What comes to your mind when you think in this countries?

-Argentina Beautiful architecture blended with a sordid political history of strongmen and prick despots. Football. Women. Jorge Borges. Evita.

-Brazil G-string bikinis. Rainforest on fire. Resorts. Women. Sugarcane-gasoline. Death squad police and gangs.

-Chile “The mothers of the disappeared” (Pinochet and coups). Again, beautiful and clean modern cities contrasting peasants and herders.

-Uruguay Tin pot dictatorships. Cloths. Not much else.

-Colombia Cocaine and Pablo. Perpetual civil Wars and a tortured country. “One Hundred Years of Solitude” by Gabriel García Márquez. Shakira.

-Mexico A Tale of Two (societies). Billionaires and abject poverty by the masses. Corrupt police. Drug wars. Beer, food. Women. History and interesting culture. Illegal immigrants.

-USA Electing idiots. Power and the misuse of it. Cultural diversity and cultural juggernaut whether anyone likes it or not. Huge military spending. We’re the smartest people in the world. We’re the dumbest people in the world.

-Canada Beauty. Strippers. Beer. Hockey. Great city in Toronto. And a lot of cultural infusion into the US. I do like Canada…

-Spain Civil War. Modern Euro state coming to terms with its past.

-France Great culture. Food. Love hate relationships. Liberty and equality. Existentialism and philosophy. Great thinkers like Sartre, Foucault. Mixed military record and pride, extreme courage contrasted with supreme stupidity…

-Germany Sausage, sauerkraut and potato pancakes.:smiley: Beer. Mixed history of great cultural intellectual accomplishment contrasting hideous ignorance. Disciplined, Prussian military ideal. Good humored people that make great cars, appliances.

-Austria Germany’s mellow, easy-going little brother. Schizophrenic politics (had an ex-Nazi war criminal as president, but throw David Irving in jail over speech). Arnold Schwarzenegger. Neutral spy land in Vienna. Sigmund Freud. The Alps.

-Sweden Abba. Volvo, Saab - nice cars and jet fighters. Blond women and a progressive society. Neutral and independent.

-Italy Great food, wine and cultural influence in the US. Beautiful, if impractical, cars and bikes. Fiery women. Mafia. Built on ruins of Rome, Etruscan civilization. The Alps. Mixed culture.

-England Great musical tradition. A lot of emphasis on culture, literature, and education. Beer, gin. Love hate relationship with the US.

-Czech Republic Skoda. Weapons. Prague.

-Ukraine Seeking autonomy. A guy I work with. Kiev. Black Sea. Proximity to Russia.

-Russia Emerging power. Vast expanse of wilderness and urbanity. Recovering and yet retrograding. Oil, gasoline, and vodka.

-China Wal-Mart, cheap consumer products. Shaky quality, and greed. Excellent culture. Food (even if it is Americanized).

-Japan A contradiction,embracing American culture but hanging on to the old ways. Sushi and Saki. Electronics and great cars. Modernism personified.

-Saudi Arabia Strange, closed repressive religious society run by corrupt, decadent monarchists. Our friend and enemy. Oil. Oil. Oil…

-Lebanon Contrast in cultures and battleground in the middle east. Beirut. Modern city and ancient blood feud civil wars. Byzantine culture of double-dealing…

-South afrika Modern state, ancient state. Huge contrast between civilized, modern cities and backwards cultural schisms. Huge potential met with huge question mark.

-Israel So refined yet so ruthless. Single minded and stubborn. Strong military and security establishment undermined by shortsightedness.

-Australia. Mad Max. Shrimp on the barbie and silly, steak Aussie-themed restaurants in the US. Ruggedness. AFL. Deserts, Jungles, and coastal beaches all mixed up. Cultural throwback in rural areas. yet urbane cosmopolitan suburban cities. Beer.

-New Zealand Sheep. Similar to Australia but not quite.

I didt think u Americans knew what AFL was…:shock:

I skip this one


-Argentina : Meat on the hoof; envy Brazilian women

Vulgarity is no envied 32 B :rolleyes:

i guess this IS a challenge. hhhmmmmm

  1. argentina-eva peron

  2. brazil-naked hedonists all over the place

  3. chili- fighting, political problems

  4. uruguay-rainforests, drugs,bullets worth more than life

  5. columbia- see uruguay

  6. mexico-poor people, faithful women,hard workers

  7. USA- john wayne, movie stars, singers and athletes that make too much money and are too highly regarded for something so unimportant, Bravery and Heroism complex

  8. canada- hockey and cold winters

  9. spain-artsy, beautiful landscape

  10. france- fierce nationalism, kinda snobby but very intelligent people

  11. germany-science , innovation, hard workers

  12. austria- arnold shwarchznegger

  13. sweden- blond haired beauties

  14. italy- romance, food, music

  15. england-tradition, morals, diplomacy

  16. czech rebublic-? i didnt know it existed after soviet breakup

  17. Ukraine- good boxers, trying to become a real diplomatic nation

  18. Russia- hardship, suffering at the hands of corruption, government

  19. china-a giant ant farm that is accomplishing what communist russia set out to do

  20. japan-very modern, love their art
    21.saudi arabia- ? allyor not, who ever knows what on their minds
    22.lebanon-jew-haters, terrorists

  21. south africa- a sewer of crime rape and murder, makes US look like disneyland

  22. Israel- where they crucified my lord, the place he will return
    25.australia- fun tough people, like hillbilly english

  23. new zealand-beaches, still some wild country

  24. poland-hard workers, know how to throw a party too

    i dont know how i did but, tried to be honest

Honest enugh Boxy, honest enough

Argentina- Too big of an ego; when is lighting they think God is taking their picture, believe they s!@t muffins and p#$$ champagne. 99% of blondes are dyed. Great wines, beef. Nazi’s safe heaven.

Brazil- Great music, women, Carnaval, Amazonia.

Chile- The Twiggy of countries. Been there, liked it, nice people, wines.

Uruguay- Always confuse its geographical location with Paraguay.

Colombia- Cocaine, Cumbia, Vallenato, women.

Mexico- Similar to Argentina but less classy. Illegal aliens. Drugs gateway to the USA.

USA- Caters TOO much to the world’s opinion, so politically correct it sucks, beautiful country, great people, would die for it, double standards in foreing policies, Israel’s puppet.

Canada- Mounted Police, very cold, maple syrup.

Spain- Flamenco, great food, Franco, Blue Legion, Condor Legion.

France- Got me in trouble.

Germany- Porsche, Leica, Leitz, beer, would like to learn the language. Better them that the Russians but… is too late.

Austria- Mozart, Glock.

Sweden- Volvo, Saab, Hasselbad.

Italy- Food, history, Ferrari, Cosa Nostra.

England- The best rock bands, Royalty, induced the Chinese to opium.

Czech Republic- Lots of Czechs there.

Ukraine- Idem.

Russia- Big country, very cold, Russian Mafia, don’t trust them even after the fall of Communism.

China- cheap and slave labor, cheap quality, don’t trust tem.

Japan- Technology, Sushi, bullet train, Nikon; got even, more people has lost their lives in Japanese vehicles than people who died in Hiroshima.

Saudi Arabia- Oil, Oil, Oil. Got the USA by the ba!!$. Who are they with?

Lebanon- They are people too, they have rights, food, Israel’s terrorism playground.

South Africa- Great White Shark.

Israel- Get away with murder, terrorism disguised as self defense, got the USA by the ba!!$. Holly place for 3 religions.

Australia- Down Under would love to visit.

New Zealand- Never been there but told is beautiful and the people are very nice.

Argentina:.Hottest BABES in The WORLD!!:smiley:
-Brazil: That corned beef stuff you buy in a can…yum yum…
-Chile: Stalinist regime
-Uruguay: Where the losers from Brazil go
-Colombia: Hot babes who party with cocainel
-Mexico: semi hot babes and good tequila
-USA: Best country in the world—all the Hot babes from Argentina :Dand Columbia go there to immigrate
-Canada: Great country . Home of the Herman Meister. Great Beer and Great neighbours (American)
-Spain: Flamingo dancing
-France: French Fries, Poutine, stuck up-wouldn’t help out the States in Iraq.
-Germany: One of the best in the world, all I can say is GREAT BEER!!
-Austria: Hitler born-nothing else.
-Sweden: Blond Bimbo’s
-Italy: Pizza, flying spaghetti monster (it exsists in Italy so I am told)
-England: The Quenn, nice place
-Czech Republic: Maufi
-Ukranie: Nukes
-Russia: Bully
-Japan: makes great porno movies in subtitles
-Saudi Arabia: camels, oil, boring
-Lebanon: Falafels and shwarma,ugly women.
-South Afrika: Mel Gibson, FIFA World Cup
-Israel: Nice place but creates lots of enemies
-Australia: Real nasty people live here, opinionated,paranoid and full of bone heads
-New Zealand: Must be full of bone heads as is near Austrailia

Sorry to burst your bubble there Herman, but Mel Gibson is Australian by way of USA. Although what you said about Aussies could apply to him also;):smiley:
(He is one of my favorite actors, btw)

Oh, he opposed South Africans in Lethal Weapon 2, IIRC.

Oh Ya, I know Nason, …I was just thinking of that dam good movie that Mel Gibson played in, where he fought against the bad guys who were from South Africa…I think it was called lethal Weaopon-2…thats why I said South Africa…(I should of made better sense)…

Herman 2-What cause you too hate Australians so much.:confused:

I like Mel Gibson…he’s Austrailan,although when he gets drunk he talks too much about hating the Jews…real nasty if you know what I mean…9relating to his past arrest where he spewed hatred against Jews in drunken state of mind)…but he’s still a great actor!

-Argentina Cow boys

-Brazil The type of nuts my dad likes…

-Chile the copihue

-Uruguay Freedom Or Death

-Colombia Humid,hot and wet?

-Mexico Good food

-USA What I need more of in my clan

-Canada My friend Goob?

-Spain Conquistador

-France Joan of Arc

-Germany Barbarossa

-Austria Mr.Hitler

-Sweden A safe place

-Italy Good food

-England Northumber land,Essex,Wessex Sussex

-Czech Republic Meat

-Ukraine Easter eggs

-Russia Tzar Ivan the"Grozny" then terrible

-China BIG military

-Japan Pantie vending machines and techonolgy

-Saudi Arabia Oil rich

-Lebanon Good food

-South afrika Diamonds and injustice

-Israel Jerusalem

-Australia. Were I live. bad sheep jokes

-New Zealand Where my friend lives bad sheep jokes

[USA- what I need more of in my clan] quoted by williams.

Pardon me, (and maybe I’m ignorant here), but does Australia have clans?

That should rather be some online gaming thing…

How so? (starting to feel real ignorant):slight_smile:
I was thinking Scottish clans or such.

We gotta change and try to understand the parlance and grammar of our time! :roll:

True…but it would have helped if my blurry early morning eyesight hadn’t read online gambling! (now I feel stupid rather than ignorant):smiley:

The original Australians, being the Aborigines, do.

Clans are a very important part of a complex system of tribes, clans, kinship, totems, skin names and various other things I don’t profess to understand. But crossing Aboriginal clan boundaries (in a clan or cultural rather than geographical sense) can cause a lot of trouble.

I’m sorry to say, but it didn’t even cross my mind about the Aborigines tribes in Australia. It just popped into my head about Scottish/Irish clans.:frowning:

Yeah, well, we of Irish descent down here tolerate the Scots with their clumsy attempts to hide daggers in their socks and their silly sword dances and their itchy kilts and wailing bagpipes and piping in the haggis, but we of Irish descent don’t have clans in Australia.

We’re just a united front against the Scots and the terrible Sassenachs they cuddled up to to keep us Irish out of anything important down here.

Not that we’re bitter about it. :smiley: