed to discuss it, but I am sadly disappointed by this decision. Sorry Mod (you know who you are), for infractering me. I mean, the new Mods haven’t been on the job for less than a day, and I already got a P.M. and an infraction. All of a sudden I don’t like this new arrangement. Please be gentle with me; I don’t hurt anyone. I;ll pipe down a bit more if thats what it takes…boo hoo hoo…:oops:

The new mods aren’t yet on the job.

The appointments have been announced, but not yet made. FTG and I have no mod powers.

It’s not a good idea to imply that mods-to-be are responsible for whatever it was that happened to you, and no doubt well deserved, when they had nothing to do with it.

A week ago you were unpolitely invited to go, now you are becoming a Mod, what a crazy Forum. :lol:

Congrats to you and Flamethroweguy.


So, maybe you ought to do this:


Congrats Flame and RS!
Happy modding.:smiley:


It’s official. Congratulations to Rising Sun* and flamethrowerguy on their moddings…

Hi everybody,
thanks for the congrats and your best wishes.
This comes a little later because I have been on a short vacation this week (hell of a way to start a job, isn’t it?).
As RS* stated we’ll take it slowly and learn our stuff before we got involved in any major action. Especially for me -as a non-native english speaker- there’s a long way to go.:wink:
I hereby want to thank both admin(s) and fellow mods in advance for their guidance and help.
Regards, FTG

I endorse what flamethrowerguy said.

Except for the part about him having a long way to go with English. His English is at least as good as any reasonably well educated native English speaker.

Well, thank you; RS*:oops:…
but that’s unpossible:mrgreen:

Welcome aboard guys :slight_smile:

Enjoy your newly acquired mod powers :wink: