What if Germany didnt invade Russia ?

Hitler was also afraid that the Russians might make a move and invade. Stalin had been planning to invade western europe; thats why he built up the soviet armed forces(even though he purged the officers)

however, i don’t think the russians would’ve been very successful if they invaded Greater germany.

The Russians and Germans have had countless wars for well over 500 years…medi eval german armies were always trying to take Russia, and the middle ages.

There were many reasons why Germany was defeated by Russia, the weather, the supplies, the Russian scorched earth burning, but i was watching this documentary of a strategy the russians did; the Germans would attack a west town or city pushing more further into the country and the russians would go to the next town and the russians kept on moving to different cities until there was so many of them that the Germans just couldnt push through. 8) 8)

one reason, which i’m proposing, could be the fact that the life expectancy for the average russian in that time period was significantly lower then in western europe. meaning that, more of the 100 million russian men were capable of entering military service, being younger.

By the age of 12 Hosenfield, It didn’t matter what you were or worked as, if you could hold a rifle, then your a soldier.

Soldier without expirience and soldier who get died in first minutes of battle ,i think.

Well 12 year old soldiers would be good for midget submarines :lol: :lol:
and sabotaging enemy equipment.

Little partisans :lol: :lol: :lol:

If Nazi Germany didnt attack Russia then i think the whole world would be living differently, who knows what could of happened, there are countless “What If’s” to say about that battle and relationship between the countries.
If the Germans hadn’t attacked the Soviet Union they would of most likely successfully built the Atom Bomb instead of building constant tanks, armory and war related equipment needed in Russia for the Germans.

Why the likelihood of successful atomic r&d ?

There were other theatres that were in dire need of kit too.

Why the likelihood of successful atomic r&d ?

There were other theatres that were in dire need of kit too.[/quote]

Well, yes you are right in the fact the germans also drew their attention in techonology on other weapons and genres of equipment needed of repairs or upgrades but alot of the German scientists minds were fixed on finishing the atomic bomb once Russia had been conquered.

in my view i think if hitler hadn’t attacked the USSR then i think he might have the war. luckily for us we won’t get 2 find out lol

I think that in 1941 stalin would have atack Romania and cut of hitlers oil suply… [/list]

Stalin? No, hah, his not wanting to ever go to war showed when Germany invaded Soviet Soil and they gained over 700kms into the USSR and captured 1.5 million troops, most not even firing a shot because it was against Stalin’s orders.

If Germany didnt go to war against Russia… I believe the middle east would of been Germany’s to take… and it would of cut off the oil supply to Britian… which would of forced Britian to surrender… which would of made Germany victorious!

With the Middle east and all the oil fields in Germany’s hands… Japan wouldnt have to go to war with the United States… because now they’d have a source of energy!!!

I think then Russians do not let german’s to take all oil and ,take control of Middle east just like that.
They for sure want some part of that.

AT this time I think the US could produce a lot of the oil the UK needed if not all of it.

I’m trying to remember where I saw the statistics, but it’s something like the US was the biggest producer of crude oil on earth at the time by quite a way. I don’t think any of the Arab countries had really developed any oil extraction capability at the time (Saudi Arabia might just have been starting - not sure). There were however certainly some oil fields in Persia (modern day Iran) - IIRC Jackie Fisher and Churchill colluded to secure them around the time of WW1 to allow the RN to build Oil-Fired ships.
In any case, there’s more to it than crude. The US also had a hell of a lot of refining capacity and expertise, something everyone else was rather shorter of.
Incidentally, if you’re advocating invading the middle east instead of Russia, dare I suggest you look at a map? The terrain is extremely hostile, the road and rail communications are practically nonexistent and you have an immense flank. A flank pointed straight at a rather hostile (if not yet belligerent) Russia. Should Russia join the war on the Allied side, it would be very easy for it to cut off and surround your entire front - Stalingrad on a massive scale. Not a good idea.

I’m trying to remember where I saw the statistics, but it’s something like the US was the biggest producer of crude oil on earth at the time by quite a way. I don’t think any of the Arab countries had really developed any oil extraction capability at the time (Saudi Arabia might just have been starting - not sure). There were however certainly some oil fields in Persia (modern day Iran) - IIRC Jackie Fisher and Churchill colluded to secure them around the time of WW1 to allow the RN to build Oil-Fired ships.
In any case, there’s more to it than crude. The US also had a hell of a lot of refining capacity and expertise, something everyone else was rather shorter of.
Incidentally, if you’re advocating invading the middle east instead of Russia, dare I suggest you look at a map? The terrain is extremely hostile, the road and rail communications are practically nonexistent and you have an immense flank. A flank pointed straight at a rather hostile (if not yet belligerent) Russia. Should Russia join the war on the Allied side, it would be very easy for it to cut off and surround your entire front - Stalingrad on a massive scale. Not a good idea.[/quote]

Good points… so tell me… what did Mussolini (and I guess Hitler) want with the Middle East?? Where did Britian get most of her oil/fuel to fight her war? Did most come from US?

Okay… if the Germans had no interest in Middle east… take out Britian then… force her to surrender by building more U boats and starve her… or negotiate a peace. What else could they have done? Invade Canada? Yeah right!!!In FY1941 or 42… the germans produced somethign like 30 million tonnes of steel… only about 8.5 million of that went for military production… so it could of been done. I posted a link in a different topic about that…

Germany’s interest in the middle east? The Suez canal would be at least a consideration. Italy had a history of foreign expansionism there too.