What comes to your mind when you think in this countries?

Exscuise me? :wink:

ur saying poland and isreal r trusting allies that stick with usa
wish we can say that about usa in ww2 when england asked usa for help and usa turn its back on england,maybe u should say usa not a trusted allied

Argentina - lots of cattle. Seem to have a love/hate relationship with Britain.

Brazil- Rain forest, extremes of poverty and wealth in the cities

Chile- Mountains, troubled past.

Uruguay- can never figure out where this place is on the map of South America

Colombia- Dangerous place, donā€™t want to go there

Mexico- poor nation, but not as dangerous as Colombia.

USA- Which one ? This seems to be a nation with a multitude of personalities. At times they seem in tune with how we view things, at other times they seem to have nothing in common with us.

Canada- Nice place, but a trifle dull.

Spain- Hot, nice place for a holiday

France- arrogant, stubborn and rude, but I like them ( they remind me of us Brits)

Germany- In the past good at fighting wars, but not so good at winning them. Nowadays they amuse themselves by making good cars and having beer festivals

Austria- any place that throws David Irving in jail canā€™t be all bad

Sweden- flat pack furniture

Italy- style, mafia, and pasta

England- Home

Czech Republic- best beers in Europe

Ukraine- In the 20th century this was a bad place to live, too many people invading it, from all directions

Russia- another nation which suffered in the 20th century, starting to recover after the break up of the USSR

China- Starting to show the world its power.

Japan-industrious, but odd people

Saudi Arabia- Wealthy beyond dreams but completely corrupt with it.

Lebanon-One mixed up nation, always on the brink of civil war

South Africa-Too much crime, but a more hopeful future

Israel- I use to think they were the good guys, but not as sure nowadays

Australia- Always taking the piss out of us, but they are family, so we put up with it.

New Zealand-The only other place I would consider living in outside of Britain

Poland- Is there anybody still living there ??? They all seem to have moved over to Britain :wink:

Lets seeā€¦416.800 of the U.S. Military died during WWII when we turned our backā€¦I think youā€™ve been in the sun too long, time to come in. :slight_smile: Iā€™m so sorry you didnā€™t like my pick of trusted alliesā€¦sometimes the truth just stings a lil bit. LOL


what ever every one knows usa did
i thought u men knew every thing about ww2
didt u know that.
usa only join the war when japan bomb peal habour,usa was going 2 let germany take over england.
and ur the one with 600 and more post.
yeah u guys r really good allies

and im a DUDET[girl]

LOLā€¦You got me there. If you notice I have been here 3 yearsā€¦If I posted like you are, I would have 34,675 post to my name. :0 :slight_smile: come out of the sunā€¦LOL

actually i do in too be in the sun
im 2 white
i wish i had 34,000 post cause then i can be boss
i cant help it i lik 2 post my opinion.
you shore know how too calms things down if it wast 4 me
there would be no new posts.

just because you have 34000 doesnt mean you can be admin or modā€¦

i was trying too be funnie
i know i cant be boss

I do need to develop an acute sense of humor, yes.
*tip if you want to indicate that you are joking, use appropriate smilies

We did! :wink:

Some of my family used o live in LA - they made the same comment.

London Smog ā€˜Pea-souperā€™ was a result of smoke (from coal fires) and fog. As London is in a ā€˜basinā€™ it was trapped. Since London became a smokeless zone the Pea-soupers are a rare occurrence, I donā€™t recall if there has been one since the late sixties.

Sorry to disillusion you, but donā€™t believe everything Kermit sings about. :wink:

She obviously means you and me. :smiley:

Sorry to disillusion you, but donā€™t believe everything Kermit sings about. :wink: Quoting 32bravo
Darn it, are you telling me Kermit is part of the government establishment?:evil:ā€¦:smiley:

hey ā€¦r u saying bravo32 is a girl

No, as has been recognised on all major continents, 32B is an ape, when heā€™s not being a bra size. :smiley:

You, however, according to #46 are a girl. Hence the reference to ā€˜sheā€™.

-Argentina: gauchos, large german areas, the southern tip of the country.

-Brazil: cutting down jungles, beaches, drugs and gangs.

-Chile: donā€™t want to walk from norhern tip to sourthern one.

-Uruguay: nothing really.

-Colombia: ex-drug country, some social wonders done in recent years.

-Mexico: kind of messed up (not in a lethal way) country in the shadow of USA.

-USA: dying superpower, no healthcare (even if you have expensive healtcare-package).

-Canada: timber, forests, one of the countries that actually ā€œworkā€ (have you noticed that these countries often are those with huge amount of land but only a few people).

-Spain: overly macho males doing nothing useful, holiday communities.

-France: ā€œfrenchā€ is the only language in the world attitude, country that cares of itā€™s citizens, french foreign legion.

-Germany: lacking national idea/feeling/something, third reich, goethe.

-Austria: Germanyā€™s little brother, ā€œwe didnā€™t do itā€ - attitude in history.

-Sweden: avoided couple of world wars which enabled them to create 5 decade welfare state (which is now facing reality), too slow decision-making-system for modern era.

-Italy: couple of ruins, lot of (useless) style/fashion-related stuff, every man lives with his mother 3-5 decades until starting independent life, berlusconi leading the country again again again.

-England: melting pot of Europe, too much tradition (ā€œyouā€™re from oxford/cambridge, please automatically take a leading position in societyā€), monarchy owns excessively land and consumes money excessively, havenā€™t noticed any english kids in ā€œtalented classesā€ (filled with foreigners), no soccer just 11-men boxing matches.

-Czech Republic: where tourists go to party (even more would go but they cannot spell the name of the country right).

-Ukranie: huge country nastily between europe and russia.

-Russia: after couple of millenniums still no good government in sight.

-China: has been the biggest manufacturer country in the world for thousands of years and has taken that place back (after accidentally losing it for couple of centuries to western idiots).

-Japan: samurai, geisha, kamikaze, talking robots, strange youth fashion/tech culture, movies by Kurosawa.

-Saudi Arabia: One of the most hated ruling class in the world (naturally supported by USA).

-Lebanon: phoenica.

-South afrika: put too many white people in a african country and this is what you get.

-Israel: sorry geo-location for a country (every area is ruled by different country/religion in each century so anyone can claim to be lawful ruler/owner of every area).

-Australia: aboriginals, deserts, right-wing nuts, where to dumb all criminals if you run out of space.

-New Zealand: sheeps, lord of the rings, some interesting social/economic choices.

Thank you very much guys, I enjoyed every answer.

In honor of Aleph I must ad this one:

Finland: Stratovarius, Nightwish 1000th lake rally.

-Argentina: Panzerknacker

Just like that ? :slight_smile:

Dammit, why doesnā€™t this work for me? :evil: