What comes to your mind when you think in this countries?

i was planning 2 stay here…its nice 2 talk 2 decent blokes

Good, since it’s not particularly well researched, for example his notion, the franks and charles martell had anything to do with what is today know as france, other than conquering it and the gaules deriving their modern name from them. It wasn’t the wussy gaules that defeated the muslims, but an alliance of franks, langobards, burgundians, saxon and frisians, every single one of them a germanic tribe.

You and I are close to the same age. We hit the beginning of all this. TV as your guardian, computers, cell phones, etc. etc. etc… It surprises me when talking to people how little they read books, or keep up with what’s going on in the world, history, even being able to name the states (in the US), or, no offense to aly j but text messaging lingo as actual grammar:roll:.

Thank you for all the answers guys very precise many of them.

Pdf, I dont think there is need to any link, what I looking is the first impression of the people, not a deep informative post, the first tough is what counts, if you give people time to elaborate the answer probably wont be 100% honest.

Hey, that was fun .

It was, keep coming lads. :slight_smile:

no offence at all
i can c u guys r more educated then the guys that i normally
talk 2

“After years of severe problems, Ritalin works bloody well, within the first twenty four hours, on a child who was previously spiralling drastically downwards before being diagnosed with ADHD by an eminent consultant paediatrician.”

Rising Sun*, parent of a child with an ailment of society to which society contributed neither a cause nor a cure but to which society, including twenty two year old teachers and other experts of vast child-rearing experience, continually contributes unsolicited advice on how it’s all to do with bad parenting, bad diet provided by parents, poor discipline by parents, generally all the parents’ fault to the extent it’s not the poor bloody child’s fault and other helpful and stunningly rational advice such as it being caused by being born in a hospital under the care of a male obstetrician rather than at home in a warm bath with a lesbian midwife (never quite sure if the lezzo should have been in the bath as well) or the misalignment of the stars at birth and endless other hippie shit.

Yet, oddly enough, none of the teachers and other experts could manage the child successfully. So what did they do every time they failed in doing what they said we should be able to do? Call in us hopelessly deficient parents to insist that we useless parents, who were responsible for all the child’s problems, make the child behave at school. :rolleyes:

Fine, said I, how about you come around every night to make sure he eats his greens and I’ll get really interested in making sure he satisfies your demands for his intellectual development by scrawling a map of his street in crayon on butcher’s paper, which I assume will end up in the national art museum. No, said they, our job ends at the school gate. Well, said I, so far as his conduct at school is concerned, so does mine. If you can’t handle him at school and you won’t come to his home to make him do the homework you want, and given all the expert advice you’ve given me on how to handle him, why do you want me to do your job for you when he’s inside the school gates? Not surprisingly, no answer.

These clods blame the parents and, worst of all, the child for their teachers’ and other experts’ continual failures to achieve the results they say the parents should be able to achieve by using the helpful advice on discipline, diet and realigning the stars which has failed in the classroom etc, but which supposedly will work if used at home by parents who actually have a child in their continual care and would rather like to change the child’s behaviour so that home life was occasionally not a daily battlefield.

Walk a mile in my shoes.

I do feel for you and I am watching my boy for symptoms since he’s born. Agree about this “nutriment-diet” hippie crap.

-Argentina Panzerknacker

-Brazil Football

-Chile Desert

-Uruguay Poor

-Colombia Drugs

-Mexico immigrants

-USA Fat

-Canada Maple

-Spain Bulls

-France De Gualle

-Germany Beer

-Austria Hitler, Mozart

-Sweden Cold

-Italy Mussolini

-England Tea

-Czech Republic Paper models

-Ukranie Yakov smirnoff, Chernobyl

-Rusia Putin, muppet, medve"#$$dev

-China Cheap poisinous food

-Japan Robots, Yamato

-Saudi Arabia oil

-Lebanon oil

-South afrika povcerty

-Israel Pakistan

-Australia. Rising sun

-New Zealand Sheep

Let me know when you discover some, I’d rather like to chat with them also.

Spare the rod, spoil the child!..Try the Jesuits, they’re the experts. :wink:

cool… are you female aswell… or you a bloke letting me know
theres rude blokes on here

Actually, I think that in many cases there might well be a significant dietary or perhaps wider environmental element in it, but I doubt that it’s the same in all cases. That’s different to hippie crap about brown bread and crystals and wire frame pyramids and so on saving everyone.

Having been despairingly through the conventional and subsequently alternative mills on the dietary and allergy aspects, my impression is that so-called alternative or holistic medically trained doctors and others outside the medical mainstream tend to be zealots who are committed to their particular form of purging (and there is usually a purging of the bad stuff, whatever form it might take) and rehabilitation which have more in common with religious belief and practice than science. The problem is that they assume that their particular mantra, be it wholemeal everything or no 200 preservatives or whatever, cures everything when clearly it doesn’t, although it might help many people. Some will be made worse.

The problem with mainstream doctors is that some are just as much zealots, bound to their medical training and as blindly unreceptive to new ideas as were those who saw more merit in firing canons from the town walls to disperse the medieval miasma rather than accepting the germ theory. Witness the resistance to the bacterial theory of gut ulcers as recently as a couple of decades ago, which produced a Nobel prize.

On clear medical physiological issues, such as a broken leg or gunshot wound, you’d have to be an idiot to go to anyone but a competent doctor in a well equipped hospital. But on less well understood issues such as ADHD and other things which are diagnosed as ADHD or whatever, I think that sensible scientifc enquiry on nutrition is at least as important as investigating genetic aspects, at least until one or the other provides a clear answer.

I went to the Christian Brothers.

They would have been okay, if they weren’t inserting their rods into children. :wink: :evil:

P.S. Not me. I’m in the wounded group thinking of suing them for not being molested because we were discriminated against for being too ugly.

I’ll let you work it out!:wink:

Surely not all of them?

I went to Jesuits. Thrashing was the norm. Made Junior Soldiers’ training seem like a walk in the park. :slight_smile:

P.S. Not me. I’m in the wounded group thinking of suing them for not being molested because we were discriminated against for being too ugly.

No need to be in denial - we understand - it wasn’t your fault, was it? :eek:

-Argentina - Lost Falklands War
-Brazil - Sao Paolo, way too much plastic surgery
-Chile - long and skinny country on the Pacific Ocean
-Uruguay - trapped near the South American “Superpowers”
-Colombia - Drugs
-Mexico - Tacos, fajitas, food, tequila, beaches
-USA - Somewhat corrupt superpower trying to take over the world/the producer of retarded people(so sue me…:roll::mrgreen:)
-Canada - Maple syrup, Dad,
-Spain - Muslims, paella,
-France - Mom, wine, alcohol, fun times
-Germany - Want to learn the language, good food
-Austria - Violins?, Mendel(genetics)
-Sweden - Cold, Saab, cold, Volvo, cold
-Italy - Jerks(won against France in Fifa World Cup 2004(I think it was 2004))
-England - Me!, Winston Churchill, porrige, scones, the Beatles, tea, the Queen
-Czech Republic - Steep hills?
-Ukranie - Grain, plains
-Russia - Human waves, the Czars
-China - “Made in China”
-Japan - Mt. Fuji
-Saudi Arabia - Mecca, Sultans
-Lebanon - Anti-Israel
-South Africa - Nelson Mandela
-Israel - Jerusalem
-Australia - Big rocks, Aborigenes, Rabbit Fence
-New Zealand - Maori, surfing,
-India - Gandhi

Added India.

-Argentina A country where the nazies run to after the war. Cheap wine that can be very good value for money. Beef. Football. Maradona. “If there was a hand, it was the hand of God.” Wide wild planes crossed by the carecters in the novel “In Search of the Castaways” by Jules Verne.

-Brazil Carneval. Bosa Nova! Beaches. Crime. Footbal world champions. Amazone. Piranias.

-Chile Pinochet. Cheap wine that could be good value for money. Very thin and and very long country on the coast. Easter island and its statues. Spicy sort of peppers.

-Uruguay A country whic hname is spelled almost like Praguay. Else nothing…

-Colombia Narco. Hostages. Lots of trees. Drug barons.

-Mexico Sambrero. «Carabina Trenta Trenta». Mexican food. Resorts for Americans. Illegsal immigrants climbing the fence over US border. A phrase a turist should learn before going to Mexico:“Yo tengo dos pistolas. Yo soy muy peligroso!” Maya Indians and they ritual human sacrifice. The Host of the first Footbal World Cup I watched on TV.

-USA World supper power that acts like world policemen. Big. Astonishing nature. Dynamic business history and life. “One little step for man - one giant leap for mankind.” Flying fortresses. Empire State building. Holiwood and its movie industry. Radio “Voice of America.”

-Canada Big. Very astonishing nature. Wast cold areas. Intention to actively defend its economic interests in Polar areas in the future. Speaking both English and French. Vancouver!

-Spain The Armada invinsible. Conquestodores. “Tetas de mujer tienen mucho poder.” Where many of my ex-colleagues come from. Marriage in Valencia.

-France Wine, cheese. “Cherche la fame.” Edith Piaf. Paris. St.Malo and seafood. Napoleon. Language I learned in school.

-Germany WW2 enemy. Hitler. My grand-grand dad’s nationality. Martin Luther. Stollen - Christmass cake. Shtrudel. Beer and sousages. Order and good machinary. Brothers Grimm. Russian radio programme “German Wave”.

-Austria Wienna - magnificent! White wine spritzer. Winther hollidays. Habsburgs. Where by grand parents ended WW2.

-Sweden Wild forests. Volvo. Karl XII. “Russian danger.” Social garanties for everyone. Scuba diving and crab meat.

-Italy Roman Empire. Greate food and wine. Como lake. Papa, Catholics. Wannabe Germans in WW2. All people are singers. Pizza (the falling tower). Vennice - charming but stinky, expensive(!). Cosa Nostra.

-England Island. Great navy power. Wigs in courts. Pub culture. Football holigans. Joyn Swift. Isaac Newton. John Locke. Lamb wool. Union Jack. Indian colonies. BBC Russian radio service. Fog. Conan Doyle.

-Czech Republic Praha - the most ferrytale town of Europe. Beer. some other beautiful towns you do not know about. Cristal juvelry. Toy railways.

-Ukranie Lost Russian brothers. Warm. Cheerfull girls. Country very hardly hit during WW2. Immigrant workers. A country that curently makes from nothing its own new often too self centred identity.

-Russia My motherland. Long hectic history. Big and often undeveloped. Two main problems: fools and bad roads. Theft. Corruption. Idealistic people. Sputnik, Laika, Gagarin. Literature. People that shed most blood in WW2 (USSR).

-China Ancient. Great Wall. Dragons. Poetry and inc drawings. Gun powder, porcelan. Possibly future kick world ass nation. Hierogliphs.

-Japan Haiku. Wood prints. Samurais. Geishas. Sake, sushi. Mount Fuji. Katsushika Hokusai. Netsuke.

-Saudi Arabia Mekka. Cut thiefs hands. Warm. American allies. Oil.

-Lebanon Beirut - former Paris of the Middle East. Christians and Moslems. Next to Israel.

-South afrika Aparteid. Mandela. Ocean, sharks.

-Israel The country that will do what it wants to do. And get what it wants at the end…

-Australia. Big island. Cangaros and other exotic animals. White wine. Big red mountain. Where the convicts from UK went to. Dinasaur imprints on the ancient mud.

-New Zealand Next to Australia. Lambs. Kiwi. Lord of the Rings. Giant Moa birds. Far away. Lamb meat.

Uff… this is probably the post I enjoyed most ever…

Fog??..Where’ve you been for the last forty years?

Should he have said smog? Don’t tell me England doesn’t have fog…now all the pictures of england in my thoughts are dashed…:frowning: What would london be without fog? Come to think of it, I was in Los Angeles visiting family, was there two weeks before I saw the mountainsides around the city! Never would have known until the winds came in off of the ocean.

-Argentina - Soccer…Women Of Argentina Post
-Brazil - Beaches…Topless Beaches…Women
-Chile - Soccer Team…Air Plane Crash
-Uruguay - Jungles
-Colombia - Drugs…Red Roofs…My Next Door Neighbor
-Mexico - Corrupt Politicians…Illegal Aliens…Great Beaches…Tequila…
-USA - Too Worried What Others Think…Think They Need To Be World Police…Awesome Air Force…United States Marines ( Nothing Tougher)…Rewarding Mediocrity…Political Correctness…Hot Women :slight_smile:
-Canada - Mounted Police…Gold Maple Leaf
-Spain - Torrejon Air Base…Madrid…Weather Like California…Beautiful Women With Hairy Leg’s
-France - Wine…Body Odor…Great WWII Military Museums
-Germany - WWII…Tiger Tanks…BMW…Beer
-Austria - Arnold…Snow Capped Mountains
-Sweden - Hot Blondes…Nothing Else Needed
-Italy - Bike Races…Soccer
-England - Bad Teeth…Good Rock & Roll…Still Angry At USA For Dumping Them & Going At It On Our Own…Drink Too Much…Think Very Highly Of Themselves
-Czech Republic - Russia
-Ukraine - Old Skill Labor…Poor
-Russia - Cold Winters…People deserve More From Their Leaders
-China - Working Towards World Super Power…Cheap Tools
-Japan - Crowds…Traffic…Hard Workers
-Saudi Arabia - Oil…Two faced
-Lebanon - Angry People
-South Africa - Poor…Starving
-Israel - Trusted Allies…Always Backs Up USA
-Australia - Big Desert…Steve Erwin…Great White Sharks
-New Zealand - Sheep
-Poland- Trusted Allies…Hard Working Honest People